Kinesiology- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health

The Kinesiology major leads to a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Nutrition and Health. This major is for students interested in the scientific aspects of human movement. Kinesiology focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of interactions of physiological, anatomical, neuropsychological, and biomechanical factors that affect human health and performance. Skills learned in the classroom, laboratory and internships include assessing and developing effective strategies for enhancing health, improving performance, preventing diseases related to sedentary behavior and promoting the recovery of health in rehabilitation settings. State-of-the-art laboratories complement the classroom and foster critical thinking, reasoning, and other basic principles of liberal education, instrumental in careers in and outside of Kinesiology.

Program Requirements

Requirements outside the KNH Dept.
BIO 161Principles of Human Physiology4
or BIO 305 Human Physiology
CHM 141College Chemistry3
CHM 144College Chemistry Laboratory2
CHM 142College Chemistry3
CHM 145College Chemistry Laboratory2
PHY 161Physics for the Life Sciences with Laboratory I4
PSY 111
PSY 112
Introduction to Psychology
and Foundational Experiences in Psychology
STA 261Statistics4
Requirements in KNH
KNH 184Motor Skill Learning and Performance3
KNH 188Physical Activity and Health3
KNH 244Functional Anatomy3
KNH 244LFunctional Anatomy Laboratory1
KNH 381Biodynamics of Human Performance3
KNH 381LBiodynamics of Human Performance Lab1
KNH 382Physical Activity & Fitness Assessment3
KNH 382LPhysical Activity & Fitness Assessment Laboratory1
KNH 468Physiology of Exercise and Physical Activity3
KNH 468LPhysiology of Exercise and Physical Activity Laboratory1
KNH 482Exercise Prescription: Healthy Individuals & Individuals with Chronic Diseases/Disorders3
Related courses in Kinesiology Area
Select six hours of the following:6
Nutrition Across the Life Span
Applied Health Behavior Change
National and Global Health Policy
Psychological Perspectives on Health
Advanced Nutrition I: Macronutrient Metabolism
Advanced Nutrition II: Micronutrient and Phytochemical Metabolism
Nutrition for Sports and Fitness
Strength Training and Conditioning
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Exercise
Mechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury
Advanced Motor Control and Learning
Injury Recognition and Patient Care
Physics in Sports
Total Credit Hours57