History (HST)


  1. All history courses may be applied to CAS-B.
  2. The second unit of a two-semester course may be taken before the first unit; credit is given for any semester unit of HST 111, HST 112.

HST 111. Survey of American History to 1877. (3)

Survey of American cultural, social, political, and economic history to 1877. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B.

HST 112. Survey of American History: From 1877 to the Present. (3)

Survey of the social, economic, cultural, and political history of the United States since 1877. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B.

HST 147. Introductory Seminar in History. (1)

Introduces first-year history majors to the department, the university, and each other. Students will meet history department faculty, and learn about course offerings and undergraduate research opportunities. Students will also learn about the many resources available to them on campus and will work with representatives from the Howe Center for Writing Excellence, the Center for Career Exploration and Success, and Study Abroad and Away.

HST 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HST 189. History of Miami University. (3)

Survey of the history of Miami University, 1760s to 2010s, as it relates to the development of higher education in the United States. Themes include frontier imperialism, settlement, nation-building, the modern university and finally the national university. Students will use primary sources unique to Miami University throughout the course; will access online archival, visual, oral, and other sources unique to Miami University; will begin to build historical arguments supported by primary and secondary evidence.

HST 197. World History to 1500. (3)

Introduction to the origins and development of complex civilizations across the world in the premodern era (ending c. 1500 CE). Stresses interdependency and interactions among cultures; compares social, political, cultural, and religious experiences of different peoples; and examines their development in the context of climate and environmental conditions. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B.

HST 198. World History Since 1500. (3)

Provides global perspective as well as introduction into history of individual civilizations. Stresses interrelations among societies and cultures and compares experiences of peoples and civilizations with one another. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B.

HST 206. Introduction to Historical Inquiry. (3)

Introduction to essential skills in investigating and interpreting the past. Course stresses active participation, writing, and intensive reading of primary documents and secondary literature. Required of (and limited to) History Majors. ADVW. PA-1C.

HST 212. United States History since 1945. (3)

In-depth examination of political, social, economic, and cultural/intellectual developments in the U.S. since the end of World War II.

HST 215. Latin America in the United States. (3)

Interdisciplinary examination of historical, social, economic, and cultural forces that have shaped the experience of peoples of Latin, Hispanic, Latino/a background in the United States. IC, IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4A.
Cross-listed with LAS 215.

HST 216. Introduction to Public History. (3)

Introduction to the major issues addressed by historians who work in the public sphere, with emphasis on the creation of a shared public past and the disciplines that comprise the field of public history.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 217. Modern Latin American History. (3)

Introduction to the major themes shaping Latin American history since independence, including US foreign policy; economic development; the discourses of race, ethnicity, class, and gender; cultural elements that either unite or distinguish Latin American countries.
Cross-listed with LAS.

HST 221. African-American History. (3)

Survey of African American History from African origins to the present. PA-3B, PA-4A. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with CRE 221.

HST 222. U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1898. (3)

Survey of U.S. foreign policy from 1898 to the present, with emphasis on issues of neutrality, isolationism, collective security, imperialism, the Cold War, nuclear policy, arms control, and relations with the Third World.

HST 224. Africa to 1884. (3)

Survey course focusing on the changing historiography of Africa, African ancient civilizations, the emergence and development of the Bantu and Nilotes, Eastern Africa and the Orient, early Christianity and Islam, trans-Saharan trade, the medieval Sudanic Empires, statelessness and state formation, Africa and the West between 1400 and 1800, South Africa to 1870, the Mfecane, the Sudanic Jihads, long-distance trade, and African-European relations in the 19th century. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with CRE 224.

HST 225. The Making of Modern Africa. (3)

Survey of the transformation of Africa, south of the Sahara, from the time of the scramble for, and partition of, the continent among European powers in the second half of the 19th century to the present. Emphasizes economic, social, cultural, political, and intellectual features. This is done through reading monographs, articles, and literary works (novels, plays, poems, etc.) on African experiences with colonialism, the rise and triumph of nationalism, African womanhood, popular culture and the experiences of change, and the rise and nature of post-colonial economic and political crises in the region. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with CRE 225.

HST 227. History of Ancient Rome. (3)

This course offers a basic overview of the history of ancient Rome (753 BC to 476 AD), i.e., from the traditional date of Rome’s founding to the rule of the last emperor of the western Roman Empire. The course is focused on major events and the “mainstream” political history of Rome, with attention to developments in society and culture. CAS-B.

HST 229. The World Wars. (3)

Survey of the era of the world wars (1914-1945) with an emphasis on the global experiences of the conflicts and on the experiences of ordinary people in the Great War and World War II. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C, SI-02. CAS-B.

HST 231. Genocides in the 20th Century. (3)

Focuses on four of the largest instances of organized mass murder in modern times – the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, the mass killings in Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Explores both the motivations behind these atrocities and the ways in which we have sought to "make sense” of them and prevent them from occurring again. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B.

HST 236. Medicine and Disease in Modern Society. (3)

Explores the history of medicine and disease in Europe and America from the late eighteenth century to the present. The focus is on the rise of scientific medicine emphasizing the methods of social, intellectual, and cultural history. This approach rejects traditional progressionist accounts of the rise of scientific medicine and seeks to place medicine in a wider context. The predominant theme is that of the increasing influence of medical theory and medical institutions on society, and the growing concern of the state with public health. The course includes an exploration of the connections between medicine and ideas about class, race, gender, nation, and disease. This course requires no previous knowledge of modern history.

HST 237. Plagues, Pandemics, & Peoples. (3)

This course explores the history of large-scale infectious disease events from the ancient world to the present. SI-05. CAS-B.

HST 240. Topics in World History. (1-4; maximum 9)

Topics in World History. May be repeated when topic changes. CAS-B.

HST 241. Introduction to Islamic History. (3)

Introduction to medieval Islamic and Middle Eastern society, culture and political history from the Prophet Muhammad to the rise of the Ottomans.

HST 243. History of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1400s to 1800s. (3)

Development of European slaving activity in the African continent in the 15th through 19th centuries. Emphasis on the activities of Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and Dutch slavers, including the Middle Passage and also the less-studied slave trade in the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. Identifies the economic forces, as well as the social consequences, of the ongoing slave trade.
Cross-listed with CRE 243 and LAS 243.

HST 244. Raiders of the Lost Archive. (3)

This introductory course, for majors and non-majors alike, uses the Indiana Jones films to explore how scholars conduct historical research. Join the global quest to investigate topics like adventure fiction, imperialism, indigenous history, antiquities and artifacts, museum studies, and historical memory. Students have the opportunity to contribute research to active projects, to experience the thrill of discovery, and to blaze their own trails in the archives. PA-3B, SI-04. CAS-B.

HST 245. Making of Modern Europe, 1450-1750. (3)

Survey of European history in global context from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment. Emphasis on political, cultural, and religious change in the first global age. Class also introduces students to the skills of historical thinking, and why they are essential to living in a global age. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B.

HST 246. Survey of Medieval History. (3)

Formation of European Synthesis: from the crusades to 15th century.

HST 250. History and Popular Culture. (3)

Topical studies of historical imagery as presented in the popular communications media: best-selling fiction, documentaries, school texts, 'popular' histories, and especially film. Students may not take course more than once with same instructor.

HST 252. History at the Movies. (3)

Explores the ways that history is represented in film and video (as opposed to print). By comparing film to texts, analyzing narrative structure, and studying the representations of the past on screen, students learn how history is depicted in this medium. Introduces history of film by viewing and discussing works of several early directors who represented history. Films and directors selected for inclusion will vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: FST 201 recommended (not required).
Cross-listed with FST.

HST 254. Introduction to Russian and Eurasian Studies. (3)

Examines the major developments that have shaped Russian and Eurasian culture, society and politics over the last millennium. The course incorporates perspectives from the social sciences, humanities, and the fine arts. Taught in English. IIB. PA-4C. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with POL 254 and RUS 254.

HST 259. Introduction to the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. (3)

Offers an interdisciplinary examination of the Myaamia as a living people, within a living culture - a people with a past, present and future. Explores pre-contact economy, social and political organization; the historic period of contact, treaties and federal legislation and the cultural basis of Myaamia responses; and present-day issues of concern to the dependent sovereign nation of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma. IC, IIC. PA-3B, PA-4A, SI-01, SI-04. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with AMS 259.

HST 270. Topics in European History. (1-4; maximum 12)

Topics in European History. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 275. 20th Century European Diplomacy. (3)

Examines the origins of World War I and World War II, the Cold War, European unity, decolonization, the fall of communism, and the Yugoslav conflict.

HST 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HST 286. Data, Ethics, and Society. (3)

A historical, cultural, and philosophical introduction to key ethical and political problems in a world increasingly saturated with data. Examines rapidly changing and disquieting issues such as privacy and surveillance, intellectual property, and identity. Addresses the ethical issues that may arise from data collection, production, management, and use in scientific study, policy development, social justice debates, and economic applications. Students will develop critical skills to reflect upon, evaluate, and navigate issues they may encounter in a variety of environments impacted by data. CAS-B.
Prerequisites: STA/ISA 125 or STA 261 or STA 301.
Cross-listed with GIC 286/PHL 286.

HST 290. Topics in American History. (1-4; maximum 12)

May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 296. World History Since 1945: Conflict and Community. (3)

This course explores the conflicts—wars, civil protests, diplomatic tensions, movements for rights—and the moments of cooperation and community-building since 1945. Topics include the Cold War, decolonization, globalization, responses to a changing environment, struggles for civil rights, technological innovation, systems of economic development, and the socio-cultural trends that reflect and shape the way we live. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C, SI-02. CAS-B.

HST 304. History, Memory, Tradition. (3)

Examination of the role of history, memory, and tradition in American culture, and the theoretical underpinnings of public history.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 305. Becoming Christianity. (3)

Students will learn how a sect became an enduring “religion” in its own right, how sects make their case for legitimacy, establish group identities, wrestle with factions and disunity, and eventually transcend ethnic boundaries so thoroughly that a former sect comes to reside among peoples who were once excluded from its original group. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with REL 305.

HST 306. History of Christian Thought. (3)

A survey of the history of Christian thought that introduces the major intellectual issues throughout Christian history, including understandings of God, evil, human nature, and salvation. Examines the diversity in Christianity between and within Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant traditions. Explores the interaction between intellectual developments and historical context. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with REL 306.

HST 312. The American West. (3)

This class investigates the history of American expansion from the trans-Appalachian frontier to the Middle West, trans-Mississippi West, Pacific Coast, and beyond. We will especially focus on indigenous societies and settler/indigenous conflicts and relations, the lasting effects of settler colonialism, and the various cultural outcomes of this history. Materials used will include primary and secondary sources, including a textbook, memoirs, journals/diaries, and films. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with AMS 312.

HST 313. History of England to 1688. (3)

Life of the English people from the beginning of the Middle Ages to 1688.

HST 315. The Renaissance. (3)

Intellectual developments of the period 1350-1550, set in their social, economic, and political contexts. Focuses on origins and development in Italy, but also looks to the movement's wider European context and impact. Topics include the 14th century crisis, humanism, the family, the debate between active and contemplative life, Renaissance court life, and the state as a work of art. Authors read include Petrarch, Kempe, Colonna, Valla, Castiglione, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More.

HST 316. The Age of the Reformation. (3)

The religious revolutions of the 16th century, both Protestant and Catholic, in their social, political, and religious contexts. Topics chosen from: medieval reform movements and heresies; popular religion; the debates over clerical celibacy, free will, and the priesthood; social discipline and the modern state; family and women; the missions to the New World; the witch craze and the Inquisition.
Cross-listed with REL 316.

HST 319. Revolution in Latin America. (3)

History of modern Latin America through the experience of revolution in the 20th century. Focus on diverse expressions of political and social change with emphasis on Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Brazil.
Cross-listed with LAS.

HST 323. Discoveries of Archaeology. (3)

Introductory survey of monumental discoveries (ancient and modern) that have changed and influenced the course of history, intellectual thought, and artistic taste and enlarged and transformed our knowledge of the ancient world. Specific discoveries from selected archaeological sites direct the focus of the course: e.g. Egypt, Troy, Crete, Athena, Delphi, Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Rome.
Cross-listed with CLS 323.

HST 324. Eurasian Nomads and History. (3)

Examination of the nomads of the Eurasian steppes and their role in the civilizations of the Eurasian periphery, including China, the Near East, and Russia.

HST 328. Italy: Machiavelli to Mussolini. (3)

Explores Italian history from the end of the Renaissance, through the Baroque, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and on to modernity. Addresses questions about culture and society, identity and nationality, art and politics, and about Italy's influence worldwide.

HST 330. Topics in European History. (1-4; maximum 9)

Topics in European history. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 331. Industry and Empire: Europe from 1850 to 1914. (3)

Explores the period during which Europe came to control the political and economic destiny of much of the world. This was also the period in which great mass movements that were to dominate the 20th century were born, theoretical constructs of the social sciences were created, and a great blossoming of national literatures and cultures occurred. Particular attention paid to the attempts states made to cope with new social and economic dynamics of the industrial world, as well as socialism, nationalism, and anti-Semitism.

HST 332. Age of Dictators: Europe 1914-1945. (3)

Focuses on the great crisis of 20th century European civilization, from the outbreak of war in August 1914 to the defeat of Hitler Germany in May 1945. Through novels and historical monographs, explores effects of total war and mass mobilization on the industrially advanced state systems of the period, as well as social emancipation, economic disintegration, and cultural innovation brought on by the great wars of the period. Attention paid to the experience of the "Great Powers" (Germany, the Soviet Union, Britain, and France).

HST 333. Reconstruction of Europe Since 1945. (3)

Examines how Europe came to be divided into two political spheres sustained by dueling military alliances. Focuses on political and economic reconstruction within the two blocs created by the Cold War divide, as well as new cultural impulses generated by changed realities of a shrunken and shattered Europe after 1945. Examines the revolutions of 1989, the fall of the Soviet Union, and process of European unification.

HST 340. Internship. (0-20)

HST 350. Topics in American History. (3; maximum 9)

May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 354. Modern Chinese History. (3)

Survey of changes in institutions, ideas, economy and society in China's search for modernity from late imperial times (17th to 19th centuries) to the present.

HST 355. History of Modern Sport and National Identity. (3)

Examines the relationship between sports and national, regional, and local identities; sporting and relations between states; the process by which the world adopted or rejected Western games; and the impact of globalization on national sporting cultures, in the last two centuries. Topics include the history of Olympic Games, soccer's World Cup and the global proliferation of baseball and basketball.

HST 356. Modern Japanese History. (3)

Major issues in the history of Japan from mid-19th century to recent times such as the Meiji Restoration, the impact of the West, tradition and modernity, industrialization, social and cultural development, and wars and democracy.

HST 357. Gilded Age America. (3)

Covering the period between 1877 and about 1920, this course explores the political, economic, social, and cultural history of the era in the United States known as the Gilded Age, as well as Progressive Era responses to issues raised in that era. Pedagogy includes both lecture and hands-on experiential work with primary and secondary sources.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 360. Topics in World History. (1-4; maximum 9)

Topics in World History. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 361. Colonial America. (3)

Exploration and conquest of North America by Europeans and the development of English colonies to 1730.

HST 362. The Era of the American Revolution. (3)

Origins, events, and legacies of the American Revolution, with particular emphasis on political and social developments. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 363. The Early American Republic, 1783-1815. (3)

Emphasizes the Constitution, the Federalists, and the Jeffersonians with study of Washington, Madison, Hamilton, John Adams, and Jefferson as major figures.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 367. The United States in the 1960s. (3)

Examines political, social, and cultural changes in the United States in the turbulent decade of the 1960s. Describes the consensus that existed in the 1950s, and then explores such topics as the civil rights movement, the women's movement, expansion of the welfare state, war in Vietnam, and the growth of a counterculture.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 371. Native American History to 1840. (3)

American Indian history from the period before European contact through the removal era of the 1830s and 1840s.
Cross-listed with AMS.

HST 372. Native American History since 1840. (3)

American Indian history from 1840 through the twentieth century and into the present. IC. CAS-B. PA-4B.

HST 374. History of the Russian Empire. (3)

Key issues in Russian history, particularly the rise, growth, and stagnation of the vast multinational and multiconfessional Russian empire, the influence of other empires on Russia, the governance of vast territories, and the development of Russian imperial and national identities.

HST 375. The Soviet Union and Beyond. (3)

Central problems and controversies in Russian history since 1917, among them: what produced the 1917 Revolution; how communism developed and collapsed; how Soviet citizens experienced communism; how Russian history changed after communism's collapse in 1991.

HST 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HST 382. Women in American History. (3)

Survey of the history of women's lives and roles in American society from colonial period to present. Emphasis on examining women's individual and collective roles in private and public spheres and on exploring how specific economic and political transformations have affected women's lives. IC. PA-4B. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with AMS/WGS.

HST 385. Race, Science, and Disease in the Americas. (3)

Surveys a variety of debates over race and disease since the European overseas expansion to the Americas, particularly in those regions that developed plantation-based agriculture. Begins with the medical and scientific construction of ideas about race from the conquest to the eighteenth century. Places the development of racial theories of sickness and health in a broad social and political context, and, in particular, explains the medical salience of race in the settings of slavery and colonialism. Discussions will focus primarily on Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States, but will also explore the making of knowledge about race in global setting.
Cross-listed with CRE 385 and LAS 385.

HST 386. Race in U.S. Society. (3)

Examines the historical contexts within which major transformations in racial practices and policies have taken place and analyzes racialized customs and behaviors in the United States across time and place. IC. PA-4B. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with CRE 386.

HST 387. U.S. Constitutional Development to 1865. (3)

Development of state rights and nationalism from the framing of the Federal Constitution to 1865.

HST 392. Sex and Gender in American Culture. (3)

Examination of change over time in the construction of sexual norms, attitudes, and behaviors in American culture, as well as of gender roles. Covers the period just prior to the Indian-European encounter through the present. IC. PA-4B. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with AMS/WGS.

HST 400. Senior Capstone in History. (3; maximum 6)

Provides intensive reading, research, and writing in selected topics. Each topic focuses on a specific problem or issue presented for analysis. Though requirements vary with topic, each Capstone involves active participation, both orally and in writing. Topics and descriptions are published annually in the department's course-offerings booklet. Take Capstones that build upon other classes taken. Required of all history majors. EL. SC. CAS-B.

HST 410/HST 510. Topics in European History. (3; maximum 9)

Topics in European History. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 428/HST 528. History Through Literature. (3)

Explores the relationship between historical narratives and fictional ones. Students will read works of historical fiction along with historical theories in order to think more deeply about narrative and how fiction can offer profound historical interpretations. Reading assignments will vary from instructor to instructor: possibilities include Tolstoy's War and Peace and Eliot's Middlemarch.

HST 435/HST 535. Public History Practicum. (3)

Combines classroom study, primary and secondary source research, and fieldwork in the public sphere. Projects may include digital history projects including database projects, digital visual representations, and creation of online exhibits. Other projects may include archival research, local museum and historical society collaborative projects, and public writing.

HST 436/HST 536. Havighurst Colloquium. (3)

Exploration of significant issues related to Russian and post communist affairs. Each semester focuses on a central theme or topic that is examined through presentations, readings, research, discussion, and writing. May be repeated once for credit with only 3 hours counting towards the history major.
Cross-listed with ATH 436/536; RUS 436/536; CLS 436; POL 440/POL 540/540; and REL 470A.

HST 450/HST 550. Topics in American History. (3; maximum 9)

Topics in American History. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 452/HST 552. Florence in the Time of the Republic, 1250-1550. (3)

Few European city-states have aroused as much comment from contemporaries and historians as the Republic of Florence. Begins with the emergence of the popular commune (1250), continues through the crisis of the 14th century (plague, depression, workers' revolts), the Medici family domination, foreign invasions, and the fall of the republic. Special attention to the myth of the 'Renaissance' and Florence's role in the creation of that myth. Topics include: political theory, including Machiavelli's Prince and Discourses; banking and business; the definition of community through civic religion; families and clans; art and architecture; ritual behavior and the definition of people marginal to society.

HST 470/HST 570. Topics in World History. (3; maximum 9)

Topics in World History. May be repeated when topic changes.

HST 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HST 480. Departmental Honors. (1-6; maximum 6)

Departmental honors may be taken in one or more semesters of the student's senior year.

HST 602. History and Theories. (3)

Introduction to theories and models of the practice of history in the last century.

HST 603. Research Seminar I. (3)

Required course, which gives students an opportunity to conduct research in primary and secondary sources in a field of interest, complete a prospectus and a bibliography or source list, and set out a research and writing plan. The course is designed as well to prepare students for HST 604 to be taken subsequently.

HST 604. Research Seminar II. (3)

Required course and must be taken in sequence with HST 603. Students are required to write a finished paper of between 20 and 25 pages that is based on their research but which is independent of the final project.

HST 645. College Teaching of History Surveys. (0)

HST 670. Colloquium in History. (3)

Reading and discussion of major works on selected topics. Colloquium may be taken more than once if topic changes.

HST 677. Independent Studies. (0-6)

HST 700. Research for Master's Thesis or Project. (1-12; maximum 12)