Psychological Science (PSS)

PSS 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)

PSS 211. College and Career Development in Psychological Science. (3)

What can you do with a major or minor in Psychological Science? Whether you plan to enter directly into the workforce or continue to graduate or professional school, this course will help you to develop the skills you need to stay on track in college, and to explore careers, design a vocational plan, set goals, and develop strategies to make you ready for your professional life after graduation. It is recommended that students take this course prior to the junior year.

PSS 218. Introduction to Research Design and Analysis. (4)

Introduction to the process and skills required to conceive, design, conduct, analyze, interpret, visualize, and report results from social science research. Students will learn how to formulate research questions, construct research hypotheses based on relevant theories, employ sound methodological research, and conduct and interpret statistical analyses.
Prerequisites: PSY 111 and STA 261.

PSS 219. Advanced Research Design and Analysis. (4)

Extends the foundation for research skill developed in PSS 218, with an emphasis on using current issues and methodologies to design, analyze, and report the results of applied research collected through multiple qualitative and/or quantitative research methodologies, such as the experimental method, observation, etc. Emphasis is placed on communicating the results of original research to scientific and lay audiences. PA-1C, EL.
Prerequisites: PSY 111, STA 261, PSS 218 or PSS 302.

PSS 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)

PSS 310. Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (3)

Introduction to basic topics in industrial and organizational psychology, including human resources, worker productivity and satisfaction, motivation, leadership, organizations, and job analysis.
Prerequisites: PSY 111 or equivalent, PSY 294 or PSS 302.

PSS 312. Drugs and Behavior. (3)

This course covers the principles of drug actions in the nervous system and describes the effects of drugs on behavior. Focus is given to drugs that are commonly used in recreational and clinical settings.
Prerequisites: PSY 111, PSY 251 AND PSY 294 OR PSS 302.

PSS 315. Learning, Memory, and Behavior. (3)

This course is an empirical and theoretical examination of the processes of learning, memory, and behavior, including the origin and history of concepts and theories in learning and memory. For learning, the focus will be on habituation, classical and operant conditioning, and behaviorist approaches. Although most of the research findings will come from animal experiments, the relevance of these findings and concepts to understanding human behavior will be discussed. For memory, the focus will be on human memory, cognition, and attention. Students will be introduced to artificial intelligence, neural networks, and processes of attention. Special attention will be paid throughout to neuroanatomical and neurophysiological substrates of learning, memory, and behavior.
Prerequisites: PSY 111, PSY 271 and PSY 294 OR PSS 302.

PSS 320. Special Topics in Psychological Science. (3; maximum 6)

Examination of selected topics, emphasizing the application of psychological theories, principles, research, and methods to focused phenomena, including contemporary issues.
Prerequisite: PSY 294 OR PSS 302.

PSS 340. Internship. (0-20)

PSS 350. Introduction to Counseling Methods. (3)

Introduction to Counseling will emphasize the scientific, experimental character of psychology in exploring how we perceive and respond to the world and how we are shaped by internal and external influences. We will look at historical theories and new research findings. By the end of the course, you should be able to better understand the professional roles, skills, and responsibilities of clinical and counseling psychologists, licensed professional counselors, and clinical social workers in American society and the current challenges/issues surrounding the mental health profession.
Prerequisites: PSY 111 or equivalent, PSY 294 OR PSS 302.

PSS 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)

PSS 401. Capstone in Psychological Science. (3; maximum 6)

As a culminating experience in the major, students will view a topic in psychological science from a variety of lenses (for example, individual/identity level, psychosocial/group level, sociocultural, neurobiology/physiology, evolutionary/ethological). Seminar style sessions will include students on the planning and coordination of class activities, which will include writing and presenting research or research summaries for both professional and non-professional audiences. SC.
Prerequisites: PSY 111, STA 261, PSS 218, PSS 219 or PSY 294.

PSS 420. Advanced Topics in Psychological Science. (3-4)

Advanced consideration of selected topics in psychological science emphasizing the application of theories, principles, research, and methods to focused phenomena, including contemporary issues.
Prerequisites: PSY 111 or equivalent, and ([PSY 293 and PSY 294] or PSS 302).

PSS 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)