Greek Language and Literature (GRK)

GRK 101. Beginning Greek. (4)

Essentials of ancient Greek including basic principles of grammar, acquisition of basic vocabulary, and practice in reading and writing.

GRK 102. Beginning Greek. (4)

Continuation of GRK 101 culminating in readings selected from Homer, Plato, Xenophon, or Greek New Testament.
Prerequisite: completion of GRK 101 or equivalent.

GRK 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

GRK 201. Homer. (3)

Introduction to the language, historical background, and artistic riches of Homer. Selected readings from Iliad or Odyssey. CAS-B-LIT.
Prerequisite: GRK 101, 102.

GRK 202. Plato. (3)

Introduction to Greek prose based on reading selections from Plato. Emphasis on reading comprehension and critical assessment of text. CAS-A or CAS-B-LIT (not both).
Prerequisite: GRK 201.

GRK 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

GRK 310. Special Topics in Greek Literature. (3; maximum 12)

Study of selected authors or special topics in Greek literature (may be repeated when content changes). CAS-B-LIT.
Prerequisite: GRK 202.

GRK 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

GRK 410. Special Topics in Greek Literature. (3; maximum 12)

Study of selected authors or special topics in Greek literature (may be repeated when content changes). CAS-B-LIT.
Prerequisite: GRK 202.

GRK 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)

GRK 480. Independent Reading for Department Honors. (1-6)

Reading centered upon a major topic of Greek literature and thought, normally culminating in an independent essay.
Prerequisite: advanced level ability usually requiring completion of course offerings or equivalents, GRK 101 through at least one semester at 400 level.