Humanitarian Engineering and Computing Minor

The Humanitarian Engineering and Computing Minor at Miami University is designed to graduate engineers and computer scientists who are globally-aware, culturally-sensitive, and socially conscious. Students and graduates use their expertise to design solutions that enhance the lives of, and opportunities for, people on a local, national, or international level. Students select coursework from four broad categories of interest, engage in service/humanitarian-focused activity or research, and complete a humanitarian-focused capstone project in CPB, CSE, ECE or MME. 

This minor is only open to students with a major in the College of Engineering and Computing.

Program Requirements

(18 credit hours minimum)

Service or Humanitarian Focused Activity or Research
Select one of the following course options for a minimum of two credit hours:2
Service Learning designated course from an elective list or use the Service Learning Extra Credit Option 1
Miami Study Abroad course with a service component
Independent Study course with a project approved by the HE&C Steering Committee, such as: a project with the Miami University Center for Assistive Technology, Engineers without Borders, Kode2Learn, or Girls Who Code; a social entrepreneurship or K-12 outreach project; or a research project with faculty. 2
Related Coursework
Select one of the following:3
Global Cultural Diversity 3
Cultural Diversity in the U.S. 3
Intercultural Relations 3
Socio-Environmental Responsibility in Engineering and Computing 3
Select nine hours from the courses below. There is no minimum required hours per category. 4,59
Diversity, Social Responsibility and Cultural Awareness courses:
Introduction to American Cultures
Global Cultural Diversity 3
Cultural Diversity in the U.S. 3
Intercultural Relations 3
International Business
Socio-Environmental Responsibility in Engineering and Computing 3
Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
Global Forces, Local Diversity
Geography of Urban Diversity
Global Sustainable Futures
Strength Through Cultural Diversity
Introduction to International Studies
Issues in the Global South
Social Justice Perspectives
Social Justice and Change
Sociology in a Global Context
Social Problems
Introduction to Disability Studies
Energy, Environment and Sustainability courses:
Environmental Systems I
Sustainability Perspectives in Resources and Business
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Energy Systems Engineering
Environmental Economics
Energy and Policy
Introduction to Environment and Sustainability
Principles of Environmental Science
Environmental Communication
Environmental Law
Sustainability in Practice
Sustainability Considerations in Design and Development
Environment, Society & Justice
Economic, Political and Global Issues courses:
Global Design
Ideas in Architecture
Travelers, Migrants, and Refugees: Transnational Migration and Diasporic Communities
Economic Development
Poverty and Income Distribution
Social Entrepreneurship
Global Periphery's Urbanization
Global Poverty
Global Development and Inequality
World Politics
Global Governance
Health-related courses:
Introduction to Medical Anthropology
Doctors, Clinics, and Epidemics
Developing Solutions in Global Health
Race, Science, and Disease in the Americas
Gateway to Global Health
Medical Sociology
Medicine and Disease in Modern Society
National and Global Health Policy
Environmental Public Health
Medical Ethics
Capstone project in CEC
Complete a capstone sequence in CEC (CPB 471 & CPB 472 or CSE 448 and CSE 449 or ECE 448 and ECE 449 or MME 448 and MME 449) with a humanitarian engineering and computing focus. APPROVAL OF HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING & COMPUTING ADVISOR IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ENROLLING IN THE CAPSTONE.4
Total Credit Hours18

 Cannot count toward Related Coursework.


 Credit earned for CEC 277 or similar.


 Course will only count once toward Related Coursework.


 Only one course can be from the College of Engineering and Computing (CPB, ECE, or MME course).


 Students may also petition (with justification) to the H E&C Steering Committee to allow other courses to meet this requirement.