Media and Communication - Bachelor of Arts

Students in the Media and Communication program examine how media products, practices, industries, and technologies allow us to communicate and connect with others and shape how we experience the world. MAC majors will develop expertise in up to three areas: 

  1. Researching and analyzing media representations, technologies, industries, and practices to assess their impacts on individuals, cultures, and society. 

  2. Gaining the skills and experiences necessary for success in a wide range of media and related industries.  

  3. Producing high-quality audio, video, and film content in our professional grade studios. 

Program Requirements

(minimum 36 semester hours plus 12 related hours)

Foundation courses
MJF 105Media, Culture and You3
MJF 146Foundations of Production3
MJF 205Introduction to Comm & Tech3
Core courses
MAC 202The Smartphone and Society3
MAC 212Media, Representation, and Society3
Select TWO Areas of Specialization. Take TWO courses in EACH of those two areas for a total of 4 courses 1
Major electives6
Take TWO additional courses with MAC or MJF designators; and other courses as approved by the Chief Departmental Advisor.
Senior Experience courses3-4
Select ONE of the following
Capstone Pictures: Project in Digital Narrative Film Production
Electronic Media Policy and Regulation
Senior Seminar in Applied Media Analysis
Related hours12
Take 12 hours at the 200 level or higher. Can include any additional courses in MAC, MJF, FST, STC, or JRN; any courses from the following programs: AMS, ART, CRE, ENG, HST, IMS, LAS, MUS, WGS; and other courses as approved by the Chief Departmental Advisor.
OR complete a minor, co-major, or 2nd major.
Total Credit Hours48-50

Courses that appear under more than one area of specialization can only count ONCE toward the completion of the curriculum requirement. 

Specialization: Technology + Everyday Life 

Analyze how media and communication technologies impact how we live and work

MAC 310Topics in Media History (Topics in Media History)3
MAC 325Social Media Cultures3
MAC 344Sound and Music in Media Cultures (Sound and Music in Media Cultures)3
MAC 351Media Ethnography (Media Ethnography)3
MAC 353Audience Studies3
MAC 355Media Technology & Culture3

Specialization: Culture, Diversity, + Social Change 

Understand the power of media and communication to create social change

FST 282Sexualities and Film3
MAC 310Topics in Media History (May count with permission of advisor)3
MAC 325Social Media Cultures3
MAC 446Media Globalization3
MAC/WGS 461Gender, Sexuality and Media3
STC 236Intercultural Communication3
STC 437Media, Advocacy & Social Change3

Specialization: Advertising + Consumer Culture 

Analyze how organizations construct and persuade audiences

MAC 258Copywriting for Digital Media3
MAC 309Advertising in Consumer Culture3
MAC 310Topics in Media History (May count with permission of advisor)3
MAC 353Audience Studies3
MAC 362Advertising and the Attention Economy (Media and the Data Society )3
STC 422Trendsetters & Coolchasers (Trendsetters and Coolchasers)3
STC 431Persuading Audiences3

Specialization: Media Industries

Analyze and experience the business of media

MAC 310Topics in Media History (Topics in Media History)3
MAC 358Working in Media (Working in Media)3
MAC 362Advertising and the Attention Economy (Media and the Data Society )3
MAC 425Inside Hollywood3
MAC 426Inside Washington8
MAC 443Media Industries and Economics3
MAC 446Media Globalization3
MJF 301Media Law and Ethics3
STC 478Inside New York City- Study Away3
Only ONE travel away program (MAC 425, MAC 426, STC 478, NYC Media, Inside Chicago) can count as one of the TWO courses required for this specialization.

Specialization: Digital Film/Video Production

Create content for film, television, and streaming

Students who select digital film/video production as one of their TWO areas of specialization must take MAC 211 as one of their courses. For the other, they can select either MAC 213 or JRN 202
JRN 202Reporting and News Writing II3
MAC 211Intermediate Video Production4
MAC/ENG 213Writing for Film and TV3

Students interested in further video production courses should consider taking MAC 311, MAC 312 or other advanced production courses for their general MAC electives.

Specialization: Digital Audio Production + Theory

Study and create soundtracks, podcasts, and music

JRN 313True Stories in Sound: Digital Audio Journalism3
MAC 344Sound and Music in Media Cultures (Sound and Music in Media Cultures)3
MUS 304Electronic Music3

Notes on Curriculum

MAC Internships (MAC 340) do not fulfill any specific Media and Communication curriculum requirement.

MAC Independent Studies (MAC 177, MAC 277, MAC 377, MAC 477) may only count toward the major with permission of advisor.   

No more than nine credit hours may be counted toward both the completion of the MAC major and the completion of a co-major or 2nd major. No more than six credit hours may be counted toward both the completion of the MAC major and the completion of a minor. 

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication meet the CAS writing requirement by taking the following courses: MAC 212.