Geology- Bachelor of Science

For information, contact the Department of Geology & Environmental Earth Science, 118D Shideler Hall , 513-529-3216.

Geology is the study of the history of the Earth and processes that continue to shape the planet today. Geoscientists view the Earth as a set of intimately connected atmospheric, hydrologic, and rock systems. The Geology B.S. degree requires a core of geology and cognate or interdisciplinary geology classes, culminating in a capstone field mapping experience. Students may earn departmental honors by conducting independent research leading to public presentation of their results. This degree prepares students for employment in a wide range of industry, government and NGO positions, or for pursuit of a graduate degree in the geological sciences.

Teacher Licensure

Students who wish to combine teacher licensure with an Arts and Science major must observe the rules, procedures, and restrictions pertaining to admission to a licensure cohort as outlined in the College of Education, Health and Society chapter. For information, contact the Office of Student Services in the College of Education, Health and Society, 202 McGuffey Hall, 513-529-6418.

Program Requirements: Bachelor of Science

(68 semester hours minimum including related courses)

Strongly recommended for first year students
Introductory Seminar - Geology & Environmental Earth Science
Core Requirements
Select one of the following:3
The Dynamic Earth
Environmental Geology
Geology Of U.S. National Parks
Select all of the following:
GLG 115LUnderstanding the Earth1
GLG 204Survival on an Evolving Planet4
GLG 301Sedimentology and Stratigraphy4
GLG 322Structural Geology4
GLG 356Mineralogy4
GLG 357Igneous/Metamorphic Petrology4
GLG 411AField Geology6
Select one of the following (Geophysics):3
Select one of the following (Geobiology): 3
Paleontology in Conservation
Select one of the following (Geochemistry):3
Isotope Geochemistry
X-ray Powder Diffraction and Clay Analysis
Select one of the following (Tectonics):3-4
Sedimentary Basin Analysis
Global Tectonics
Select one of the following (Surficial Processes):4
Introduction to Hydrogeology
Select at least 12 semester hours (no more than one at 300 level) of the following:12
Ice Age Earth
Introduction to Hydrogeology
Forensic Isotope Geochemistry
Isotope Geochemistry
Hydrogeological Modeling: Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport and Fate
X-ray Powder Diffraction and Clay Analysis
Soils and Paleosols
Paleontology in Conservation
Sedimentary Basin Analysis
Global Tectonics
Isotopes in Environmental Processes
Senior Thesis In Geology 1
Related Hours (10 credit hours minimum)
Select from the following (Chemistry):4-5
Chemistry of Earth Systems
College Chemistry
College Chemistry
College Chemistry Laboratory
Select one of the following (Physics):3-5
Geohazards and the Solid Earth
Physics for the Life Sciences with Laboratory I
General Physics I
and General Physics Laboratory I
Select one of the following (Math/Stats):3-5
Applied Statistics
Calculus I
Total Credit Hours68-74

Departmental honors requires 3 credit hours of GLG 498 and public presentation of research project.