Sport Leadership and Management (SLM)
SLM 110. Dance. (2)
Emphasis placed on beginning technique of each dance form.
SLM 110A. Beginning Ballet. (2)
Classical ballet technique. Work at the barre stressed.
Cross-listed with THE 110A.
SLM 110G. Beginning Modern Dance. (2)
Technique stressed. Correct form and body placement along with flexibility and control covered.
SLM 110S. Social Dance - Men. (2)
Rhythms, steps, and positions of various ballroom dances, mixers, etc.
SLM 110T. Social Dance - Women. (2)
Rhythms, steps, and positions of various ballroom dances, mixers, etc.
SLM 110U. Intermediate Social Dance - Men. (2)
This class focuses on advanced rhythms, steps, and positions for complex dances from around the world, emphasizing the difference between American and international styles. Students will perform the Foxtrot, Rumba and Tango, among others, and learn about the historical, social, and cultural practices associated with these dances. Students will be taught the correct etiquette of each dance and be required to attend 3 extra dances outside class time.
Prerequisite: SLM 110S or SLM 110T.
SLM 110W. Intermediate Social Dance - Women. (2)
This class focuses on advanced rhythms, steps, and positions for complex dances from around the world, emphasizing the difference between American and international styles. Students will perform the Foxtrot, Rumba and Tango, among others, and learn about the historical, social, and cultural practices associated with these dances. Students will be taught the correct etiquette of each dance and be required to attend 3 extra dances outside class time.
Prerequisite: SLM 110S or SLM 110T.
SLM 112. Becoming a Champion 4 Life. (1; maximum 2)
The primary purpose of this course is to facilitate learning opportunities and experiences that will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop leadership skills at Miami University. Specifically, students will explore leadership through these six core guiding principles: Focus, Attitude, Teamwork, Tenacity, Integrity and Empathy. They will explore leadership skills and qualities (e.g., personal values, identity, commitment, accountability), mental skills and life skills (e.g., stress management, positive mindset, confidence, composure), and other important topics (e.g., sleep hygiene, nutrition, social media and mental health).
SLM 120A. Aerobics. (2)
Fitness program consisting of rhythmic activities to develop cardiovascular conditioning and flexibility.
SLM 120B. Beginning Badminton. (2)
Beginning badminton will develop students' understanding of badminton as an international sport. Students will learn the culture, history, fundamental rules and regulations, and basic movement techniques through participation in the course.
SLM 120C. Individual Exercise. (2)
Programming to give students opportunity to develop strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, and power by executing specific exercises and activities.
SLM 120E. Self Defense. (2)
Individual basic defense skills; awareness of necessary precautions.
SLM 120G. Weight Training. (2)
Introduction to fundamental principles of weight training. Includes selection and implementation of a weight training program and discussions of kinesiological and physiological principles as they relate to weight training.
SLM 120I. Power Walking for Fitness. (2)
This course introduces and develops the appropriate choices in making walking a core component within a healthy lifestyle.
SLM 120K. Marathon Training. (2)
This course introduces and develops the techniques to train and successfully complete a marathon.
SLM 120N. Nature Fit: Physical Activity in the Great Outdoors. (2)
This course introduces students to sustainable ways to engage in physical activity. The course explores a variety of activities such as parcourse, yoga, tai chi, informal games, mountain biking and student developed activities.
SLM 120T. Beginning T'ai Chi. (2)
This course will cover the Short (Simplified Modern) Yang Style T'ai Chi Chuan 24-Posture form which is the most-often taught version in the world. Developed by Yang Cheng Fu for instructing the Chinese Emperor's family over a hundred years ago, it is considered a valuable health exercise with many proven benefits, although it is also an effective martial art or self-defense. Often called "Meditation In Motion", T'ai Chi has been shown to relieve stress and increase flexibility, balance and focus.
SLM 130H. Golf. (2)
Basic golf skills, etiquette, and rules of the game.
SLM 130I. Intermediate Golf. (2)
Intermediate techniques and strategies for students who have mastered basic skills.
SLM 130K. Racquetball. (2)
Fundamental skills and knowledge of the game.
SLM 130M. Tennis. (2)
Basic strokes of tennis including forehand, backhand, serve, and game experience.
SLM 130O. Basic Ice Skating. (2)
For students with little or no previous experience.
SLM 130P. Intermediate Ice Skating. (2)
Intermediate skills and techniques for students who have mastered fundamentals.
SLM 130T. Advanced Ice Skating. (2)
Advanced techniques of skill in ice skating.
SLM 140A. Basketball. (2)
Fundamental skills, rules, and strategy necessary for team play.
SLM 140B. Power Volleyball. (2)
Fundamental skills, rules, and strategy necessary for team play.
SLM 140H. Ice Hockey. (2)
Fundamental skills, rules, and strategy necessary for team play.
SLM 140J. Soccer. (2)
Fundamental skills, rules, and strategy necessary for team play.
SLM 140K. Advanced Ice Hockey. (2)
Advanced ice hockey theory and techniques for those with demonstrated skill and hockey background.
SLM 140M. Broomball. (2)
Introduction to basic broomball skills, for those who have never played, for those with limited experience, or with broomball experience, but no formal instruction.
SLM 150. Outdoor Pursuit Activities. (2)
Includes leisure, recreational, and environmental pursuits. Instruction provided in basic skills, knowledge, and social behavior necessary for competent participation. Instruction at the Miami stables and other outdoor locations.
SLM 150A. Beginning Canoeing. (2)
This course will focus on the essential skills and information that tandem canoeists need to travel safely and comfortably on the water. Course content aligns with the American Canoe Association curriculum for paddling on flat and moving water. The course will cover history, equipment and usage, paddling technique, environmental impact for boaters, navigation, risk management and emergency procedures.
SLM 150B. Beginning Backpacking. (2)
This course will focus on the essential skills and information that backpackers need to travel safely and comfortably in the backcountry. The course will cover trip planning, equipment use and proper attire, cooking and meal planning, water treatment, leave no trace, land navigation, permits, land use regulations, weather and risk management.
SLM 150C. Beginning Rock Climbing. (2)
This course covers skills appropriate for the novice level climber. Students will climb during class time to put lecture and instruction into practice. Topics covered during this course include climbing terminology, equipment use, technical and movement skills.
SLM 150E. Beginning Horseback Riding. (2)
Introductory course to the fundamentals of horsemanship, basic horse care, and safety around equines.
SLM 150F. Intermediate Horseback Riding. (2)
Develops the fundamental skills of the western style of riding. Course explores equine anatomy, nutrition, and health care. Continues to focus on safety around equines.
Prerequisite: SLM 150E or permission by instructor.
SLM 150H. Advanced Horseback Riding. (2)
Explores advanced techniques and tradition in English Equitation. Course content focuses on advanced equine nutrition, anatomy, and physiology of the horse.
SLM 150K. Intermediate Rock Climbing. (2)
This course covers the terminology, equipment, technical and risk management skills appropriate for the intermediate level climber including the fundamentals of lead climbing and belaying. Students will climb during class time to put lecture and instruction into practice.
Prerequisite: SLM 150C or permission of the instructor.
SLM 150M. Mountain Biking. (2)
Students will learn about mountain biking: equipment, performance, safety, its role in health promotion, environmental issues, trail development and maintenance, and building community. Students will learn how to mountain bike safely and will have opportunities to bike on a variety of mountain bike trails of different difficulty levels. Students will also participate in mountain bike trail maintenance and sustainability.
SLM 150N. Beginning Kayaking. (2)
This beginning kayaking course will focus on the essential skills and information that recreational kayakers need to travel safely and comfortably on the water by utilizing the American Canoe Association (ACA) Introduction to Kayaking, Level 1 curriculum. The course will cover equipment and usage, environmental impact for boaters, paddling technique, risk management and emergency procedures.
SLM 170A. Swimming. (2)
For students with little or no previous experience. Basic skills to meet requirements for American Red Cross beginners and advanced beginners certification.
SLM 170B. Intermediate Swimming. (2)
Basic swimming strokes, turns, diving, rescue skills, and personal safety skills; meets American Red Cross intermediate and swimmers requirements.
Prerequisite: ability to swim 25 yards on stomach and back, and swim in deep water.
SLM 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SLM 195. Stress Management and Performance Psychology in Sport. (2)
Focuses on the causes of stress, how to apply coping skills and relaxation techniques used in sport psychology to begin a lifelong commitment to stress management and performance enhancement. Students will design and implement a personal stress management and performance enhancement plan.
SLM 212. Introduction to Sport Management. (3)
Introduces the foundations and principles of sport management, with a broad focus on administration, supervision, and leadership in the business of sport at all levels.
SLM 225. Ethics in Sport. (3)
This course includes an introduction and moderate exploration of ethics in sports. Most of the content is reliant upon the four dominant contemporary ethical-decision making models – consequentialism, deontology, contract theory, and virtue ethics – and their nexus with sports. Topics include foundational ethics, fair play, performance-enhancing techniques, gender equity, intercollegiate sports, the business of sports, social responsibility in sports, violence in sports, and other dilemmas in sports as they are topical.
SLM 246. Sport, Management, and Culture in the Global Marketplace. (3; maximum 6)
The Sport, Management, & Culture in the Global Marketplace study abroad program is designed for students who are interested in exploring relationship between sport, culture, and the contemporary global economy through an experiential learning environment. This course is only offered as part of a credit workshop. IC. PA-4B, SI-05.
SLM 248. Global Sport Perspectives. (3)
This course provides students with a global perspective about sport, including research and professional practice information, across diverse cultural and global contexts. Students are provided opportunities to examine the global forces influencing sport participation, to critically analyze the meaning of sport for others and oneself, and to rethink complex issues and events in sport. IIIB. PA-4C, SI-05.
SLM 272. Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership in Sport Contexts. (3)
Examination of contemporary theories of leadership as they apply to sport settings and consideration of the sociopolitical and socioenvironmental factors that may affect leadership effectiveness in the sport domain.
SLM 273. Sport Communication & Media. (3)
This course will serve as an introduction to the relationship between the communication and sport industries. Students will explore communication theory, sport information and practice, media relations, public relations, social media, communication delivery, careers in sport communication, and how the interaction between sport and communication entities has grown and continues to evolve.
SLM 275. Principles of Sport Analytics. (3)
The class provides an overview of the purpose and application of analytical decision-making in sport. Topics include: basic and conditional probability, inferential statistics, predictive modeling with simple and multiple regression analysis, data visualization, and machine learning basics. Upon completion of this course, students will gain an understanding of how sport analytics is an integrative and iterative process and will be able to demonstrate contextual, technical, and analytical knowledge of sport analytics.
SLM 276. Current Issues in Leisure and Sport. (3)
This course engages students in a critical examination of leisure as negotiated practices and experiences. Issues of globalization, sustainability, social equality and social justice are explored and provide a context for students to reflect on their leisure and inform their future professional practice. IIC. PA-2A. CAS-C.
SLM 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SLM 279. Race, Nation, and Sport. (3)
Examines the interconnecting concepts of race, nation, and sport in American society. Provides historical and contemporary perspectives on how sport challenges and perpetuates racial stereotypes, discrimination, and oppression. Explores the lived experiences of race, racial identities, and national belonging via sport, with attention to the broader contexts that have shaped these relationships. IC, IIC. PA-2A, PA-4B. CAS-C.
Cross-listed with CRE 279 and SOC 279.
SLM 294. Games and Sport. (3)
Focuses on educational progressions for games and sports with a focus on developing appropriate curriculum for grades three to 12.
SLM 314. Coding for Sport Analytics. (3)
This course is designed to help students analyze and interpret sport data through analytical procedures using programming languages. Students will be equipped with the necessary programming skills and software tools to perform all of the analysis steps, from gathering datasets to entering them in a convenient format to visualizing the data via graphs to performing a statistical analysis. Topics include: web scraping and data mining; data wrangling, processing, and integration; data analysis with advanced graphs and data visualizations; and predictive modeling using regression analysis. Students will apply programming languages and analytical procedures to provide solutions to contemporary issues in sport.
Prerequisite: SLM 275.
SLM 315. Modeling for Sport Analytics. (3)
An introduction to the statistical programs used to analyze quantitative sport data. Students will learn intermediate knowledge of regression analysis such as linear regression, logistic regression, and model selection. Students will apply different techniques related to compiling and interpreting statistics through available databases used in the sport industry.
Prerequisite: SLM 275.
SLM 317. Data Visualization for Sport Analytics. (3)
Introduction to the methods, principles, and techniques for creating visualizations of quantitative sport data and information. Emphasizes effective communication and problem solving through the use of software in turning quantitative sport data into readable images and graphics. Students will work with a variety of tools and techniques for presenting sport analytics data in digital media.
Prerequisite: SLM 275.
SLM 337. Foundations and Fitness Training for Coaches. (3)
Overview of basic foundations of coaching applications in coaching philosophy, sport science, and sport management with in-depth analysis of sport physiology resulting in American Sport Education Program certification.
SLM 338. Psychosocial Aspects of Coaching. (3)
In-depth analysis of theory and application techniques in sport psychology to provide understanding of appropriate coaching behavior and resulting in American Sport Education Program certification.
SLM 340. Internship. (0-6)
SLM 375. Psychological Perspectives in Sport and Exercise. (3)
Examines antecedents and consequences of individual and group behavior in sport and exercise settings. Focuses on (a) effects of psychosocial factors on performance and participation in physical activity, and (b) effects of physical activity participation on personal growth and development.
SLM 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SLM 378. Sport, Power and Inequality. (3)
This course examines the relationship between sport and contemporary society. Emphasis upon the operations of structural and ideological power in sport as evidenced in and through social class, race, gender, sexuality, disability, and national identity. Explores sport as a significant cultural form that holds the capacity to simultaneously perpetuate and challenge inequality and injustice, with a focus on how sport can be used as vehicle for social change. PA-4A, SI-02.
SLM 392. Lifetime and Adventure Activities. (3)
Development of personal skills and teaching techniques for lifetime sports and adventure activities. Activities include tennis, golf, swimming, orienteering, ropes course, and hiking.
SLM 402. Reflections and Actions in Sport Leadership & Management. (3)
Engages collaborative groups of students in problem-based and/or community service-learning initiatives related to leadership and the culture of sport, recreation, or physical activity. Students work to critically analyze a social issue or problem, observe and experience the issue/problem in practice, and develop a reflective action plan to provide meaningful and sustainable solutions in the community. EL, SC.
Prerequisite: senior standing.
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: SLM 272.
SLM 413/SLM 513. Sport Economics. (3)
This course engages students with real-world sports stories and incorporates empirical research and statistical analysis to introduce the application of basic statistics, standard economic theory, and behavioral economics. Students will critically examine economic issues affecting the world of sports including: the basics of sport economics, organization of professional sport leagues; public finance of sport; and the market for labor in professional sport.
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior.
SLM 414/SLM 514. Facilities and Event Management in Sport. (3)
A comprehensive focus on the planning, funding, and operation of sporting events and sport/recreation facilities of all types.
SLM 416/SLM 516. Sport Marketing. (3)
Provides an overview of various aspects of sport marketing, or the business of promoting and selling products and services in the sport industry.
SLM 417/SLM 517. Legal Issues in Sport Leadership and Management. (3)
This course is designed to provide students with an introductory knowledge of sport law. Students will learn to think critically about legal issues related to sport organizations they may encounter in sport management, coaching, sport media and sport journalism professions.
Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and enrolled as a Sport Leadership and Management Major, Sport Management Minor, Coaching Minor, or Sport Analytics Minor.
SLM 418. Applied Sport Analytics. (3)
This course provides a setting for the application of sport analytics principles, procedures, and techniques to improve data-driven decision making in the sport industry. Students will learn and integrate advanced data analysis, predictive modeling, and data visualization techniques to deliver efficient and impactful insights for sport organizations. Using a variety of sport databases, students will conduct a guided research project in sport performance or management that involves identifying a real problem facing a sport organization, developing and testing analytical models, and delivering valuable solutions to improve future decision-making and outcomes.
Prerequisites: SLM 275; AND SLM 314 OR STA 308; AND STA 261 OR STA 301; or permission of instructor.
SLM 438/SLM 538. Principles of Effective Coaching. (3)
Examination of the research and theory on the effects of different types of coaching behaviors and practices on the performance and psychosocial development of athletes and evaluation of the contextual (socioenvironmental and sociocultural) factors that may affect the coach-athlete interaction across different types of sport settings.
SLM 445/SLM 545. Esports Performance Psychology and Coaching. (3)
This course introduces students to performance psychology and effective coaching with esports athletes and teams. Focuses on the use of educational psychological interventions to facilitate personal development and performance of esports athletes by teaching them strategies and techniques to enhance mental performance. Examines the effects of different types of coaching behaviors and practices on the performance and psychosocial development of esports athletes and teams.
SLM 447/SLM 547. Sport Pedagogy for Coaches and Practitioners. (3)
This course describes models of instruction for coaches and practitioners with the application of technical teaching styles, strategies, and skills in sport. Students will focus on the analysis of the teaching-learning process and the use of appropriate coaching/teaching methods and assessment for all learners.
SLM 453/SLM 553. Seminar in Sport Leadership & Management. (1-3; maximum 12)
Advanced study of current developments in technical and organizational aspects of activities within the field of sport leadership and management.
Prerequisite: junior or graduate standing.
SLM 472/SLM 572. Sport Administration. (3)
Provides relevant theoretical and practical application of management strategies and administrative principles within sport organizations. Offers an overview of organizational structures, functions, and policies of local, regional, national, and international sport governing bodies.
Prerequisite: junior or graduate standing to enroll in this course (or permission of course instructor).
SLM 473. Children and Youth in Sport. (3)
Influences on and consequences of the involvements of children and youth in sport.
Prerequisite: junior standing.
SLM 475/SLM 575. Women, Gender Relations, and Sport. (3)
Explores the meanings of women's participation in sport and physical activity using sociological, feminist, and cultural studies perspectives. Special consideration given to the ideological significance of sport in U.S. culture and ways in which sporting women accept and challenge contemporary gender relations.
Prerequisite: junior or graduate standing.
Cross-listed with WGS 475.
SLM 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SLM 495. Practicum in Sport Leadership and Management. (3)
This course provides a setting for students to integrate practical field experiences with their sport leadership and management coursework and liberal arts foundation. Students complete a field-based experience in management, coaching, sport journalism, or sport media, and attend intermittent class meetings to discuss and critically analyze these professional practice experiences. Professional development skills are also addressed, such as resume writing, interviewing, professional networking, and professional standards and expectations within the field. SC.
Prerequisites: junior standing or higher.
Co-requisites: SLM 212 and SLM 272.
SLM 571. Sport, Leisure, and Aging. (3) (MPT)
Critical analysis of leisure and sport as contexts for and practices of adult development and aging.
Prerequisite: junior or graduate standing.
SLM 600. Independent Reading. (1-4; maximum 8)
Student and instructor develop an individualized plan for an independent reading experience.
Prerequisite: Permission of department chair and instructor.
SLM 620. Independent Research. (1-4; maximum 8)
Student and instructor develop an individualized plan for an independent research experience.
Prerequisites: permission of department chair and instructor.
SLM 621. Research Foundations in Sport Leadership and Management. (3)
Provides foundational knowledge and skills regarding the research process in sport leadership and management, including a critical analysis of research traditions and practices in the field.
SLM 623. Qualitative Methodological Research Approaches in Sport Leadership and Management. (3)
Course provides overview of the methodological procedures used by researchers in sport studies fields that adhere to an interpretive, qualitatively-based research approach. Course topics include research methods, data collection issues, and basic analysis procedures.
Prerequisites: Graduate Status and SLM 621.
SLM 632. Psychological Foundations of Sport. (3)
Examines theory and research related to individual difference factors (e.g.,personality, motivation, anxiety, confidence) that affect cognitions, affect, behavior and performance in sport.
SLM 633. Psychological Interventions in Sport. (3)
Examines theory, research, and professional practice related to psychological interventions in sport. Focuses on the use of educational psychological interventions to facilitate personal development and performance of athletes by teaching them strategies and techniques to enhance mental skills.
SLM 634. Social Psychology of Sport and Exercise. (3)
Examination and analysis of theory and research relating to social psychological factors and group dynamics affecting sport and exercise behavior.
SLM 635. Strategic Management of Sport Organizations. (3)
This course provides students with specific knowledge and skills related to the strategic management of sport organizations. The primary focus of this class is the development of strategy within organizations; this includes perspectives and materials deriving from a variety of subdisciplines related to strategic thinking and decision-making, such as behavioral economics, organizational theory, game theory, and marketing. By integrating the literatures from outside of sport with sport-specific theory, students will assemble short and long-term strategic plans for organizations within the sport industry. Ultimately, this course will provide students the theoretical and analytical tools to both design strategic business plans for sport organizations and to evaluate existing strategies for sport organizations.
SLM 636. Sport Communities & Public Relations. (3)
This course provides students with specific knowledge and skills related to the public relations of sport organizations. The primary emphasis of this class is to identify and manage relationships with communities, media, organizations, and people in and around the sport industry. By integrating theory and practice of public and community relations, students will assemble strategic communication plans for sport professionals. Additionally, this course will explore corporate social responsibility, crisis management, social media communication and PR strategies in Esports industry.
SLM 637. Sport Business Analytics. (3)
This course focuses on analytics methods and techniques used in sport organizations. Students learn to model business activities in sport marketing, sport economics, sport administration, and sport communication. Students will be exposed to analytics topics such as fan engagement, ticket sales, market demand, sponsorship evaluation, media analytics, revenue generation, and social and economic impacts on sport organizations.
Prerequisites: ISA 512, ISA 514, ISA 591, ISA/STA 616, or permission of instructor.
SLM 638. Sport Performance Analytics. (3)
This course focuses on analytics skills that are employed to address performance issues in sport. Students will be immersed with rich sport performance data and use the analytics techniques to generate decision-making insights. Analytics topics include but are not limited to player evaluation, team performance, game strategy, draft analysis, and coaching effectiveness with sport teams and organizations.
Prerequisites: ISA 512, ISA 514, ISA 591, ISA/STA 616, or permission of instructor.
SLM 640. Internship. (0-6)
SLM 673. Developmental Perspectives on Youth Sport Participation. (3)
A multidisciplinary developmental analysis of children and youth that focuses on the description and explanation of biological, psychological, and social aspects that relate to sport participation.
SLM 676. Cultural Studies of Sport. (3)
Critically interrogates US sport as an important socio-cultural institution and as a site for the production, reproduction and contestation of gender, race and class ideologies.
SLM 677. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SLM 700. Research for Master's Thesis. (1-12; maximum 12)