Spanish- Bachelor of Arts

For information, contact the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, 268 Irvin Hall, 513-529-4500.

No courses in Spanish may be taken credit/no credit. Courses taken cannot fulfill more than one requirement for the Spanish major.

This program offers students the opportunity to study language, literature, and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. Courses are offered in Spanish language and conversation, Spanish in specialized settings such as health care and business, Spanish culture, and Spanish linguistics. Courses on Hispanic literatures and cultures explore the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world.

The department offers several study-abroad programs in Spain and Latin America during the Summer and Winter terms. These are complemented by approved programs for study in Spanish-speaking countries during the Fall or Spring semesters.

Program Requirements

(36 semester hours in SPN)

Note: SPN 101, SPN 102, SPN 111, SPN 201, SPN 202 and SPN 203 do not count in the required 36 hours.

Required Core Courses
SPN 311Modern Communication and Culture3
SPN 312Introduction to Spanish Linguistics3
SPN 315Intro to Hispanic Cultures3
Required Capstone Course
SPN 490Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture3
Required Advanced Courses
Select any 400-level SPN courses (check courses of instruction for prerequisites)6
Additional Intermediate and Elective Courses to total 36 hours
Select additional hours of unused 300 or 400-level SPN courses or18
Afro-Brazilian Diaspora Through Film and Arts
Brazilian Women through Literature and Film
Study Abroad recommended but not required
Total Credit Hours36

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish meet the College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirement by completing SPN 315 (Intro to Hispanic Literatures) AND SPN 490 (Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture).

Teacher Licensure

Students who wish to combine teacher licensure with an Arts and Science major must observe the rules, procedures, and restrictions pertaining to admission to a licensure cohort as outlined in the College of Education Health and Society chapter. For information, contact the Office of Student Services in the College of Education Health and Society, 202 McGuffey Hall, 513-529-6418.