Journalism- Bachelor of Arts

For information, contact the area coordinator of the journalism program, Dr. Rosemary Pennington, 149 Williams Hall, 513-529-3460 or

This program provides students with a liberal arts approach to integrated journalism (print, broadcast, and web) focusing on proficiency in critical thinking, writing, reporting, and editing. These skills prepare students for careers in print and broadcast journalism, new media, related professions, and graduate studies. The program further emphasizes the importance of acting as ethical and productive members of the media and the community at large. In addition, all journalism students must choose and complete a second major.

Program Requirements

(39 semester hours minimum, plus a second major)

No more than 9 credit hours may be counted toward both the completion of the Journalism major and the completion of a second major.

Core requirements
JRN 101Journalism and American Life3
or JRN 120 Prodesse Scholars: Truth, Lies, and the News
JRN 102Precision Language for News Writing (JRN 102 should be taken before students enroll in JRN 201.)3
JRN 201Reporting and News Writing I 13
JRN 202Reporting and News Writing II3
JRN 303Multimedia Journalism3
JRN 318Advanced Storytelling in Journalism3
JRN 412Data Journalism3
MJF 105Media, Culture and You3
MJF 146Foundations of Production3
Select three of the following:9-11
Topics in Journalism Studies
True Stories in Sound: Digital Audio Journalism
Digital Video Reporting
Editing and Design
International Journalism
Specialized Journalism 2,3
Critical Writing in Journalism
Inside Washington Semester Experience
The Washington Community
Media Law and Ethics
Select one of the following:3-8
Capstone in Television Journalism
Capstone in Journalism
Internship 2
Internship 3
Total Credit Hours39-46

Prerequisite for JRN 202 and all 300- and 400-level JRN writing/editing courses


 An internship is not required but strongly encouraged for all majors.


 This course can be repeated.

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Journalism meet the College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirement by completing the following course: JRN 201.