Community Arts (CMA)
CMA 101. Introduction to Community Arts. (1)
This course will explore various definitions of community arts and how it can enhance, inspire, change, and activate the world. Students will explore the various relationships of artists within their communities, the history of such roles, and begin to identify ways in which they can become more involved. Students will be exposed to diverse forms of art and will be encouraged to experiment and broaden their experiences. The course will also connect students to the curriculum of the CMA major.
CMA 111. Art Appreciation. (3)
An analytical and critical exploration of the elements and principles of design, methods and processes of the visual arts, and recurrent themes in history. PA-3A.
CMA 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)
CMA 256. Design, Perception & Audience. (3)
An introduction to perception and audience issues for the artist/designer and those interested in art/design, to learn how audiences perceive, receive and react to visual messages. Universal design principles, usability, learning theory, communication theory and semiotics are discussed, applied in creative practice, and critiqued. IIA. PA-3A, SI-04.
CMA 301. Community Arts Practicum. (3)
Placement with an arts facility or organization where students apply their skills and learn new ones. Preparatory classroom component, regular reading and writing assignments, final class presentation, and community project required. Open only to students in the Community Arts major. EL.
Prerequisite: NCS 202 and Junior standing.
CMA 310. Special Topics in Community Arts and Cultures. (1-3; maximum 6)
Examination of special topics in community arts and cultures not treated in the existing curriculum. Specific topics and hours to be determined by instructor. May be repeated when topic changes.
CMA 340. Internship. (0-20)
CMA 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)
CMA 401. Capstone in Community Arts. (3)
A culminating experience for CMA seniors focused on the supervised development of individual, professional-level projects. This may involve participation in a group or solo gallery exhibition, creative theatrical or musical performance, and/or writing project connected to such events. SC.
Prerequisite: senior standing.
CMA 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)