Geography Minor

For information, contact the Department of Geography, 118B Shideler Hall, 513-529-5010.

In the Geography Minor students explore interactions between people, places, and environments, integrating social and natural sciences to understand global issues and address them locally. Geography minors learn diverse methods, like geospatial analysis, for studying and managing human and environmental change. 

This minor is not available to majors in geography.

Program Requirements

(18 semester hours)

Foundation Human
GEO 101Global Forces, Local Diversity3
or GEO 111 World Regional Geography: Patterns and Issues
Foundation Physical
GEO 121Earth's Physical Environment3-4
or GEO 122 Geographic Perspectives on the Environment
Connecting Geographic Patterns and Processes
Select one course from two different areas of the following:6-7
Integrating Human and Physical Processes:
Global Sustainable Futures
People and Places:
Geography of Urban Diversity
Population and Migration
Geography of the Global Economy
Environmental Principles and Processes:
Field Methods for Environmental Scientists
Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Conservation
Principles of Environmental Science
Introduction to Environment and Sustainability
Geovisualization and Mapping:
Mapping a Changing World
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
Geography of East Asia
Indigenous Peoples and Their Sacred Lands
Issues in the Global South
Global Development and Inequality
A study away, study abroad, or summer workshop experience approved by advisor
Specializations 1
Select three credit hours in GEO courses at 300 level or above3
Select three credit hours in GEO courses at 400 level or above3
Total Credit Hours18-20

Students are encouraged to consult with their advisor and review departmental publications for suggested specialization courses that align with each student’s interests and post-graduation plans. The following topics of specializations are available: urban geography, physical geography, environmental geography and planning, development geography, and geospatial technology.