Awards, Scholarships, and Prizes

These are presented to outstanding students who earn special recognition. Contact the department or organization for current information.


Accountancy Faculty Scholarship

Albers Accountancy Scholarship

Andersen Alumni Accounting Scholarship

Arthur H. Carter Scholarship

BKD Accountancy Scholarship

Brad Davidson Accounting Scholarship

Close Family Scholarship

Dr. Gyan Chandra Memorial Scholarship

Deloitte & Touche Donald M. Lutz Memorial Scholarship

Deloitte & Touche Maureen R. Mushat Memorial Scholarship

Ernst & Young Accountancy Scholarship

Rolland L. Ewell Accountancy Scholarship

Grant Thornton LLP Accountancy Scholarship

Harold W. Jasper Scholarship

Hunkler Family Scholarship

KPMG Accountancy Scholarship

Daniel Leshner Beta Alpha Psi Award 

Harry C. Lyle Scholarship 

Joseph B. and Esther K. Paperman Memorial Scholarship 

Marc A. Rubin Study Away Scholarship Fund 

PwC Accountancy Scholarship 

PwC Kelly Booms Memorial Scholarship 

Rankin Accountancy Scholarship 

William H. Schaefer Scholarship 

Scott Schweinfurth & Margaret English Family Scholarship 

Seth Kelling PwC Memorial Scholarship 

C. Roger Stegmaier Accountancy Award 

William D. Stiles/Deloitte & Touche Memorial Scholarship 

William R. and Irene R. Vogel Memorial Scholarship 

Jeffrey VonDeylen Family Scholarship 

E. Ben Yager Scholarship 


Rebecca Jeanne Andrew Memorial Award

Carol E. Kist Student Awards


The Alpha Rho Chi Medal

The American Institute of Architects Henry Adams Medal

The American Institute of Architects Certificate of Merit

The Department of Architecture Scholastic Achievement Award

Barcus Technology Scholarship

Mildred Zurbrick Bishop Scholarship

Sterling Cook Scholarship Award

Fanning and Howey Presidential Scholarship

Rudolph Frankel Memorial Award

Sanford B. Friedman Scholarship

The Howard E. Gartner Architecture Scholarship

Herb Hodgman Scholarship

Warren & Nancy Howard Memorial Scholarship

Frank N. Meilan Memorial Scholarship

The Walter C. Pfeiffer Architecture Scholarship

Potter/Maxfield/Wertz Architectural Design Award

Richard H. and Leila Hentzen Smith Scholarship

URS Consultants Scholarship

Fred C. Whitcomb Scholarship in Interior Design

Charles E. and Elizabeth C. Stousland

John Weigand Founder's Scholarship in Interior Design

Joseph P. Veasey Award

Northwest Ohio Scholarship


American Greetings Endowed Scholarship for Excellence in Design

Mary Jane Bolus Art Scholarship

Gertrude Davidson Brill Art Scholarship

Nancy Francis Cady Art Scholarship

Kathy Carroll-Bosch Family Scholarship

Frances Hanson Christian Scholarship

Sterling Cook Scholarship Award

Peter Dahoda Family Ceramics Award

Arthur B. Damon Art Scholarship

Department of Art Scholarship

Tom Effler Scholarship in Design

Alma Ekerman Jewelry Design and Metalsmithing Award

Marjorie Jeanne Evans Scholarship

Judith Paetow George Ferris Award

Clive F. Getty Art History Scholarship

Walter Gross III Art Scholarship

Barbara Hershey Memorial Scholarship (photography)

Marston D. Hodgin Art Scholarship

George R. And Galen Glasgow Hoxie Scholarship (alternates with music)

Vincent Inconiglios Art Scholarship

Edna Kelly Scholarship

Jim Killy Art Scholarship

Sinisa Lenac Graduate Studio Award

Harold & Sophie Long Art and Architecture History Scholarship

Jean McCarty Scholarship in Ceramic Arts

National Woodcarvers Association Scholarship

Fred & Molly Pye Memorial Scholarship

Mary M. Quay Scholarship

The Tara Savage Art Supplement Award

Richard H. and Leila Hentzen Smith Scholarship

Harley Franklin and Sarah Elizabeth Werth Scholarship

Robert S. and Ann Barrott Wicks Art History Scholarship

Robert Wolfe Printmaker’s Award

Janice Woll Art Education Scholarship


Outstanding Master Student Awards

Outstanding Doctoral Student Awards

Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering

(These scholarships are available to all students with a minor in Paper Engineering)

ABB Endowed Scholarship

Mark A. Akers/Crystal Tissue Endowed Scholarship

Alberts Endowed Scholarship

Alumni Endowed Scholarship 1997

Appvion Endowed Scholarship

William Beckett Endowed Scholarship

Beloit Corporation Endowed Scholarship

Bill Scott Honorary Endowed Scholarship

Bob and Sue Feeser Scholarship

C.E. Brandon Endowed Scholarship

Philip S. and Virginia E. Cade Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Consolidated Papers Foundation Endowed Scholarship

William J. Copeland Endowed Scholarship

Domtar Endowed Scholarship

Domtar Process Control Scholarship

Georgia Pacific Endowed Scholarship

Greif Endowed Scholarship

William O. Gutzwiller Endowed Scholarship

Honeywell Corporation Endowed Scholarship

International Paper Endowed Scholarship

Charlene C. & George T. Jewett Endowed Scholarship

Kadant Linwood G Tyler Endowed Memorial

Kemira Chemicals Inc. Endowed Scholarship

Clemie McKinney Endowed Scholarship

Merwin Miller Endowed Memorial

Miami Valley PIMA Endowed Scholarship

Nalco Chemical Company Endowed Scholarship

Ohio TAPPI Endowed Scholarship

Ohio TAPPI Leadership Endowed Scholarship

OMNOVA Solutions Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Paliwal Foundation - Dr. Bill Scott Endowed Scholarship

Paperitalo Endowed Scholarship

PCA Endowed Scholarship

Penford Products Endowed Scholarship

Pratt Industries Endowed Scholarship

RC Peterson Endowed Scholarship

Wyman C. Rutledge/Mead Corporation Endowed Scholarship

Setterholm Endowed Scholarship

Simpson Paper Endowed Scholarship

Smurfit Stone Container Corp. Endowed Scholarship

Solenis Endowed Scholarship

Specialty Minerals Inc. Endowed Scholarship

TAPPI Paper Chase Endowed Scholarship

TEXO/Louis Lerner Endowed Scholarship

Stanley & Ruth Trosset Endowed Scholarship

Verso Corporation Endowed Scholarship

Voith Paper Technology Endowed Scholarship

WestRock Endowed Scholarship

Weyerhaeuser Company Endowed Scholarship 1991

Weyerhaeuser Company Endowed Scholarship 1995

Weyerhaeuser Company Endowed Scholarship 2005

Weyerhaeuser NR Company Endowed Scholarship

Bob and Barbara Williams Leadership Endowed Scholarship

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Harvey Clayton Brill Scholarship

John H. Buckingham Scholarships

William Hale Charch Scholarship

Chemistry Department Graduate Fellowship

Class of 1996 Chemistry Scholarship

J.A. Coulter Scholarship

Joseph A. Culler Chemistry Scholarship

R. Thomas Davidson Graduate Award in Chemistry

Gervaise O. Frost Memorial Award

Elmer G. Gerwe Chemistry Scholarship

Walter and Catherine Gordon Chemistry Fund

David Hershey Memorial Scholarship

Lester E. Imboden MD & I. Nadean Imboden Scholarship Fund

James Hershberger Memorial Undergraduate Research Award

Anastas Karipides Memorial Scholarship

Lubrizol Chemistry Scholarships

Raymond and Vonna McBride Scholarships

J. Earl Pruden Scholarship

William Hartmann Schwarz Scholarship

Parke G. and Dorothy M. Smith Scholarship

Robert A. Stalzer Memorial Scholarship

Clyde E. and Alice W. Stiner Scholarship

Malcolm E. Switzer, M.D., Award

Robert W. and K. Ursula Votaw Scholarship

E. O. and B. V. Weidner Chemistry Scholarship


Bishop Prize in Latin, in honor of Robert H. Bishop II, by alumni

Bishop-Elliott Prize in Classical Humanities, in memory of Robert H. Bishop II, class of 1831, and Professor Charles Elliott

Elliott Prize in Greek, in memory of Professor Charles Elliott, by John B. Smith, class of 1858

Henry Montgomery Classics Scholarship

Henry Montgomery Travel Award

Marilyn Wade-Duff Scholarship

College of Creative Arts

The College of Creative Arts Divisional Scholarship

Fine Arts SFA Fund

Walter L. Gross Jr. Family Presidential Scholarship

Lillian Bratton Hermann and Wilbert A. Hermann Scholarship

Larry A. and Mary Green Lutz Family Scholarship Fund

Western College Alumni Association Fine Arts Scholarship

Year of the Arts Scholarship


A. Alberta Holden Memorial Scholarship

Commerce Advisory Council Scholarship

Commerce Scholarship

Fastenal Scholarship in Commerce

Theodore & Kathleen Light Commerce Scholarship

Computer and Information Technology

CIT Alumni Award

Carl Bishop Information Technology Scholarship

Lizz Howard Memorial Fund

Thatcher Computer and Information Technology Scholarship

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Accenture Alumni Scholarship

Cardinal Health Scholarship

Darrel and Wilma Grothen Scholarship

Disha Patel Scholarship

Drew and Elaine Foster Scholarship

Eli Lilly Miami Alumni Scholarship

Ernest and Susan Leffler Scholarship

Eve Richards Scholarship

General Edwin W. Rawlings Scholarship

Lawrence J. Prince Memorial Scholarship

Mark R. and Jennifer M. MacNaughton Family Scholarship

Richard and Nancy Linden Scholarship

Ronald and Mary Ann Kral Scholarship

WorldPay (Vantiv) Scholarship


Hart-Noble-Hall Award in Macroeconomics to a senior major with a strong interest in macro/monetary economics

Gerald E. Flueckiger Award to a senior economics major with a strong interest in microeconomics

William McKinstry Award to a senior majoring in business economics

James E. Rees Memorial Scholarship Award to an undergraduate major who demonstrates need, leadership traits, initiative, and academic performance

Delbert A. Snider Award to a graduating senior in international economics

The George W. Thatcher Prize for Undergraduate Excellence in Economics to a senior economics major

Paul M. Vail Award to a senior economics major

Educational Psychology

The Douglas R. Miller Scholarship Award is awarded to a full time graduate student in the department of educational psychology who has distinguished themselves academically, and has generated substantial research work in the area of educational psychology.

Special Education Scholarship Award (SESA) may be available to a limited number of qualified undergraduate Special Education majors. The scholarship is awarded (when available funding permits) to incoming first-year students and is a four-year, renewable award. 

Special Education Regional Scholarship Award (SERSA) may be available to a limited number of qualified undergraduate Special Education majors from the Hamilton and Middletown campuses. The scholarship is awarded (when available funding permits) to students that transfer to Oxford and have acquired at least 30 hours of instruction. The award is provided for two years only. 

Electrical and Computer Engineering

CE Power Solutions Miami University Scholarship

ECE Academic Merit Scholarship

ECE Early Career Award to a first or second year student

ECE Academic Achievement Award

ECE Outstanding Service Award

ECE Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Emerging Technology in Business + Design

Mike and Anne AIMS Scholars


The Robert Almy Awards in Critical Interpretation

Terry and Chris Baehr English Scholarship

Daniel and Margaret Bookwalter Sophomore Prizes in English, by William G. and Margaret Bookwalter Pickrel, classes of ’10 and ’11

The Nevin Clark Family Fund for the Capstone in English

Composition Awards:

Reflective Analysis Award

Reflective Narrative Award

Literary Analysis Award

International Student Award (for essays written in ENG 108 or ENG 109)

Digital/Multimedia Composition Award (Sponsored by Bedford St. Martins)

Reflective Portfolio Award

Craver-Overton Scholarship

Dean’s Scholarships to graduate assistants and associates whose records promise achievement in literary studies

Clara Vance Fixmer Scholarship (award alternates between Theatre and English departments)

Carl R. Greer-Andrew D. Hepburn Senior Awards, in honor of Dr. Hepburn, bequest of Carl R. Greer, class of ’94

Walter Havighurst Literary Prize

Carolyn W. Houtchens Scholarship, in honor of the first woman professor in the department, to a scholar and researcher in the first year of M.A. program in literature

Robert Kettler Memorial Scholarship

Jeffrey D. Keiner Scholarship for Study Abroad and Academic Enrichment

Bill Moeller Scholarship

Edward J. Montaine Jr. Awards in English, in honor of Mr. Montaine, class of ’42, bequest of Carl R. Greer, class of ’94

Outstanding Teacher Award to graduate assistants and associates

The Spiro Peterson Memorial Scholarship

Mary Jo Priest Awards for Professional Writing

Sinclair Award in Creative Writing to the most promising new graduate student in the creative writing program

Sinclair Fellowships to graduate assistants and associates whose records promise achievement in literary studies

Gordon D. and Mary S. Wilson Awards for best graduate paper presented at a conference during the year and best published creative work

Gordon D. and Mary S. Wilson Scholarship

Engineering Technology

Armin J. Fleck Engineering Technology Scholarship

David W. Young Engineering Technology Award

David W. Young Engineering Technology Scholarship

John and Jennifer Ridge Engineering Technology Scholarship


Altman Internship Scholarship - Summer Internship for Entrepreneurship students 

The Arthur D. Collins Social Entrepreneurship Scholarship Fund

Dr. Eugene Klise Memorial Scholarship

Golis Entrepreneurship Scholarship - for an Entrepreneurship major or co-major in the San Francisco Entrepreneurship Program

Jill Jellinek Entrepreneurship Intern Award

Jim and Michelle Ryan Family Foundation Scholarship

Smerklo Family Scholarship

Smith Family Fund for Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship Intern Scholarship Fund

Stephanie J.  Nelson Scholarship

Family Science and Social Work

Annitta Klipple Prize is awarded to the best all round undergraduate student in Family Science and Social Work when available funding permits. Student must be nominated by a FSW faculty member.

Jane and Dessie Rees Graduate Student Scholarship is awarded to Miami University graduate student in the MSW program when available funding permits.

Elizabeth Caughey Stegmaier Scholarship may be awarded to one Miami University undergraduate student who is majoring in Family Science or Social Work when available funding permits. Preference is given to juniors and seniors. Awarded from Financial Aid Office.

Emma Waldhauer Family Studies and Social Work Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in Family Science or Social Work when available funding permits. Student must be nominated by a FSW faculty member.

Fred Whitcomb Graduate Scholarship is awarded to Miami University graduate students in the Masters of Art in Social Work (MSW) program when available funding permits. Student must be nominated by a FSW faculty member.

Marjorie Post Farrington Scholarship is based on academic achievement, financial need, $1000 per student. Selection of the recipients is made by the Graduate School's Student Financial Aid Committee.


J. Belden Dennison Award for scholastic achievement, by the department

Joseph C. Pillion Memorial Scholarship to a senior finance major


Edgar Ewing Brandon Senior Prize in French

The Naomi Miller Cox Memorial Outstanding French Student Prize

The Charlotte Meyer Crawford Junior Scholarship

L.P. Irvin Award for Overseas Study

The W. Marion Miller Alumni Scholarship

The Cynthia Robinson First Memorial Scholarship

Laurence Harvey Skinner Junior Prize in French


Henry M. Kendall Award to an outstanding junior major

Richard G. Lieberman Memorial Award to an outstanding senior

Arthur "Art" Limbird Award to an outstanding sophomore major

Geology & Environmental Earth Science

Jack M. Brownstein to a student attending the Geology Field Station based on merit and financial need

Geology Graduate Student Professional Travel Fund awards support graduate student travel to professional meetings

Wayne D. Martin Field Fund, awards for field travel and field research

David L. Morrow Geology Field Study Fund to a student attending the Geology Field Station, based on financial need

Rocky Mountain Petroleum Geology Research Fund awards support student field-based research/studies in Rocky Mountain region

Wells Scholarship to a student enrolled in GLG 411A/GLG 511A , for academic performance and need


Colonial Senior Services Research Award to a graduate student for outstanding research or program development in long-term care

Hamilton Campus

John P. Williams Family Teacher Licensure Fund

Carl A. and Katharine Densford Dreves Scholarship

Dr. Bernard and Margaret Phelps Scholarship

Hamilton Campus Financial Aid Fund

Adeline Zoller Scholarship

Vaden and Grace Fitton Scholarship

John A. Shafer Scholarship

Nancy Sohngen Cottrell Scholar-Leader

Richard Fitton Scholar-Leader

Dr. Edward Kezur Financial Aid Fund

Harry T. Wilks Scholarship

U.S. Bancorp Scholarship

Karen S. House Scholar Leader Scholarship

Carl and Freda E. Jennewein Memorial Scholarship

Marian Hawk Peabody Scholarship

Miami Hamilton Upper Division Scholarship

Kathy Burton Memorial Scholarship

Russell W. Leedy Scholarship

Elizabeth H. Burgoon Scholarship

John L. Burgoon Scholarship

Dr. Howard and Connie Epstein Scholarship

Marge Addington Scholarship

T. Michael Smithson Scholarship

Winifred and John Dolibois Scholarship

Howell C. Lloyd Scholarship

James McBride Scholarship

Miami University Hamilton General Scholarship Fund

Grace Fitton Scholarship

Amvets Auxiliary Post 1983 Scholarship

Miami University Hamilton Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Miami Regionals Merit Scholarship - Hamilton

Dr. Robert Baer Award for Academic Achievement

Ted and Vada Shell Stanley/O'Tucks Scholarship

Harold Don Gabbard Family/O'Tucks Scholarship

Miami Hamilton Student Government Assn Leadership Schp

Huntington Parrish Scholarship

John L. Thompson Scholarship

O'Tucks Expendable Scholarship

Blount Family Scholarship

ACDA/O'Tucks Scholarship

O'Tucks Endowed Scholarship

Donald and Loraine Gent/O'Tucks Scholarship

Joyce B. Thall/O'Tucks Scholarship

Vaden Fitton Hamilton Campus Scholarship

Olga F. Gmoser/O'Tucks Scholarship

Robert H. Rusbosin Student Leadership Award​

Jeweldene Baker O'Tucks Scholarship

Fritzi Mueller Beckett Peabody Scholarship


Mary Eleanor Brandon Lincoln Essay Award

A. Dane Ellis Scholarship

Fred Joyner History Scholarship

Boyd & Carol Shafer Scholarship

James Watson and Lois George McDonald Scholarship

Humanities and Creative Arts

BLM Student Art Fund

Information Systems and Analytics

Academic Excellence certificates to an analytics minor and an information systems minor

Center for Analytics and Data Science Scholarships to undergraduate students

Donald L. and Jane Dawley Management Information Systems Scholarship to one or more ISA majors

Ernst and Young Scholarships to undergraduate students

FIS/Worldpay Scholarship to outstanding students

Frank Begalke Scholarship to one or more ISA majors

Hopkins Family Scholarship to one or more ISA majors

ISA Advisory Board Scholarship to outstanding students

KPMG Scholarships to undergraduate students

Roy Sandquist Family Department of Information Systems and Analytics Awards to the outstanding senior major

T.M. & Vadivu Rajkumar ISA Scholarship to one or more ISA majors

Integrative Studies

James E. Paulus Scholarship

Harry T. Wilks Scholarship in Integrative Studies


Amira Akrabawi Giesecke Scholarship

Peter N. Pedroni Summer Language Institute in Italy Fund

Joseph A. Russo Scholarship


Emily Cordes Memorial Scholarship

The Michael Kelly Prize in Journalism

Lawler-Galeese Scholarship

Memorial Tournament Journalism Scholarship

Timothy J. Rogers Memorial Journalism Scholarship

Justice and Community Studies

Cpl. Nicholas Olivas Valor Award

Criminal Justice Student Scholar Award

Student Opportunity Award-Criminal Justice

Women in Criminal Justice Award

Languages, Literatures, and Writing

Diana Royer Scholarship

Malcolm M. Sedam English Scholarship and Writing Award


Academic Achievement in Management and Leadership Award to a senior

Academic Achievement in Supply Chain and Operations Management Award to a senior

Frederick Puff Scholarship to a junior and senior Supply Chain & Operations Management major

Thomas W. Speh Innovation Scholarship to a junior Supply Chain and Operations Management major


Adelaide and Jeffrey Lazarus Retail Scholarship to two seniors

Mathematics and Statistics

J. Paul & John P. Albert Scholarship

Alumni Senior Prize

Zoltan Balogh Memorial Award in mathematics

Osmond Barton Prize in Mathematics

Robert F. and Mary Sexauer Beyerly Memorial Scholarship

The Halbert C. Christofferson Mathematics Education Awards

Cincinnati Chapter of the American Statistical Association Comer-Reynolds Memorial Awards in statistics

Eric Erickson Scholarship

Faculty Prize

Mary Jeanette and Clifford Harvey Scholarship

Koehler Prizes

Kenneth Last Scholarship

Frederick A. Luecker Scholarship

McFarland Prize in Mathematics

Ohio National Scholarship

Patterson Prizes

Pi Mu Epsilon Awards

Byron Smith Mathematics Award

Corwin Smith Prizes in Mathematics

Western and Southern Scholarship

Journal Award

Alberta L. Wolfe Fellowship

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Robin A. David Award to a student for outstanding service in department laboratories.

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department Scholarship Award to an outstanding junior

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department Service Award

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Scholarships to freshmen

Ken Shinn/SAE Engineering Scholarship to a freshman

Thomas T. Peyton Scholarship


Dr. and Mrs. J.K. Bhattacharjee Microbiology Scholarship to an undergraduate

Donald C. Cox Awards for excellence in graduate studies

Lawrence Day Award to a junior

Fisher Award to an outstanding undergraduate research proposal

Edward Kezur Scholarship to an upper-class pre-med student majoring in chemistry, microbiology, or zoology, $1,000 scholarship

Susan W. Rockwood Memorial Scholarship Award to a female graduate student

Orton K. Stark Awards to a senior and a graduate student, plaques and cash awards

Orton K. Stark Awards to a first-year student, a sophomore, and a junior

Middletown Campus

W. Lynn Darbyshire Student Leadership Award

Harry and Ethel Brakeman Memorial Scholarship

Dale E. Converse Memorial Scholarship

Middletown Rotary Club Foundation Scholarship

Isidor A. Casper Memorial Scholarship

Cynthia Yang Memorial Scholarship

William C. and Mary E. Akers Scholarship

Roger and Ginny Dillman Scholarship

Audrey Canfield Neel Scholarship

Miriam Knoll Non-Traditional Student Scholarship

Miami University Middletown Faculty and Staff Scholarship

Venus and Ruth Maupin Scholarship

Miami University Middletown Community Service Scholarship

Mr/Mrs Daniel J. Whitner and Lillian J. Whitner Merit Schp

Ryan K. Green Memorial Scholarship

Roger W. Conner, AFID Scholarship

MUAA Middletown Area Chapter Scholarship

Bill and Barbara Howe Scholarship

Robert and Tina Breitenbach Social & Human Services Schp

Rosa Lean Lindsey Scholarship

Fusako M. Gelwick Scholarship At Miami University Middletown

Robert A. Gelwick Scholarship At Miami University Middletown

Greg Lansaw Memorial Leadership Scholarship

David and Janet Sauter Scholarship

Roland P. (Ron) and Ella M. Ely Scholarship at MUM

Arthur B. Casper Bridge Scholarship at MUM

Dr. James B. Ewers, Jr. Multicultural Scholarship at MUM

Sen. Barry and Marilee Levey Scholarship at Miami University

Miami Regionals Merit Scholarship - Middletown

Elke Sue Holt Merit Scholarship

Middletown Campus Need Based Scholarship

Dr. James R. Myers Regional Merit Scholarship

Dr. James R. Myers Continuing Student Scholarship

Robert Breitenbach/Middletown Rotary Club Fdn Leadership Scholarship

Paul and Linda Matus Service and Leadership Abroad Scholarship

Gardner Scholars

First to Fifty Scholarship

Ted Clark Award

AAUW Adult Education Fund

Bill and Pat Schaefer Scholarship

John and Teresa Sawyer Miami Middletown Scholarship


Alice Mattmueller Alexander Memorial Voice Award

Alumni Music Award

George Barron Music Scholarship

Jeffrey J. Blank Scholarship

Nina J. Boyd Music Education Scholarship

Bradley Richard Cambridge Endowment Award

Campus Owls Scholarship

Frances Cole Memorial Scholarship

W.C. Cummings Memorial Endowment

Louise Glasgow and Eric E. Erickson Piano Scholarship

William and Susan Failor Scholarship Fund

Cynthia Boeke Fisher Memorial Award

Lee and Rosemary Fisher Glee Club Scholarship

Adon Foster Scholarship

Friends of Opera Award

Virginia Pierce Glick Music Education Scholarship

Virginia Dolohan Goebel-Fisher Music Education Scholarship

Darrell and Wilma Grothen Music Scholarship

The L. Eugene Hill Composition Prize

George R. and Galen Glasgow Hoxie Scholarship (alternates with art)

Jean Hartsock-Palmer Scholarship

Christopher B. Huff Memorial Award

Andrew Hummel Memorial Scholarship

Alberta Lutz Ittel Music Education Scholarship

Lacey/Strimple Highland Band and Drum Scholarship

Lois D. Lehmkuhl Owl Award

Everett Nelson and 1965-1967 Music Faculty Honorary Scholarship

Everett Nelson Performance Scholarship

NFMC Herman and Mary Neuman Music Award

Ohio Music Teachers Association Scholarship

Nicholas and Phyllis Poccia Wind Ensemble Scholarship

Pam Eileen Poccia Award

Elizabeth Potteiger Cello Award

Presser Foundation Scholarship

Kapra MeridethQuain Memorial Scholarship

Nina Palmer Quay Memorial Scholarship

Mary Evans Rees Memorial Scholarship

Richard L. Schilling Music Education Scholarship

Marcia R. Seaman Memorial Scholarship

Dona Clare Sheley Presidential Scholarship

Mary E. Shirk Bevan Western College Musical Scholarship

Steven Shumway String Scholarship

Jerome and Josette Stanley Music Scholarship

Richard A. Steuk Music Award

Jane Scott Hayes Telfair Music Education Scholarship

Barbara J. Tuttle Memorial Scholarship

Fred Wayne Music Scholarship

Stanley A. and Donna B. Wernz Vocal Music Education Scholarship


Ruth Ann Busald Nursing Awards to graduating B.S.N. students

Carl and Katherine Densford Dreves Scholarships to B.S.N students

Marion L. Kagler and Kim Kagler Carroll Award to a Hamilton campus B.S.N. student

Jessie Myers-Eeles Scholarships to B.S.N. students

Marjorie Ryan/Ann Farnsley Fund

Coombs Family Memorial Scholarship

Joan McNelly Teckman Scholarship

Carolyn Turnbull Jaeger Nursing Scholarship

Eugenia M. Mills Scholarship

Nancy and David Stroupe Nursing Scholarship

Leo H. Munick, M.D. Scholarship in Nursing

Middletown Campus Scholarship in Nursing

Douglas and Anne McNeill Health Sciences Scholarship

Nursing Alumni Scholarship

Hall Family Scholarship

Philip Mynhier Nursing Scholarship

Kenneth and Bernice Kinnaird Nursing Scholarship

Marjorie A. Ryan Scholarship

Ken and Joan Frankel Nursing Scholarship

Barbara Jean (Duckett) Craycraft Nursing Memorial Scholarship

Sara & Brent Arter Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing

Premier Health-Atrium Medical Center Externship Scholarship

Patricia Ann McCandless Aldridge Nursing Scholarship


Hall Prize in Philosophy for best essay in philosophy

Linda Singer Scholarship to a junior or senior philosophy major


George and Carolyn Arfken Scholarship

Andrew Wolf Bylenga Scholarship

John E. Cocanougher Scholarship

Joseph A. Culler Prizes in Physics for excellence in first- and second-year physics; bequest of Dr. Culler

Drake Family Scholarship

R. L. Edwards Scholarship

Carl and Harriet Frische Scholarships to entering students

Hughes Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Benjamin Lee Memorial Scholarship

Philip A. and Cora G. Macklin Scholarship

William E. Shoupp Memorial Scholarship

John and Genny Snider Scholarship

Society of Physics Students Award to a senior, a science book

Robert W. and K. Ursula Votaw Presidential Scholarship

Political Science

Atlee Pomerene Prize

Gary Best Memorial Scholarship

The Engel Prizes in Political Science

Sara C. Glosik Scholarship

Irma Karmol Memorial Scholarship

David Koschik and Izumi Hara Student Enrichment Fund

Robert "Ron" Hall Undergraduate Student Enrichment Fund for the Study of U.S. Civil Liberties

The Ernst G. Siefert Capstone in Political Science

Howard White Awards in Government

David S. McLellan Award

Maher/Zouhary Undergraduate Fund


The Elizabeth Burckhardt Capstone in Psychology

Patrick J. Capretta Memorial Scholarship, by alumni and friends

Clark Crannell Undergraduate Research Award, by alumni and friends

E. F. Patten Senior Prize in Psychology, by alumni and friends

Rich/Ivens Scholarship (alternates with sociology)

Regional Campuses

Zachary Kent Lutz Memorial Scholarship

Miami Veterans Legacy Scholarship Fund

David P. Rahm Regional Merit Scholarship

Regional Campus Study Abroad Support Scholarship

Catherine Herr Mulligan Scholarship 

Miami Regionals Difference Scholarship 

ELC Regional Study Abroad Opportunity Scholarship

Richard M. Sollman Financial Assistance Scholarship

Helen Gerrard Scholarship

E.A.W.M. Scholarship

Barbara Chappell Family Scholarship

Bishop Family Scholarship

College Credit Plus/SEOP Alumni Scholarship

Engineering Technology Opportunity Scholarship

Donald W. Watson Scholarship- Regional Campuses

Anna T. Hamilton Regional Urban Cohort Scholarship

Allen and Colleen Norris Scholarship

Freedom Summer Scholarship

Sara & Brent Arter Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Nursing

Drs. Robert A. and Lee K. Sanders Scholarship

WCAA Peabody Scholarship

Miriam G. Knoll Early College Academy Scholarship

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Subedi Family Scholarship

ROTC Awards, Air Force

AFROTC sponsored awards: AFROTC Valor Award, AFROTC Field Training awards (Distinguished Graduate Award, Superior Performer Award, "Ironman" Award, Warrior Spirit Award), AFROTC Achievement Award, AFROTC Commendation Award, Academic Honors Award, College Scholarship Recipient Ribbon, Physical Fitness Award, Recruiting Award, AFROTC Expert Marksmanship Award.

Arnold Air Society Awards: Arnold Air Society ribbon, Eagle Trophy ribbon, Hagan Trophy ribbon, LBJ Cup ribbon

Awards from patriotic and aerospace organizations: Air Force Association Award, Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Award, American Legion Award, American Veterans Award, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Award, Daughters of the American Revolution Award, Military Order of the Purple Heart Award, Military Order of the World Wars Medal, National Defense Industrial Association Award, National Defense Transportation Award, National Sojourners Award, Reserve Officers Association Award, Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction Award, Society of American Military Engineers Award, Society of the War of 1812 Award, Sons of the American Revolution Award, Veterans of Foreign Wars Award.

Other awards: Air Force Historical Foundation Award, Armed Forces Insurance Scholarship Award, Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Association AFROTC Scholarship, Col. Pat R. Paxton Memorial Award, First Command Educational Foundation Scholarship Award, Guy Pulliam Leadership Award, Lt. Col. Grissom Memorial Award, Lt. Col. Jay Smith Memorial Scholarship Award, Melissa Massaro Memorial Award, Order of Daedalians AFROTC Scholarship, United Services Automobile Association Scholarship Award, Wells Fargo Worldwide Bank Scholarship Award

ROTC Awards, Navy and Marine Corps

American Legion Military Excellence Awards to a senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman with a military aptitude ranking within the top 25% of their respective class

American Legion Scholarship Awards to a senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman within the top 25% of their respective class academically

American Veterans Award to a senior who possesses scholastic excellence, a positive attitude, exemplary appearance, initiative, dependability, judgment, and confidence

Donovan Black Memorial Scholarship to sophomore and junior Marine-option midshipmen who excel in academic, physical and military performance

Captain Frederick Brower Honorary Award to a top Marine-option graduate, a Marine officer's sword and uniform stipend

Burke Distinguished Senior Award, in memory of Jane Doubet Burke, to a graduating female midshipman who demonstrates most outstanding potential for commissioned service, an officer’s sword or $500

Burke Distinguished Student Award, in memory of Jane Doubet Burke, to a female junior, sophomore, or freshman midshipman who demonstrates highest qualities of scholarship, leadership, and devotion to duty, $1,000 scholarship

Cincinnati Navy League Award, in honor of Senator Robert A. Taft Jr., to a senior chosen as the overall outstanding Navy-option midshipman, a Naval officer’s sword

Cincinnati Navy League Remembering Jack Schiff Award to a graduating midshipman who started the NROTC program as a college program student and has demonstrated sustained outstanding performance

Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America Award to a sophomore student who shows leadership, patriotism and the most improvement in physical fitness

Daughters of the American Revolution Award to a senior who exhibits excellent dependability, good character, and leadership qualities

CDR Theodore J. Ehlers Memorial Award to a Navy-option senior who demonstrates superior performance and motivation toward a career as a Surface Warfare Officer, a Naval officer’s sword

Chief of Naval Operations Distinguished Graduate Award to a graduating senior who demonstrates the highest standards of leadership, academic, and military performance

James Clifford Garland Honorary Scholarship to the outstanding member of the junior class who best embodies the highest qualities of leadership and commitment

Colonel William R. Higgins Memorial Award to the standout Marine-option who best exemplifies professionalism, achievement, and devotion to duty for other students to emulate

Larry Holland Memorial Scholarship to an undergraduate student planning to serve in the U.S. Navy

Joseph T. Lukens Memorial Scholarship to a Navy-option midshipman who excels in academic, physical and military performance

Military Officers Association of America Award to midshipmen who have demonstrated an exceptional level of leadership, initiative and responsibility

Ohio Reserve Officers Association Awards to a senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman for excellence in academic and military pursuits

Outstanding Navy Graduate Award to a top Navy option graduate who displays the highest ideals of academic and leadership excellence, a Naval officer's sword

Reserve Officer Association League Award to a midshipman who not only demonstrates excellent leadership and scholarship but also dedicates themselves to volunteerism in the community and University

Sons of the American Revolution Award to a midshipman who personifies the ideals upon which this Nation was founded

Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War Award to a midshipman who shows a high degree of patriotism to the Nation and has demonstrated a high degree of academic performance and leadership

The USAA Spirit Award to the student who displays the greatest spirit in the service of others

Capt. Michael M. Vagedes Memorial Award to a senior Marine-option midshipman possessing the most potential for service as an officer, a Marine officer’s sword

Veterans of Foreign Wars District Four Award to a midshipman for academic and military excellence


Betty Kent Scholarship

Rich/Ivens Scholarship (alternates with psychology)


Glenn A. Barr Scholarship in Spanish

L.P. Irvin Essay Prize in Spanish

Willis Knapp Jones Memorial Scholarship

Robert K. Newman Award for Excellence in Spanish

Timothy J. Rogers Memorial Scholarship

Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry

Annabel Cathcart McGuffey Miami Award to an undergraduate student in social studies education

Arlene D. Maurer McGuffey Scholarships to juniors and/or seniors in early childhood/primary education  

Barbara Carlisle Early Childhood Education Fund to students in early childhood/primary education

David L. and Sallie A. Killian Scholarship to an undergraduate student in TCE

Dickinson Thetford Guiper Scholarship to Student Teachers to a student who is student teaching

Don and Deborah Snyder Scholarships to juniors and/or seniors in early childhood/primary education

DuDois UTC Student Scholarship

Eileen Tway Memorial Fund to graduate students in reading/language arts education

TCE Travel Abroad Fund to undergraduate students traveling abroad

Georgina H. Silliman Scholarships to an outstanding undergraduate student in early childhood/primary education

Glenn and Betty Julian Graduate Student Teaching Award to a graduate student in physics education

Halbert C. Christofferson Scholarships to outstanding juniors in mathematics education

Harry T. Philips Memorial Scholarship to outstanding senior in science education

Hedrick Family Student Teaching Award to undergraduate students awarded during student teaching

Jean K. Mate Memorial Scholarship to an outstanding undergraduate student

John A. Whitesel Scholarship to an outstanding senior student in TCE

John E. Shank '75 Scholarship to an outstanding undergraduate student in early childhood/primary education

Joyce A. Hagedorn Scholarships to undergraduate students majoring in early childhood/primary education

Juanita E. Carter Scholarships

Kappa Delta Pi Scholarship to undergraduate students in TCE

Kenneth Furrier Scholarship to an outstanding student in the Urban Teaching Cohort

Lester W. Maurer McGuffey Scholarships to juniors and/or seniors in early childhood/primary education 

M. F. Foss Teaching Excellence Prize to an outstanding undergraduate student in TCE

Mary Ann Moorman McGuffey Scholarship to an outstanding undergraduate student in early childhood/primary education

Nancy Humbach Scholarship to an outstanding junior or senior student in TCE majoring in French, German, Latin, or Spanish education.

Nancy Maurer Kole McGuffey Scholarships to juniors and/or seniors in early childhood/primary education

Pearl May Corl English Award to a student preparing to teach English

Peter C. and Nancy Maurer Kole Scholarship to outstanding juniors or seniors in early childhood/primary education

President David and Ambassador Valerie Hudge Teacher Education Scholarship

Robert D. Hartung, Jr. and Nancy G. Hartung Math Education Scholarship to juniors and/or seniors in integrated mathematics education

Roseanna Van Gorden Prize to a Talawanda High School graduate in English education

Sandra K. Hormel Scholarship to undergraduate students in TCE

THA Foundation Scholarships to outstanding students in early/primary and/or middle childhood education

Thomas L. Feeney Scholarship Fund to students in TCE 


Homer N. Abegglen Theatre Scholarship

Homer and Henrietta Abegglen Theatre Scholarship

Paul K. Bryant-Jackson Memorial Scholarship

Biz and Bob Campbell Theatre Scholarship

Sherry Darling Theatre Award

Clara Vance Fixmer Scholarship (with journalism)

David Gallagher Playwriting Award

Loren Gates Memorial Theatre Scholarship

Hallas Family Scholarship for Professional Development in Design, Technology and Stage Management

Hurst Family Scholarship for Theatre

Ronald C. Kern Scholarship in Theatre

Emmanuel Kladitis Theatre Scholarship

Guido and Agnese Vincenti Scholarship

Mollie Weller Memorial Award

Willa S. Yeck Scholarship

Women’s Studies

The Mina Burckhardt Capstone in Women’s Studies

Barbara E. Nicholson Prize

Women's Studies Essay Prize