Classics (CLS)
CLS 101. Greek Civilization in its Mediterranean Context. (3)
Exploration of ancient Greek civilization, from pre-Homeric to Hellenistic times, presented within a broad framework of cultures with which Greece interacted in the Mediterranean basin. Various aspects of Greek civilization are highlighted including history, politics, economics, society, art, science, philosophy, and literature. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B-HST.
CLS 102. Roman Civilization: From City to Empire. (3)
This course is an exploration of the legacy of ancient Roman civilization from its legendary beginning through the Republic to the Empire at its greatest extent. Various aspects of Roman civilization highlight the Roman experience including history, literature, philosophy, political and social institutions, religion, art, and the unique ability of Rome to assimilate Greek and other cultures. IC, IIB. PA-3B, PA-4B, SI-02, SI-04. CAS-B-HST.
CLS 121. Greek and Roman Mythology. (3)
This course examines the production and interpretation of ancient Greek myth within its original historical context; also explores how Greek myths have been used and adapted in other historical periods and by other cultures up to today. IIB. PA-3B, PA-4B. CAS-B-LIT.
CLS 177. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)
CLS 210. Topics in Classics. (1-3; maximum 12)
Examination of an author, work, topic, or new critical perspective on classical civilization not usually given substantial treatment in regular course offerings. May be repeated three times if topic changes.
CLS 211. Greek and Roman Epic. (3)
Study of the epic as genre including examination of conventions and techniques of oral and written epic, a discussion of the kind of society which produces such a work, and a study of the epic hero. Works of Homer and Vergil will be read supplemented by readings from other ancient and post-classical authors. CAS-B-LIT.
CLS 212. Greek and Roman Tragedy. (3)
Study of the origin and development of Greek drama will highlight unique aspects of its fifth century form and dramatic presentation while exploring the reasons for perennial relevance of the extant plays. Selected dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides supplemented with some comparative material from Roman post-classical drama. CAS-B-LIT.
CLS 216. Greek and Roman Cities. (3)
A visually-oriented course that examines ancient Greek and Roman cities, including Athens, Sparta, and Corinth; Rome, Herculaneum, and Pompeii. Intends to recreate, as much as possible, the experience of living in these cities in order to understand life in the Classical world.
CLS 218. Greek and Roman Erotic Poetry. (3)
Aims at fostering an understanding of how Greco-Roman poetic forms shaped societal values and visions, especially notions of eroticism and sexuality as they are expressed in ancient poetry. The Greeks developed numerous literary lyric genres, which influenced and even conditioned most of the Western poetic discourse and preceded the ideas of Romanticism. The Romans added to all the Greek genres love elegy and satire, the only genres not inherited from the Greeks, and equally influential for the future generations. Examines a variety of forms and poetic expressions in ancient lyric poetry. The course also aims at understanding the process by which we read different literary genres. CAS-B-LIT.
CLS 222. Race and Ethnicity in Antiquity. (3)
Relies on a variety of primary evidence to study how the Greeks and Romans defined race and ethnicity and how they defined themselves as individual peoples when they confronted cultures and peoples distinctly different from themselves. Examination of the relationship between current theories of race and ethnicity and the theories and practices of the Greeks and Romans.
Cross-listed with CRE 222.
CLS 235. Women in Antiquity. (3)
Study of the status of women in the Greek and Roman world from Bronze age through early centuries of Christianity conducted in light of literary, artistic, and archaeological evidence in order to increase knowledge and understanding of Greek and Roman family and social life and of our own society as well. CAS-B-LIT.
CLS 277. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)
CLS 310. Advanced Topics in Classics. (1-3; maximum 6)
Examination of an author, work, topic, or new critical perspective on classical civilization not usually given substantial treatment in regular course offerings. May be repeated once if topic changes.
CLS 321. Justice and the Law in Antiquity. (3)
History and development of constitutional and civil law in antiquity with special emphasis on Roman law. Examines ancient jurisprudence and development of the concept of justice. Some comparisons made between ancient and modern legal systems.
CLS 323. Discoveries of Archaeology. (3)
Introductory survey of monumental discoveries (ancient and modern) that have changed and influenced the course of history, intellectual thought, and artistic taste and enlarged and transformed our knowledge of the ancient world. Specific discoveries from selected archaeological sites direct the focus of the course: e.g. Egypt, Troy, Crete, Athena, Delphi, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Rome.
Cross-listed with HST 323.
CLS 325. Russian Reception of Classical Culture. (3)
Examines a variety of forms and poetic expressions in both modern (Russian) and ancient poetry. Introduces students to the way in which Russian literature and especially poetry responded to Greco-Roman antiquity. Analyzes how the study of classical antiquity, with its rich mythological tradition and history, represented to the Russian literary elite a window into the West and an opportunity to establish a Russian literary heritage within Western literary canon. All readings in English translation. CAS-W.
Cross-listed with RUS 325.
CLS 332. Classical Mythology and the Arts. (3)
Designed to explore the role of arts in the classical world in transmitting the narratives and values inherent in Greek and Roman myths. Will consist of case studies in the use of myth from public and private spheres: the Parthenon sculptures, Herakles and Athenian tyrants of the 6th century, the Niobids, Danaids and Augustan Rome, the reliefs from the Roman amphitheater at Capua, etc. Major topics will be subject selection, composition, context and narrative moment.
CLS 336. Ancient Sexualities. (3)
Examines the written and visual evidence for ancient sexual practices, as well as ancient attitudes towards these practices as found in ancient law, philosophy, love poetry, novels, and other texts. Our reading of primary sources will be informed by modern writings on gender and sexuality. We will also engage with recent debates about the ideologies reflected in ancient codes of sexual conduct. Through a close reading of a variety of ancient Greek and Roman texts and images, together with contemporary interpretive readings, we will attempt to reach not only a fuller understanding of some central features of the cultures of Greece and Rome, but also, by holding up the mirror of antiquity to our own beliefs and practices, to arrive at a more critical consideration of how we think about sex and gender today.
Cross-listed with WGS.
CLS 340. Internship. (0-20)
CLS 361. Antiquity Through a Lens. (3)
Introduces students to filmic projections of classical myths and historical crises. Heightens students' awareness of the ways films construct our images of classical antiquity in the service of contemporary ideological agendas.
CLS 377. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)
CLS 425. Senior Seminar. (3)
This capstone course is an intensive interdisciplinary seminar on a selected topic that explores the connections between the literatures and cultural systems linked to the Greek and Roman world, and to the French and Italian traditions. Taught in English, this course invites majors in French, Italian, and Classical Studies to strengthen their powers of critical thinking and synthesis through research, writing, and discussion. Required of all French, Italian, and Classical Studies majors in their senior year and open to qualified non-majors with permission of instructor. The capstone is taught on a rotating basis by faculty in French, Italian, and Classical Studies. SC. CAS-B, CAS-W.
Prerequisite: senior standing in the major; for other majors, permission of instructor.
Cross-listed with FRE 425 and ITL 425.
CLS 431. Archaeology of Power. (3)
Examines social and political power in the past, from small scale societies to states and global systems. Explores theoretical approaches to diversity and inequality with case studies from around the world and throughout history that include authority, gender, race, religion, class, colonialism and empire.
Cross-listed with ATH 431.
CLS 477. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)
CLS 480. Independent Reading for Departmental Honors. (1-6)
Individually arranged program of study concentrating on a particular author, major work, or significant aspect of ancient culture and society, normally culminating in a substantial research essay and comprehensive examination.
Prerequisite: superior performance in course work within department as well as good general academic standing.