Psychology- Bachelor of Arts

For information, contact the Department of Psychology, 100 Psychology Building, 513-529-2400,

You must have at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA for all psychology courses attempted and for which a letter grade has been earned. All courses used to satisfy basic departmental requirements must be taken for a letter grade. If you wish to transfer courses from another institution to meet requirements for the major, we strongly recommend you have those approved IN ADVANCE by the Lead Departmental Advisor.  

Departmental Honors

Students with both a cumulative and major GPA of 3.25 are eligible to apply to complete an honors thesis, which requires the support of a faculty advisor for the project. Departmental honors candidates complete PSY 480 (minimum 4; maximum 6), in which they write and present a thesis. PSY 400 is strongly recommended.

Recommended Courses of Study

This department offers a single major; all majors are encouraged to take a variety of courses in psychology. For flexible career planning, the department suggests courses of study consistent with your career goals. Choose those courses with your academic advisor.

Program Requirements

(minimum of 36 semester hours in PSY)

PSY 111Introduction to Psychology (pre- or co-requisite PSY 112, or PSY 112M) ) 13
Take one of the following:1
Foundational Experiences in Psychology
Foundational Experiences for Majors
Take the following three courses in this order. PSY294 is a prerequisite for most 300 level and above courses:
STA 261Statistics 24
PSY 293Introduction to Psychological Statistics4
PSY 294Writing and Research Methods in Psychology (pre or co-requisite PSY 112 or PSY 112M)4
Select at least one course from each breadth area: Biopsychology, Cognitive, Developmental, Individual and Social group 315
Additional requirements:
Select one of the following two courses:3
Capstone Seminar in Psychology: The Multiple Determinants of Behavior
Capstone Seminar in Neuroscience
Approved area of focus 46-9
Select three 300-level or higher courses, at least one of which must be at the 400-level (this does not include PSY 410 or PSY 458). 5
Additional courses to make up minimum of 36 semester hours in psychology
Total Credit Hours40-43

If you have taken EDP 101, you cannot receive credit for it and PSY 111, so the department will count it as meeting the requirement for PSY 111.  


Consult with the chief departmental advisor if you have taken a statistics course other than STA261 (e.g., STA/ISA 125 or STA301).


 Please see below for a list of courses that will count for each of these areas. 


Must take 3 courses within a single area of focus; 1 course may overlap with the breadth area requirement.


PSY 294 is a prerequisite for nearly all courses at or above the 300-level. 

Breadth Areas 


PSY 251Introduction to Biopsychology3
PSY 351Advanced Biopsychology4
PSY 356Psychopharmacology3
PSY 451Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 452Structured Research Experience in Behavioral Neuroscience II3
PSY 456Advanced Biological Bases of Behavior3
PSY 458Capstone Seminar in Neuroscience3
Completion of 3 courses from this list will satisfy the biopsychology area of focus


PSY 271Survey of Perception, Action, and Cognition3
PSY 372Learning & Cognition3
PSY 374Psychology of Language and Thought3
PSY 375Laboratory in Perception, Action, and Cognition4
PSY 376Psychology of Judgment, Decision Making, and Reasoning3
PSY 451Cognitive Neuroscience3
PSY 473Human Factors/Ergonomics4
PSY 472Seminar in Cognition3
PSY 474Advanced Cognitive Processes3
Completion of 3 courses will satisfy the cognitive area of focus


PSY 231Developmental Psychology3
PSY 331Infant Development3
PSY 332Child Development3
PSY 333Adolescent Development3
PSY 334Adulthood and Aging3
PSY 435Seminar in Developmental Psychology3
Completion of PSY 231 and two other courses will satisfy the developmental area of focus


PSY 241Personality3
PSY 242Introduction to Psychopathology3
PSY 343Adult Psychopathology3
PSY 345Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities3
PSY 441Seminar in Clinical Psychology3
Completion of PSY 242, PSY 343, & PSY 345 will satisfy the psychopathology area of focus


PSY 221Social Psychology3
PSY 324Advanced Social Psychology3
PSY 325Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience3
PSY 327Intro to Social Cognition3
PSY 421Seminar in Social Psychology3
Completion of PSY 221 and two other courses will satisfy the social area of focus

Additional Areas of focus

Culture & Diversity

PSY 210Psychology Across Cultures3
PSY 327Intro to Social Cognition3
PSY 331Infant Development3
PSY 332Child Development3
PSY 333Adolescent Development3
PSY 343Adult Psychopathology3
PSY 421Seminar in Social Psychology3
PSY 435Seminar in Developmental Psychology3
PSY 441Seminar in Clinical Psychology3
Completion of PSY 210 and two other courses will complete this area of focus

Decisions, Leadership, & Organization

choose 1 course from:
Social Psychology
Survey of Perception, Action, and Cognition
AND 1 course from:
Psychology Across Cultures
Psychology of Prejudice and Minority Experience
AND 1 course from:
Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Intro to Social Cognition
Psychology of Judgment, Decision Making, and Reasoning
Human Factors/Ergonomics
PSY 325 may be used as the 3rd course if student takes PSY 210.
A seminar can also be used if the topic is relevant- ask the department for a list and complete a department petition form prior to graduation.

Persuasion, Intervention & Behavioral Change

PSY 221Social Psychology3
PSY 334Adulthood and Aging3
PSY 374Psychology of Language and Thought3
PSY 473Human Factors/Ergonomics4
A seminar can also be used if the topic is relevant- ask the department for a list and complete a department petition form prior to graduation.
Completion of PSY 221 and two other courses will complete this area of focus

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology meet the College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirement by completing the following course: PSY 294.