Media and Communication (MAC)

MAC 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

MAC 202. The Smartphone and Society. (3)

Explores the impact of media and communication technologies on our individual lives as well as wider political, economic, and cultural practices. This course will help students to think critically about the tools they use in their everyday lives and the ways in which technology and society mutually shape each other. IIB. PA-3B. CAS-B.

MAC 211. Intermediate Video Production. (4)

This class is designed to develop professional skills in the production of Television/Film creative work, including scripting, producing and directing, cinematography, lighting, sound and post production. Students will produce non-fiction, fiction and live studio projects.
Prerequisite: MJF 146, major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 212. Media, Representation, and Society. (3)

Exploration of media’s role in society with special attention paid to the relationship between media and the dynamics of social power and representation. PA-1C. CAS-W.
Prerequisite: MJF 105 and major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 213. Writing for Film and TV. (3)

Basic course in writing for radio and television, and new media, with emphasis on scriptwriting for feature film and narrative for television; treatment of documentary subjects; introduction to narrative forms in new media.
Prerequisite: MAC 146, or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed with ENG.

MAC 258. Copywriting for Digital Media. (3)

Basic course in writing for radio and television, and new media with emphasis on commercial, noncommercial, and promotional copywriting.
Prerequisite: MJF 146, or permission of instructor.

MAC 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

MAC 309. Advertising in Consumer Culture. (3)

This course examines the historical and cultural roots of advertising in Western culture, identifying the critical components that have shaped and continue to shape its persuasive dimensions.

MAC 310. Topics in Media History. (3; maximum 6)

Through specific case studies in media history, students will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of historical context for understanding media practices and institutions and the process of communication. They will also acquire skills in historical research methods.
Prerequisite: major status (MAC, JRN, STC, FST) or permission of instructor.

MAC 311. Fiction Film Production. (3)

Experience the production and direction of fictional Television and Film in a variety of forms and genres. Emphasis on advanced cinematography and post-production.
Prerequisite: MAC 211, major status (MAC, STC, JRN, FST) or permission of instructor.

MAC 312. TV Studio Production. (3)

Experience in the production and direction of television formats with emphasis on applied media aesthetics. Studio production theories and exercises.
Prerequisite: MAC 211, major status, or permission of instructor.

MAC 325. Social Media Cultures. (3)

In this course, students will research and study the relationship between human social interaction and media. We will consider and compare both analog and digital forms of social media. Students will apply theories from cultural studies, media studies, and communication studies to both online and offline social media in order to understand the interaction between social practices and contemporary media cultures. Students critique and assess multiple forms of social media through active engagement with social media platforms, critical response papers, and final group projects.
Prerequisite: MJF 105.

MAC 340. Internship. (0-20)

MAC 344. Sound and Music in Media Cultures. (3)

Students develop skills in audio production while analyzing the roles of sound and music in media and culture.

MAC 350. Special Topics in Media and Communication. (3; maximum 9)

Students will build upon and apply key concepts in the study of media and communication to a special topic.
Prerequisite: major status (MAC, STC, JRN, FST) or permission of instructor.

MAC 351. Media Ethnography. (3)

Introduction to media ethnography, a qualitative research method used by academics and market researchers to observe and analyze people’s real-world media use.
Prerequisite: Major status (MAC, STC, FST, JRN) or permission of instructor.

MAC 353. Audience Studies. (3)

Introduction to audience analysis including review of services provided by media research organizations and procedures of applied survey research for the media. Prerequisite major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 355. Media Technology & Culture. (3)

Focuses on the relationships among technology, society, and communications (mass media and information systems), exploring key historical, cultural, and political/economic issues raised by new communication technologies.
Prerequisite: major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 358. Working in Media. (3)

Exploration of issues related to working inside media industries that produce and distribute creative media content, including video games, television, film, radio, podcasting, and music. Topics covered include dynamics of creative content production; social power in workplace cultures; and employment trends and labor practices.
Prerequisite: major status (MAC, STC, FST, JRN) or permission of instructor.

MAC 362. Advertising and the Attention Economy. (3)

This course examines how communication platforms, media systems, and consumer data are connected through advertising and the attention economy. Students will analyze how attention is measured, produced, and exchanged through study of economic, organizational, and legal dimensions of data-driven advertising.
Prerequisite: major status (MAC, STC, JRN) or permission of instructor.

MAC 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

MAC 414. Capstone Pictures: Project in Digital Narrative Film Production. (4; maximum 8)

In-depth production of a digital narrative film. This may involve conceptualizing, researching and writing; comprehensive budgeting and planning; creative design of visual and aural elements; management of a production team. Students meet regularly with other students to discuss progress, problems, issues and integrate ideas. Students work together to produce the film and present it to the Miami University community. SC.
Prerequisite: appropriate course work in a relevant area and permission of instructor.

MAC 422. Advanced Creative Writing: Screenwriting Workshop. (3)

Advanced workshop in feature film screenwriting. Analysis of examples of contemporary screenplays, with emphasis on the craft of writing screenplays. Class discussion and sharing of student-written screenplays.
Prerequisite: MAC 213 or ENG 320 or permission of instructor.
Cross-listed with ENG.

MAC 425. Inside Hollywood. (3)

Intensive study of the contemporary entertainment industry centered in Hollywood/Los Angeles, California, through reading, lecture, on-site observations, expert presentations, discussion, research, writing and internships. The main focus is on the film and televsion industry, but music, gaming and other entertainment industries are studied as well . Areas of the industry covered may include development, finance, casting, scriptwriting, production, post-production, marketing and entertainment Law. Program is conducted in Hollywood/Los Angeles, CA. Offered Summer and Winter terms only.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

MAC 426. Inside Washington. (1-8)

Engages students in an intensive study of contemporary Washington, D.C., government institutions, public officials, journalists, consultants, staff, and interest groups -- through reading, lectures, on-site observations, expert presentations, discussion, research, writing, and internships. Program conducted in Washington, D.C., during summer term.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Inside Washington program.
Cross-listed with POL 426.

MAC 443. Media Industries and Economics. (3)

Study of media industries and economics in relation to business models, communication technologies, and political contexts.

MAC 445. Electronic Media Policy and Regulation. (3)

Study of development and implementation of federal and state law and regulations and their effect on American mass media. Emphasis on regulatory process, judicial review, and political process as they affect the Federal Communications Commission and other government agencies. SC.

MAC 446. Media Globalization. (3)

Survey of international communication systems, with emphasis on comparative analysis based on current typologies, and economic, social, political, and regulatory variables.
Prerequisite: major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 447. Senior Seminar in Applied Media Analysis. (3)

Students will produce a culminating capstone project that applies the methods and concepts gained during their coursework to the analysis of a real world topic related to the texts, institutions, practices or technologies that form our media and communication environments. SC.
Prerequisite: major status (Media and Communication) or permission of instructor.

MAC 450. Topics in Communication. (3)

Study or research of issues and problems associated with communication under the guidance of a faculty member of the department.
Prerequisite: major status or permission of instructor.

MAC 461. Gender, Sexuality and Media. (3)

Examines how media help to shape notions of gender in society, how gender ideologies influence mass media perspectives and practices, and how mediated representations may reinforce or challenge social hierarchies based in differences of gender, race, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation.
Cross-listed with WGS.

MAC 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)