Applied Communication (APC)
APC 201. Introduction to Health and Risk Communication. (3)
Basic theories and approaches to studying environmental health and risk communication. Possible topics include doctor/patient communication, organizational communication in health contexts, health communication campaigns, and organizational responses to health and scientific crises.
APC 231. Small Group Communication. (3)
Theoretical issues that affect communication between members of work teams, discussion groups, and decision-making bodies. Students study these theories and related research studies and work as members of student teams to analyze critically both the theoretical and practical implications of the theories and research studies.
APC 239. Theories of Communication. (3)
Introduction to communication and rhetorical theories. Students completing this course should be able to demonstrate competence in understanding the various theories discussed and see how they fit in the field of communication.
APC 311. Science and Medicine in Public Communication. (3)
Considers lay and public understandings of medical and scientific research including the importance of framing and definition in mainstream discourse and its effects on scientific research and public policy and health education programs. SI-05.
APC 312. Computer-mediated Communication and Social Media. (3)
The purpose of this class is to teach you theories and skills related to successful communication in a society in which communication is often facilitated by new technologies. SI-03.
APC 332. Argumentation and Debate. (3)
Study of the theory and practice of constructing, analyzing, and evaluating arguments. Consideration given to various debate formats as models of argumentation.
APC 336. Advanced Interpersonal Communication. (3)
In-depth examination of interpersonal communication theories and research. Particular emphasis placed on the role of communication through the life cycle of relationships, from their initiation and maintenance to their deterioration or escalation.
Prerequisite: STC 136 or permission of instructor.
APC 339. Introduction to Organizational Communication. (3)
This course focuses on how communication affects organizational systems and performance by analyzing traditional and contemporary theories of communication within the context of modern, complex organizations (government, industry, education, etc.). Emphasis is given to the interrelationship of task performance, human interaction, and the improvement of communication within organizations.
APC 340. Internship. (0-20)
APC 341. Methods of Rhetorical Criticism. (3)
Examination of various methods related to the description, analysis, and interpretation of communicative acts. Rhetorical approaches treated include neo-Aristotelian, dramatistic, fantasy theme, generic, and narrative methods.
APC 363. Advanced Methods in Applied Communication. (3)
Focuses on qualitative and interpretive methods of communication research. Possible topics include interviewing, ethnography, case studies, action research, textual and media criticism, interpretivist epistemology, and research ethics.
Prerequisite: ENG 111, ENG 109, or equivalent.
APC 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)
APC 401. Applied Communication Capstone. (3)
This course brings together students' study of health communication by applying their understanding of health communication to produce an original product/outcome within the context of a course theme. This product/outcome can include a health campaign, analysis of health messages, a collaborative project, or other product/outcome deemed appropriate by the instructor and one situated within the course theme (determined by instructor). SC.
Prerequisites: APC 363, STC 262 and senior standing.
APC 428. Communication in Conflict Management. (3)
Examination of the role of communication in the management of conflict in various contexts. Stresses relevant theories and research as a basis for analyzing and understanding diverse types of conflict.
APC 438. Political Communication. (3)
Study of communication methods used in political campaigns. Special consideration of such aspects of political communication as analyzing audiences, structuring messages, developing stock speeches, political debating, selecting media, and interpersonal communication in political campaigns.
APC 450. Topics in Applied Communication. (3; maximum 9)
Study or research of issues and problems associated with communication under the guidance of a faculty member of the department.
Prerequisite: major status or permission of instructor.