Speech Pathology & Audiology (SPA)
Note: All graduate courses require graduate standing and approval of instructor.
SPA 101. Beginning ASL I. (4)
This course will introduce conversationally relevant signs, fingerspelling, grammatical sign principles and background information related to deaf culture with the objective of teaching students to sign and understand ASL with increasing ability.
SPA 102. Beginning ASL II. (4)
The Beginning II course is a continuation of the Beginning ASL I course. This course will continue to introduce conversationally relevant signs, grammatical principles, and background information related to the Deaf culture with the objective of teaching students to sign and understand ASL with an increasing ability at the ACTFL proficiency intermediate low-mid level (Swender, Conrad, & Vicars, 2012). Swender, E., Conrad, D. J., & Vicars, R. (2012). ACTFL proficiency guidelines 2012. ACTFL, INC. Retrieved from http://actflproficiencyguidelines2012.org.
Prerequisite: DST 101/SPA 101 or placement exam score of 102.
SPA 127. Introduction to Communication Disorders. (3)
Overview of disorders of communication, special problems of speech, language and hearing impairments, and treatment. IIC. PA-2A. CAS-C.
SPA 177. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SPA 201. Intermediate ASL I. (3)
The Intermediate ASL I course is a continuation of the Beginning ASL II course. This course will continue to address conversationally relevant signs, grammatical principles, and background information related to the Deaf culture with the objective of teaching students to proficiently sign and understand ASL with an increasing ability dictated by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages' proficiency intermediate mid-high level.
Prerequisite: SPA 102 or placement exam score of 201.
SPA 202. Intermediate American Sign Language II. (3)
Intermediate ASL II is the fourth course in the American Sign Language curriculum. Students will continue to develop ASL communication skills receptively and expressively through continued vocabulary and grammar instruction. Deaf culture concepts will be expanded upon with course instruction presented primarily in ASL. In addition, students will partake in service learning opportunities so the student can partake in mastery of ASL and to become assimilated with Deaf culture values.
Prerequisite: SPA 201 or equivalent or placement exam score 202.
SPA 210. Topics in Speech Pathology and Audiology. (3; maximum 6)
Explores special topics in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology.
Prerequisite: SPA 202.
SPA 216. Research Design. (3)
Basic principles of research in communication disorders incorporating research design and critical evaluation of clinical research in speech pathology and audiology.
Prerequisite: major status; or permission of instructor.
SPA 222. Anatomy and Physiology Speech Production. (3)
Introduction to anatomical, physiological, and neurological characteristics of normal speech mechanisms; developmental embryology; and fundamental acoustics of speech.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing, Major status.
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BIO 161.
SPA 223. Theories of Language Development. (3)
Survey of the integration of scientific and theoretical knowledge about the normal acquisition of language from birth to adulthood. Introduction to the linguistic aspects of cultural, political, and environmental impacts on acquisition of language, relationship between English and coexistent languages, gender-related differences in conversational interactions, and the complex interaction of culture and language development. IIC. PA-2A. CAS-C.
SPA 277. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SPA 293. Sophomore Seminar in Speech Pathology and Audiology. (1)
Professional seminar for majors in speech pathology and audiology. Students learn observational techniques and observe at the Speech and Hearing Clinic.
Prerequisite: SPA 127, Sophomore standing, major status.
SPA 312. American Deaf Cultures. (3)
This course will provide an introduction to the American Deaf community. Students will be introduced to the medical and cultural models of deafness, and the differences that result from these two perspectives in terms of identity, language, behavior, values, education, and/or intervention. IC, IIC, IIIB. PA-4A, SI-02.
Cross-listed with DST 312.
SPA 316. Introduction to Audiology. (3)
Topics include: physics of sound principles and techniques of audiometric testing, types of hearing loss, and treatments for hearing impairment.
Prerequisite: junior standing, major status.
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: PHY 101 or PHY 131.
SPA 325. Foundations of Neurology for Communication Sciences and Disorders. (3)
Nature and treatment of speech and language disorders with involved structural and neurological components.
Prerequisites: SPA 222, Major status, Junior standing.
SPA 326. Aural Rehabilitation. (3)
Discussion of skills and abilities associated with hearing loss, strategies used in hearing loss intervention including listening and speaking, sign language and hearing aid selection for children and adults.
Prerequisites: junior standing; major status; SPA 316.
SPA 334. Clinical Phonetics and Articulation Disorders. (3)
Sound structure of the English language, beginning and advanced transcription using international phonetic alphabet with clinical applications.
Prerequisite: junior standing; major status; SPA 222.
SPA 340. Internship. (0-20)
SPA 377. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SPA 393. Junior Clinical Experience. (1)
Professional seminar for majors in speech pathology and audiology. Focuses on the application of clinical skills such as writing SOAP notes, collecting data, and determining appropriate clinical activities.
Prerequisite: SPA 293, Junior standing, Major status.
SPA 402. Counseling Strategies for Speech Pathologists and Audiologists. (3)
Provides an understanding of counseling theory and practice as it relates to individuals with communication disorders. Consideration given to the psychological and psychosocial implications of communication disorders to individuals and their families.
Prerequisite: senior standing; major status; SPA 127 or permission of instructor.
SPA 413. Senior Seminar in Communication Disorders. (3)
Intensive study of current issues in communication disorders. Each topic builds on knowledge acquired in past courses. Emphasis on analysis of issues, ranging from ethical concerns to multicultural imperatives. Students work collaboratively in developing their topics culminating in oral presentations and written papers. Projects are showcased at a colloquium featuring a national authority. Written proceedings summarize student projects. SC.
Prerequisite: senior standing; major status; Thematic Sequence in speech pathology and audiology, or permission of instructor.
SPA 426. Language Disorders. (3)
Etiology, diagnosis, and in-depth analysis of communication disorders in children.
Prerequisite: SPA 223, Senior standing, major status, or permission of instructor.
SPA 427/SPA 527. Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs. (3)
Overview of manual, graphic, and electronic systems used by individuals with severe communication disabilities. Prerequisite: SPA 127, junior standing.
SPA 435/SPA 535. Speech and Hearing Science. (3)
History, current status, and future trends of the scientific aspects of speech production and reception.
Prerequisite: SPA 222, SPA 334, Senior standing, Major status.
SPA 477. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SPA 493. Senior Seminar in Speech Pathology and Audiology. (2)
Professional seminar and introduction to clinical practice for speech pathology and audiology majors. Information about the intervention process and practical application through supervised clinical work in the Miami University Speech & Hearing Clinic. Prerequisite: SPA 293, SPA 393, Senior standing, Major status.
SPA 605. Speech, Language, Pathology & Audiology in School Setting. (1-15; maximum 15)
Externship for graduate students in speech/language pathology and audiology. Full-time experience with supervision of faculty and school speech/language pathologists or audiologists in selected school districts.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the SPA department.
SPA 612. Seminar on Childhood Apraxia of Speech. (1)
This 1-credit seminar will critically examine childhood apraxia of speech, along with neurological underpinnings, etiologies, behavioral characteristics, and assessment/treatment approaches. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Speech Pathology or permission of instructor.
SPA 614. Evidence Based Practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders. (3)
This graduate level course integrates the fundamental concepts of evidence based practice (EBP) with research methodologies. The goal of this course is for students to directly apply EBP concepts to clinical practice in the area of speech-language pathology. Further, the final student product generated from this research course will fulfill part of the Graduate School requirement for a master of science degree.
Prerequisite: SPA 662.
SPA 620. Advanced Clinical Practicum. (1-8; maximum 16)
Stuttering (adults), cleft palate, aphasia, cerebral palsy, and voice, hearing, or language disorders. Principles and techniques of examination, appraisal, and treatment supplemented by supervised experiences in Miami's Speech and Hearing Clinic and satellite clinics in the region.
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in the SPA department or permission of the instructor.
SPA 621. Neurogenic Language Disorders. (3)
Advanced study in causes, management, and related research of adult aphasia.
Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor.
SPA 622. Voice and Resonance Disorders. (3)
Advanced study in causes, assessment, and treatment of voice and resonance disorders.
SPA 625. Best Practices for the School-Based Speech-Language Pathologist. (3)
This course provides graduate students with a thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the school-based speech-language pathologist.
SPA 626. Seminar in Pediatric Documentation/Administration. (1; maximum 2)
The diagnosis and treatment of pediatric communication disorders requires professional skills grounded in evidence-based practice. During this course, we will explore and put into practice the organization and administrative skills required for documentation including but not limited to: 1) assessment administration and scoring, 2) lesson plan development and implementation, 3) data collection methods, 4) SOAP note documentation, and 5) self-reflective journaling to determine clinical strengths and areas in need of continued growth.
Prerequisite: graduate standing in speech pathology or permission of instructor.
SPA 627. Pediatric Language and Autism Spectrum Disorders. (3)
Current trends of research and remediation procedures for language disorders. Individual diversity expressed in language learning through an exploration of the differing effects of various handicaps and cultural diversity.
Prerequisite: SPA 226.
SPA 631. School Age Language and Literacy. (3)
Assessment and treatment of communication delays and disorders in infants, toddlers, and preschool children.
SPA 633. Phonological and Articulation Disorders. (3)
Reviews assessment and intervention strategies relative to the effective clinical management of persons with disorders of phonology affecting communication and literacy. Its emphasis will be in the area of treatment with over two-thirds of the course content devoted to the clinical management process.
SPA 635. Special Topics in Medical Speech-Language Pathology. (2)
Advanced study in special topics related to patient populations served in a medical setting.
Prerequisites: SPA 651, Graduate Standing and permission of the instructor.
SPA 638. Advanced Methods in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. (3)
This 3-credit hour course is designed to prepare students for clinical practice with individuals with complex communication needs across a variety of settings and across the lifespan. Students will learn specific assessment and intervention strategies and how to individualize them to meet their clients needs. Prerequisite: graduate standing in speech pathology or permission of course instructor.
SPA 641. Advanced Studies in Fluency Therapy. (2)
Advanced study in management of fluency disorders.
SPA 651. Dysphagia across the Lifespan. (3)
Studies in the causes, evaluation, treatment, and selected research in feeding and swallowing disorders.
SPA 653. Normal Deglutition Across the Lifespan. (1)
The primary purposes of this course are to provided the student with an understanding of the anatomy, physiology and neurologic substrates of the structures and function of the aeryodigestive tract as related to oropharyngeal and esophageal phases of swallowing across the lifespan.
Prerequisite: SPA 672.
SPA 655. Cognition across the Lifespan. (1)
An understanding of normal cognitive processes is required in the field of speech-language pathology in order to facilitate diagnostic and clinical decision making for clients across the lifespan. Within this course the range of healthy normative cognitive function and related developmental and neurologic correlates will be discussed with specific focus on attention, memory, and executive function. Best current theoretical and neurocognitive research will be used to help student recognize the needs and abilities of individuals and families to whom they provide clinical services. As the population across the globe is aging, the course will also focus on what is considered normal cognitive function for older adults and discuss stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminations to others or oneself based on age and how this may influence assessment and treatment approaches. Finally, prevention of central nervous system dysfunction related to cognition will be discussed. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Speech pathology or permission of the instructor.
SPA 656. Seminar in Adult Documentation/Administration. (1)
The diagnosis and treatment of adult acquired neurogenic cognitive, communication, and swallowing disorders requires professional skills grounded in evidence-based practice. During this course, we will explore and put into practice the organization and administrative skills required for medical documentation including but not limited to: 1) assessment administration and scoring, 2) lesson plan development and implementation, 3) data collection methods, 4) SOAP note documentation, and 5) self-reflective journaling to determine clinical strengths and areas in need of continued growth. Within the course medical abbreviations will be reviewed and incorporated into documentation to facilitate effective and effective technical writing skills unique to working in healthcare. Prerequisite: graduate standing in speech pathology or permission of instructor.
SPA 671. Neurogenic Cognitive Disorders. (3)
Advanced study in neuropathology, diagnosis, treatment, and research of adult neurogenic cognitive disorders.
Prerequisite: SPA 672.
SPA 672. Seminar in Neuroanatomy. (1)
Neuroanatomy of normal speech and hearing mechanisms and current research implications for speech therapy. This course will focus on the Knowledge and Skills in speech-language pathology standards for graduate student education in the degree program. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in speech pathology or by instructor approval.
SPA 677. Independent Studies. (0-6)
SPA 700. Research for Master's Thesis. (1-12; maximum 12)
SPA 711. Research In Speech Pathology. (1-12)
Students pursuing the non-thesis option may register for these hours while working on a research project; however, these hours are typically taken during the second year of the program.
SPA 720. Seminar in Speech Disorders. (1-2; maximum 8)
Current professional problems of a selected topic explored through study of recent research, clinical literature, and individual student projects.
Prerequisite: six hours in 600-level speech pathology courses.
SPA 750. Professional Field Experience. (0-10; maximum 20)
Intern experiences for the advanced graduate student.