Political Science (POL)

Note: All POL courses satisfy CAS-C-POL.

POL 140. Topics: Contemporary Politics. (1-3; maximum 4)

Examination of contemporary political events, with focus on national or state elections, major national or international events, or important themes in current public affairs. Emphasis on illuminating current events through insights from scholarship. Credit cannot be applied to majors or minors in Department of Political Science.

POL 142. American Politics and Diversity. (3)

Foundations and operations of the American political system, with emphasis on "the people" and how they belong to, challenge, and change the system. How the competing values of unity and diversity influence American politics. CAS-C.

POL 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

POL 201. Political Thinking. (3)

Examination of ideas that justify or challenge political orders, such as nationalism, totalitarianism, militarism, anarchism, capitalism, socialism, communism, liberalism, conservatism, feminism, elitism, and democracy.

POL 221. Comparative Politics. (3)

Comparative introduction to the development, governmental structures, and political processes of societies in modern world. Case studies used to relate theories to actual problems and governing strategies in contemporary political systems. IIC, IIIB. PA-2A, PA-4C. CAS-C.

POL 241. American Political System. (3)

Theories and methods of political analysis applied to the American political system. Political beliefs, behavior, institutions, and public policies in the American case will be examined. IIC. PA-2A. CAS-C. CAS-QL.

POL 254. Introduction to Russian and Eurasian Studies. (3)

Examines the major developments that have shaped Russian and Eurasian culture, society and politics over the last millennium. The course incorporates perspectives from the social sciences, humanities, and the fine arts. Taught in English. IIB. PA-4C. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with HST 254 and RUS 254.

POL 261. Public Administration. (3)

Introduction to public administration as a field of study and a major component of government; bureaucratic behavior and bureaucracy as formal organization; structures, settings, functions, and personnel of bureaucratic organizations and their effects on public policy and public service delivery.

POL 268. State and Local Government and Politics. (3)

Introduction to the study of state and local government and politics with special emphasis on Ohio government and politics. Topics include state/local government fiscal relations, issues of service delivery among state, county, city, village, and township governments, and the political economy of state and local revenues and expenditures. Examines American federalism as it impacts sub-national government and politics including inter-state and substate regionalism and political actors--legislative, gubernatorial, and judicial - that affect state and local politics, as well as specific policy issues (e.g., education, economic development, and public safety).

POL 270. Current World Problems. (1; maximum 6)

Examination of major international problems, with special attention to basic forces in world politics and relationship of these forces to present international problems.

POL 271. World Politics. (3)

Introduction to international politics, with emphasis on factors and processes producing harmony and conflict in interactions within the international system. IIC, IIIB. PA-2A, PA-4C. CAS-C.

POL 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

POL 303. Modern Political Thought. (3)

Study of influential ideas and selected key texts in modern Western political thought, starting with Machiavelli and ending in the twentieth century. Special attention is given to the political theory of liberalism as well as to its critics. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 201.

POL 306. Applied Research Methods. (3)

Use of quantitative analysis in the public sector; consideration of the methodology of applied research. Special emphasis on research design and data-gathering techniques, including survey research, aggregate data analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and planning. CAS-QL.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 307. Public Opinion Laboratory. (0-4; maximum 6)

Practice in the execution of survey research with attention to questionnaire construction, sampling, interviewing, data coding, and data analysis. Discussion of ethical issues surrounding polls and the role of polling in a democratic polity.

POL 308. Introduction to Programming and Scripting for Data Analytics. (3)

Introduction to computer programming concepts used for solving mathematical problems and manipulating data. Control structures, functions, formatted input/output, character and string processing, arrays, procedural and functional programming, basic elements of object-oriented programming. Emphasis on programming languages in high demand for data analytics.
Prerequisites: STA 261 or STA 301 or ISA 225 or POL 306.
Cross-listed with STA.

POL 330. Topics in Comparative Politics. (3; maximum 9)

Topics course in comparative politics. The topics course may cover institutions, processes, policy, leaders and governments, in a comparative context. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 331. Communism and Soviet Politics, 1917-1991. (3)

Origin and development of Russian model, evolution of Russian political and revolutionary cultures, contribution of Marxism and Leninism to Russian and international revolutionary politics.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 333. Politics of Western Europe. (3)

Comparative survey of social and cultural bases of politics, organization of political interests, style of political leadership, decision-making processes, governmental bureaucracies, and political strategies of social and economic change in major political systems of Western Europe. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 334. Politics of Eastern Europe. (3)

Survey of political systems in the nations of Eastern Europe in the period since World War II. Focus on the cultural, social and historical peculiarities of the region, as well as the processes that reshaped the region in the post-communist era.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 336. Politics of the Middle East. (3)

Comparative survey and analysis of political systems and politics in the Middle East. Includes examination of selected states, non-states actors, international organizations, and key events in the region.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 337. Politics of Latin America. (3)

Diachronic analysis of Latin American political, social, and economic structures and processes, with special emphasis on the study of how the interrelationship between them crystallizes into democratic and authoritarian regimes and how tensions underlying these regimes produce further changes.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 340. Internship. (0-20)

POL 343. American Presidency. (3)

Evolution of the presidency, its powers and restraints; organizing and using White House staff; executive decision- making; contemporary views of the office. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 344. U.S. Congress. (3)

Sociology and politics of legislative process; legislative recruitment, structure and influence of the committee system, impact of party leadership, and nature of legislative decision-making.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 345. National Issues. (3; maximum 12)

Examination of major contemporary domestic national issues, especially pollution, health care, inflation and recession, crime, income distribution, poverty, federal budget.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 241H or POL 241W or POL 261 or POL 261W.

POL 346. Global Gender Politics. (3)

Examination of the role of women in political participation, political protest, and political and economic development worldwide. Explores the usefulness of gender as a conceptual tool for comparative analysis, and uses case study material from the developed and developing world to examine how women's involvement in politics both shapes and is shaped by various political contexts.
Prerequisite: POL 221.
Cross-listed with WGS.

POL 348. Gender Politics & Policy in the United States. (3)

Addresses the role of gender in American politics. Topics include the history of women’s rights in American politics, differences between the political behavior of men and women, the role of gender in elections and in leadership, and current policies that affect women.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or WGS 201.
Cross-listed with WGS 348.

POL 349. Voice & Power in U.S. Politics. (3)

The first part of the course focuses on the various ways that citizens can participate in the political process, from voting to protesting to joining political parties and advocacy organizations. The second part of the course looks at how different component of identity – age, ability, class, and race – are represented in American politics. Finally, we examine what happens in political institutions: how election rules translate into legislative representation, how elected officials represent their constituents, and the role of unelected bureaucrats in providing a voice for citizens. The course will draw on both current political environment and U.S. political history to frame our discussions. CAS-C, CAS-W.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 351. Criminal Justice. (3)

Survey and analysis of major components of the system of criminal justice with emphasis on law enforcement, judicial process, and corrections.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 352. Constitutional Law and Politics. (3)

Supreme Court as a legal and political institution; leading judicial decisions with respect to separation of powers and federalism.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 353. Constitutional Rights and Liberties. (3)

Leading cases and related materials on the Bill of Rights and 14th Amendment.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 356. Mass Media and Politics. (3)

Mass media, especially television, in politics in the United States, with comparisons to nature, roles, and impacts on politics of the mass media in other countries. Emphasis given to mass media as instruments of political communication and opinion leadership, and as tools of political influence and control.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 357. Politics of Organized Interests. (3)

Nature, functions, organizations, and activities of interest groups in the American political system with a comparative analysis of interest groups in other political systems.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 359. U.S. Campaigns and Elections. (3)

This course is an introduction to the processes and impact of political campaigns. Our primary goal over the next several weeks is to systematically examine elections in the United States. We will act as social science researchers to answer some interesting questions: What is the role of voters, campaigns and elections in a democracy? Why are campaigns and elections important in a democracy? We will examine in detail how voters decide to choose a representative. We will examine election campaigns, focusing specifically on whether campaigns matter, how they can be studied systematically, and how candidates strategize in modern elections.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 361. Nonprofits: Politics & Policy. (3)

Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector and Nonprofit Organizations in the United States. This course will examine theories and issues about the existence, form, and function of the Nonprofit Sector, focusing on policies, politics, public service delivery, and management of Nonprofit Organizations.
Prerequisite: POL 261.

POL 362. Public Management, Leadership, and Administrative Politics. (3)

Study of contemporary public management and leadership in government, and the political economy of public sector agencies. Emphasis on the politics and economics of administrative reform, innovation, and policy management in public sector organizations including the dynamics of bureaucratic decision making and administrative behavior at the micro and macro levels of analysis.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 363. Administrative Law. (3)

Administrative law and procedures; legislative delegation of power; administrative rule making, promulgation and enforcement; scope and constraints; appeals; controlling administrative discretion; public participation and access to information.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 364. Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations. (3)

Power and policymaking in the American federal system. Problems in managing, coordinating, and administering intergovernmental system, with case studies on fiscal federalism and grants management, intergovernmental coordination, interstate relations, and federal reorganization. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 365. Decision-Making in Public Affairs. (3)

Public affairs decisions are made in the context of imperfect information; uncertain events, conditions, and outcomes; and conflicts over values. Yet despite these challenges, decisions must be made in order to meet a wide range of societal objectives. A diverse set of models and methods can be used to analyze and guide decisions in operational, managerial, and policy settings. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 366. Policy Evaluation. (3)

This course introduces students to public policy and the professional practice of policy analysis. PA-1C. CAS-C, CAS-W.
Prerequisite: POL 241 or POL 261.

POL 370. Topics in International Relations. (3; maximum 9)

Topics course in international relations. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 373. American Foreign Policy. (3)

Theoretical and case studies in the formulation and conduct of American foreign policy; analysis of the role of personality, intelligence gathering, decision making, and diplomacy in the execution of foreign policy.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 374. Foreign Policy Analysis. (3)

Study of foreign policy analysis as a subdiscipline of political science, including the study of foreign policy making and implementation at the individual, domestic and international system levels of analysis. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 376. U.S. National Security Policy. (3)

Examination of U.S. national security and defense requirements, the defense policymaking process, U.S. national security interests in the post-Cold War era, the roles for nuclear weapons, new security issues, and the continuing tensions of searching for security in a democratic polity.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

POL 381. Global Governance. (3)

Examines different approaches and institutional arrangements for promoting international cooperation and managing conflict, with special emphasis on developments within the United Nations system, the growth of transgovernmental cooperation, and the grassroots activities of nongovernmental organizations. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 382. International Law. (3)

Nature and principles of international law, with special emphasis on changing concepts and conflicting claims in the development of rules for the world community. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 385. Russian Foreign Policy. (3)

This course explores Russian foreign policy in the contemporary world, with an eye on the deep historical context that informs the relationships between Russia and the rest of the world. Students will develop an understanding of the theoretical basis for analyzing foreign policy and will apply these tools to the study of Russian foreign policy. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 271 or POL 271H or POL 271W.

POL 387. International Security Issues. (3)

Comparative analysis of international security issues, with emphasis on military security concerns and international peacekeeping, and nontraditional security concerns such as human security, food security and resource security.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 388. Politics of Cybersecurity. (3)

This course covers the international politics of cybersecurity with a focus of international security. The course utilizes case studies such as China and Russia to learn about the challenges to U.S. cybersecurity. The course engages with major questions of cybersecurity including: does cyber fundamentally reshape the balance of power? Does cyber favor the attacker or defender? What is cyberwar and will it take place? Can offensive cyber operations be deterred? And what kinds of effects does cyber have on international security issues? The course then goes on to explore the role of private and non-governmental actors in cyber, and their role in U.S. cybersecurity policy.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 406. Public Policy Analysis Laboratory. (2)

Practice in organizing a policy research team, preparing and presenting an applied policy research project. Practice in the application of program evaluation design, document analysis, interviewing, primary and secondary data collection, data analysis, legislative research, implementation analysis, organizational analysis, benefit-cost analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, and other applied policy research techniques and issues covered in POL 466/POL 566. Required for public administration majors, POL 466/POL 566 Capstone. CAS-C.
Prerequisites: POL 261 or POL 261W, POL 306 or STA 261, and senior standing or permission of instructor.

POL 411/POL 511. American Political Thought. (3)

Examines how traditions of liberalism, republicanism, and religion have shaped American political ideas and culture. Attention to the thought of the Founding, Lincoln's refounding, feminism, and African-American political thought. SC.
Prerequisites: POL 201.

POL 419/POL 519. Civil Society and Modern Politics. (3)

Capstone that discusses the nature of modern civil society, including a discussion of its nature, its historical origins, the problems that threaten its continued existence, and the possible solutions that might be used to preserve and maintain it. SC.
Prerequisite: POL 201 or POL 241.

POL 423/POL 523. European Union: Politics and Policies. (3)

Exploration of the development, structure, and operation of the EC as well as its main policies and their effects on governments, business organizations, and other interests operating in the EC. Examines the interface between politics and economic activity within the EC and its role as a principal economic partner of the U.S., an emerging security actor, and the world's most developed example of regional integration. SC.
Prerequisite: POL 221.

POL 426. Inside Washington. (1-8)

Engages students in an intensive study of contemporary Washington, D.C., government institutions, public officials, journalists, consultants, staff, and interest groups -- through reading, lectures, on-site observations, expert presentations, discussion, research, writing, and internships. Program conducted in Washington, D.C., during summer term.
Prerequisite: Accepted into Inside Washington program.
Cross-listed with MAC 426.

POL 427. Inside Washington Semester Experience. (4; maximum 4)

Intensive study of the contemporary Washington community-government institutions, public officials, journalists, consultants, staff, and interest groups-through reading, lecture, onsite observations, expert presentations, discussion, research, and writing. Program conducted in Washington.
Prerequisites: permission of instructor.
Co-requisites: JRN/MAC/POL 454; JRN/MAC/POL 377 or 477; JRN/MAC/POL 340.
Cross-listed with JRN/MAC.

POL 430/POL 530. Seminar on Comparative Political Systems. (3; maximum 6)

Students will examine various issues related to the functioning of modern political systems through readings, oral presentations and discussions. They will also write about the relevant literatures and compare specific cases, regions and historical periods. Topics will vary but will include The Rule of Law, modes of governance in authoritarian and hybrid regimes, the empirical and conceptual dimensions of democratic consolidation and democratic collapse, the impact of leadership on domestic and international politics, and the institutional design of different types of political systems.
Prerequisite: POL 221 and POL 241.

POL 437. Cyberlaw. (3)

Introduces the student to the legal issues surrounding e-commerce and cyberspace. Will develop awareness as to how the internet functions; the legal restrictions and limitations placed upon providers of internet service and those who do business on the internet; also explores issues raised in the area of intellectual property and information privacy.

POL 440/POL 540. Havighurst Colloquium. (3)

Exploration of significant issues related to Russian and post communist affairs. Each semester focuses on a central theme or topic that is examined through presentations, readings, research, discussion, and writing. May be repeated once for credit with only 3 hours counting towards the history major.
Cross-listed with CLS 436; ATH 436/536; HST 436/HST 536/536; REL 470A; and RUS 436/536.

POL 454. The Washington Community. (3-4; maximum 4)

This course focuses on the Washington, D.C., as a complex political-social system that is both the seat of American democracy and a metropolis plagued with typical urban problems. In this class, students will complement their study of the formal political and media systems in the "Inside Washington" course by focusing on the development and behavior of constituent communities within the city of Washington.
Cross-listed with JRN/MAC.

POL 459/POL 559. Capstone Seminar on the American Political System. (3)

Examination of broad themes on the American political system through readings, research, writing, presentations, and discussions. Topics vary. SC.
Prerequisite: POL 241.

POL 459G. US Energy Policy. (3)

POL 460/POL 560. Seminar on Public Administration and Policy Analysis. (3)

Readings, research, reports, and discussion on selected topics and problems.
Prerequisite: POL 261.

POL 466/POL 566. Public Policy Analysis. (3)

Final course in the public administration required core. Study of the stages of policy process including problem definition, policy formulation, implementation, impact, evaluation, and termination, and the role of the policy analyst in these processes. SC. CAS-C.
Prerequisites: POL 261 or POL 261W, POL 306 or STA 261, and senior standing or permission of instructor.

POL 467/POL 567. Public Budgeting. (3)

Theories and techniques of the role of the modern budget in determination of public policy, in administrative planning, control of government operations, and intergovernmental relations.
Prerequisite: POL 261.

POL 468/POL 568. Public Personnel Administration. (3)

Influence of social and political values on public service concepts and institutions. Analysis of the decline of the spoils system and development of civil service. Problems, challenges, and prospects in managing human resources in the public sector at national, state, and local levels, including public service unions, civil liberties of public employees, equal opportunity, affirmative action, health and safety and public productivity.
Prerequisite: POL 261.

POL 471/POL 571. The International System. (3)

Provides opportunity to think critically about the meaning and implications of theories and concepts that have been introduced in their prior course work. Students encouraged to think carefully about how one might conduct research that is designed to test and assess the applicability of these theories and concepts to the international system, past and present. One basic focal point of the class is to think carefully about how well some of the traditional theories about international relations apply to the contemporary international arena. SC.
Prerequisite: POL 271 and open to senior political science and diplomacy and foreign affairs/diplomancy and global politics majors and to those who have completed an appropriate Thematic Sequence, or permission of instructor.

POL 474/POL 574. Using Large Datasets in the Social Sciences. (3)

This course will address issues unique to conducting statistical analyses on large datasets. Students will learn about common challenges inherent to most large datasets, including locating data of interest, learning how to work with a new large dataset, efficient data processing and management, applying complex sample elements, and working in a research team. How to become familiar with and communicate research findings in a new topic area will also be discussed. Students will work in teams to develop a research question of interest, identify a large dataset with relevant variables, analyze data, and communicate their findings.
Prerequisite: STA 363 or ISA 291 or POL 306 or SOC 262 or GTY 362.
Cross-listed with GTY 474/GTY 574/574.

POL 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)

POL 489/POL 589. Conflict Management in a Divided World. (3)

Focuses on devising ways to manage contemporary conflicts. Possible areas for investigation include international trade and investment, arms proliferation, ethnic strife, refugees, and immigration. Partners with senior capstone and designed as an exercise in collaborative learning to examine the underlying causes of a particular conflict, explore the different alternatives for managing and/or resolving it, and develop a set of constructive recommendations and a plan for implementation. SC.
Prerequisite: POL 271.

POL 491/POL 591. Social Network Analysis. (3)

The course on social network analysis focuses on applications to social phenomena. This includes topics such as the types of networks, network centrality, network clustering, associativity, community detection, random graph models, models of diffusion, and network visualization. The course allows students to investigate social networks, explain and examine their important characteristics, and relate these features back to social theories. CAS-C.
Prerequisite: POL 306 or STA 363 or ISA 291.
Cross-listed with GTY 491/GTY 591/591.

POL 601. Foundations of Political Analysis. (3)

Study of the history, development and public contributions of the discipline of political science with a focus on key research themes that cut across sub-fields.

POL 603. Introduction to Quantitative Methods. (2)

Introduction to statistical techniques in quantitative methods.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Political Science.
Co-requisite: POL 604.

POL 604. Public Policy Research. (2)

Introduction to the practice of public policy research. Exploration of the political economy of public policy.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in Political Science.
Co-requisite: POL 603.

POL 605. Writing Workshop for Final Project for Master's Degree. (1)

POL 606. Final Project for Master's Degree. (3)

Directed research and writing of professional report on a subject to be determined in consultation with student's faculty supervisor.

POL 630. Seminar: Comparative Political Systems. (4; maximum 8)

Specific problems and topics in each seminar will vary.

POL 640. Internship. (0-12; maximum 6)

POL 677. Independent Studies. (0-6)

POL 700. Research for Master's Thesis. (1-12; maximum 12)

POL 710. Research on Political Theory and Methodology. (4; maximum 12)

Advanced research on selected topics and problems in political theory and methodology.

POL 730. Research on Comparative Political Systems. (4; maximum 12)

Advanced research on selected topics and problems on comparative political systems.

POL 750. Research on the American Political System. (4; maximum 12)

Advanced research on selected topics and problems on the American political system. 750A The Presidency and Congress 750B State and Urban Politics 750C Law and Judicial Politics 750D Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Behavior.

POL 760. Research on Public Administration and Policy Analysis. (4; maximum 12)

Advanced research on selected topics and problems on public administration and policy analysis. Offered infrequently.

POL 770. Research on International Relations. (4; maximum 12)

Advanced research on selected topics and problems on international relations. 770A International Politics 770B Foreign Policy.

POL 780. Readings in Political Science. (1-4; maximum 4)

Directed readings on selected topics in political science.

POL 790. Directed Study in Political Science. (1-16; maximum 24)

Directed and supervised study in doctoral student's major and minor fields of comprehensive examination preparation, including tutorials and reports.
Prerequisite: completion of field course credits for doctoral degree.