Urban and Regional Planning- Bachelor of Arts

For information, contact the Department of Geography, 118B Shideler Hall, 513-529-5010.

The Urban and Regional Planning major provides an integrated perspective on towns and cities, and how to promote more efficient and sustainable development. Students learn to interpret urban contexts, analyze the nature and scope of social and environmental problems, and apply planning concepts and techniques through collaborative problem solving. The major prepares students with broad knowledge and specialized skills for diverse careers in public service, consulting, and development.

Program Requirements

(39-40 semester hours)

Urban Contexts
GEO 101Global Forces, Local Diversity3
GEO 201Geography of Urban Diversity3
Planning Concepts and Techniques
GEO 451Urban and Regional Planning3
GEO 459Advanced Urban and Regional Planning 13
Development and Planning in Practice
Select two of the following:6
Geographies of Urban Change
Urban Geography
Citizenship and the City
Land Use, Law and the State: Geographic Perspectives
Global Periphery's Urbanization
Spatial Analysis and Graphical Communication
GEO 242Mapping a Changing World3
GEO 441Geographic Information Systems3
IMS 259Art and Digital Tools I3
or ARC 211 Introduction to Landscape and Urban Design
Field Research Experience
Select one of the following:3-4
Urban Field Experience
Geography and Sustainable Development Research Seminar
Race, Urban Change, and Conflict in America
Multidisciplinary Focus
Select at least 9 hours from any of the following:9
Urban Social Issues
The American City Since 1940
Population and Migration
Geography of the Global Economy
Global Poverty
Identity, Race, Gender, Class
Social Justice and Change
Race and Ethnic Relations
Family Poverty
Selected GEO 460 courses with permission of chief advisor
Environment and Sustainable Design
Theory and History of Landscape Architecture
Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Conservation
Global Perspectives on Natural Disasters
Watershed Management
Women, Gender, and the Environment
Introduction to Environment and Sustainability
Environmental Law
Environment, Society & Justice
Selected GEO 460 courses with permission of chief advisor
Administration and Economic Development
Accounting for the Non-Business Major
Principles of Microeconomics
Public Sector Economics
Health Economics
Introduction to Business Finance
Real Estate Principles
Geography of the Global Economy
Public Administration
State and Local Government and Politics
Public Management, Leadership, and Administrative Politics
Administrative Law
Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
Public Budgeting
Selected GEO 460 courses with permission of chief advisor
Geospatial and Analytical Techniques
Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Python Programming for Geospatial Applications
GIScience Techniques in Landscape Ecology
Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing
Introduction to Business Statistics
Selected GEO 460 courses with permission of lead advisor
Total Credit Hours39-40

Portfolio Requirement: All students will develop a portfolio of their work (plans, maps, research papers, presentations, resume) in courses across the planning curriculum, and will be compiled and assessed within GEO 459.

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning meet the Miami Plan Advanced Writing and College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirements by completing the following courses: GEO 201 and GEO 451 .