Honors (HON)

HON 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HON 181. Foundations of Engaged Learning I. (1-2; maximum 2)

Introduces students to the mission, requirements and portfolio review process of the University Honors Program. Sections vary in theme, yet all sections foster the development of inquiry, academic and leadership skills and personal reflection. This course is required for all first-year, first-semester students in the University Honors Program , and it is credit/no credit only.

HON 190. Introductionary Honors Experience. (0-2; maximum 10)

Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice authentic research, service and leadership tasks and activities designed by and under the careful supervision of a faculty, staff or other trained educator. These learning experiences may include (but are not limited to) undergraduate research programs, intensive introductory Service-Learning and community engagement programs, and substantive leadership experiences. The experience involves ongoing self-reflection. This course is credit/no credit only.

HON 200. Honors College Book Club. (0)

In this course, students will meet in small book groups with 8-12 of their peers. Each group is led by an honors peer facilitator selected and trained by honors faculty or staff members during the semester prior to the book club. Book groups will study and discuss a popular or award-winning novel or nonfiction book focusing on a relevant, interdisciplinary theme. Book groups will meet for one-hour sessions for a total of six weeks. Each week will be dedicated to a different aspect of the reading, and students will use the final session to share insights gained through the group work.

HON 201. Honors College Film Club. (0)

This sprint course leverages movies to spark intellectual inquiry and discussion among honors students and faculty. Students and faculty come together for lively conversations and debate on a timely or enduring issue, problem, question or theme that is sparked by a classic or popular movie. Themes and films vary from semester to semester.

HON 202. Honors College Writing Club. (0; maximum 0)

This course features writing workshops where student papers are used as the basis of discussion and learning. Guided by faculty instructors and trained peer facilitators, students meet in small groups to read, analyze and respond to the writing of their peers. Group members meet in a shared physical space, write together, provide feedback on one another’s drafts, and reflect on the experience and process of writing.

HON 290. Intermediate Honors Learning Experience. (0-2; maximum 10)

Students will have the opportunity to practice authentic research, service and leadership tasks and methods using guided support. These learning experiences may include (but are not limited to) Honors seminars, undergraduate research programs, intensive Service-Learning and community engagement programs, and substantive leadership experiences such as serving as a peer mentor. This course is credit/no credit only.

HON 340. Honors Internship. (0-20)

HON 377. Independent Study. (0-6)

HON 380. Honors Special Topics Seminar. (3; maximum 6)

These interdisciplinary seminars are designed to promote intensive intellectual exchange among Honors College students in a collaborative learning environment. Courses are limited to 19 Honors College students or less, may be team taught, and emphasize close interaction between instructor(s) and students. Seminar topics will vary from semester to semester.

HON 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)