Japanese (JPN)

JPN 101. First Year Japanese. (4)

Acquisition of the basic oral-aural skills of elementary Japanese as well as the reading and writing skills.

JPN 102. First Year Japanese. (4)

Acquisition of the basic oral-aural skills of elementary Japanese as well as the reading and writing skills.
Prerequisite: JPN 101 or equivalent.

JPN 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

JPN 201. Second Year Japanese. (3)

Further development of the fundamental skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading in Japanese.
Prerequisite: JPN 102 or equivalent.

JPN 202. Second Year Japanese. (3)

Further development of the fundamental skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading in Japanese. CAS-A.
Prerequisite: JPN 201 or equivalent.

JPN 231. Japanese Tales of the Supernatural in English Translation. (3)

Focusing on the supernatural, this course examines major literary works chronologically, Tale of Genji (ca. 1010), to contemporary films. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B-LIT.

JPN 255. Drama In China/Japan:Eng Trans. (3)

Provides historical overview of major traditional dramatic art forms of China and Japan: Zaju, Kunqu, Beijing Opera, Noh, Kyogen, Bunraku, and Kabuki. Critically treats and interprets theatrical conventions in each and attempts to clarify aesthetic significance. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B-LIT.
Cross-listed with CHI.

JPN 260. Topics in Japanese Literature in English Translation. (3; maximum 9)

Treatment of selected works of Japanese literature that suggest a particular theme, such as Death. CAS-B-LIT.

JPN 261. Global Godzilla & Hello Kitty: Japanese Popular Culture in Global Context. (3)

This course examines the cultural heritage of the representations of Japanese popular media such as anime, manga, films, games, music, and fashion in order to better understand how the entertainment industries shape contemporary Japanese society and global mediascapes in personal, local, and global contexts. Through the study of cultural artifacts within different media, we will learn how Japan’s popular culture changed over time and how it impacted global cultural production and consumption. In addition, the course will introduce students to critical and theoretical approaches to various media, fan cultures, and the interplay between these two. PA-3B, PA-4B, SI-04. CAS-B.

JPN 266. Survey of Japanese Cinema. (3)

This course examines representative Japanese films from the movies of the immediate postwar era to the new wave of Japanese anime (animated films).
Cross-listed with FST 266.

JPN 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

JPN 301. Third Year Japanese. (3)

Emphasis on advanced oral and written communication in Japanese, while learning about important concepts in modern Japanese society through reading and discussion.
Prerequisite: JPN 202 or equivalent.

JPN 302. Third Year Japanese. (3)

Emphasis on advanced oral and written communication in Japanese, while learning about important concepts in modern Japanese society through reading and discussion.
Prerequisite: JPN 301 or equivalent.

JPN 311. Introduction to Translating Japanese Media. (3)

This class introduces students to the theory and practice of translation from Japanese (the source language) into English (the target language). Students will engage with theoretical, readings, reflections on the various practices of translation, and evaluations of existing translations alongside their source texts. In-class work, assignments, and group projects will emphasize the practice of translation within different formats, genres, and subject areas. Translations offer a way of improving mastery (vocabulary, grammar, and style) in both the source language as well as in the target language. Moreover, translation skills can be a valuable asset in professional careers. The course design includes real-world examples in the field of translation and provides opportunities for students to translate authentic texts.
Prerequisite: JPN 202.

JPN 340. Internship. (0-20)

JPN 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

JPN 381. Introduction to Japanese Linguistics. (3)

Provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the Japanese language, using the framework of theoretical linguistics as an analytical tool.
Prerequisite: JPN 102.

JPN 401. Fourth Year Japanese. (3)

Development of advanced command of Japanese in comprehension and production through written works and class discussion. Cultural, social, and psychological implications, literary works, contemporary articles, etc., will also be explored.
Prerequisite: JPN 302 or equivalent.

JPN 402. Fourth Year Japanese. (3)

Development of advanced command of Japanese in comprehension and production through written works and class discussion. Cultural, social, and psychological implications, literary works, contemporary articles, etc., will also be explored.
Prerequisite: JPN 401 or equivalent.

JPN 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)

JPN 677. Independent Studies. (0-6)