Smart Manufacturing Engineering - Bachelor of Science in Engineering

For information, contact the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 56 Garland Hall, 513-529-0710.

This program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Manufacturing continues to remain one of the leading contributors to the national GDP, and the growth and innovation within nearly all sectors of manufacturing can be attributed to data driven solutions. Smart manufacturing uses data generation and evaluation at various scales to help make informed decisions from control of specific equipment to the operation of an entire factory. Smart or intelligent manufacturing technologies being applied to increase productivity, improve quality, and reduce costs include digital engineering/design/manufacturing, robotics and automation, real-time data analytics, lean and agile process management, six sigma statistical process control, and additive manufacturing. Smarter, automated and more flexible companies need academically qualified and skilled manufacturing engineers.

Creating appropriate engineering solutions to the current problems facing industry and society often involves complex social, political, environmental and economic issues. The department provides graduates with an in-depth education in mathematics, science, engineering, and design, with a focus on smart or digital manufacturing processes, data analytics, predictive maintenance, system engineering, digital twins, methods and materials, as well as requiring a broad education in computing, economics, and the liberal arts. The department is committed to excellence in undergraduate education: student learning, classroom effectiveness, assessment, engineering design, professional ethics, student advising and opportunities for leadership.

Graduates typically work as manufacturing engineers in areas such as product and process development and design, quality control, advanced manufacturing, lean manufacturing, systems design and integrator, process and plant-facilities design, project management, and industrial engineering. After gaining industrial experience, graduates often move into organizational management positions. Graduates are also prepared to continue their education at the graduate level. Graduating seniors are encouraged to take the Fundamentals of Engineering examination, which is the first of two examinations that lead to becoming a licensed professional engineer.

For information, contact the Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, 56 Garland Hall (513-529-0710) and visit our web site:

Program Educational Objectives

Graduates of Miami's Smart Manufacturing Engineering program are expected to attain or achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within a few years of graduation:

  • Advance in their chosen profession and/or in their pursuit of an advanced degree.
  • Demonstrate leadership and teamwork characterized by Miami University’s Code of Love & Honor.
  • Apply sound engineering principles and skills to synthesize innovative solutions to customer needs and challenges.
  • Execute responsibilities in an ethical manner.

Student Outcomes

The Student Outcomes, from ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) criteria, prepare graduates of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering programs to attain the Program Educational Objectives.

  • EAC (1) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying  principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • EAC (2) An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration to public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • EAC (3) An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • EAC (4) An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities
  • EAC (5) An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • EAC (6) An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • EAC (7) An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Smart Manufacturing Engineering Program Criteria

The Smart Manufacturing Engineering curriculum also provides graduates with:

MFG 1: An ability to design manufacturing processes.

MFG 2: An ability to design products and the corresponding processing machinery.

MFG 3: An ability to create competitive advantage by manufacturing planning, strategy, and control.

MFG 4: An ability to analyze, synthesize, and control manufacturing operations using statistical methods.

MFG 5: An ability to make technical inferences about a manufacturing process by measuring process variables.

Departmental Honors

If you excel in your studies, you may qualify for the University Honors Program or the program for Honors in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. As a senior in these programs, you will have the opportunity to work closely with the faculty on research projects of interest.

Credit/No Credit Policy

All courses in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, statistics and those in the College of Engineering and Computing (CPB, CSE, CYB, ECE, MME, CEC, EGM) that are used to fulfill requirements of the major, must be taken for a grade.

Divisional Policy

Multiple Majors: Students with two or more majors in the College of Engineering and Computing must take a minimum of 15 unique, additional credit hours in each major.

Program Requirements

(128 semester hours minimum)

Note: MME 331, 435, 432 are offered only in the fall semester (typically) and MME 337, 433 are offered only in the spring semester (typically).

Core Requirements
CHM 141
CHM 144
College Chemistry
and College Chemistry Laboratory
ECO 201Principles of Microeconomics3
ENG 313Technical Writing3
MTH 151Calculus I4
MTH 251Calculus II4-5
or MTH 249 Calculus II
MTH 246Linear Algebra and Differential Equations for Engineers4
PHY 181
PHY 183
General Physics I
and General Physics Laboratory I
PHY 182General Physics II4
STA 301Applied Statistics3 - 4
or STA 261 Statistics
Engineering Science
ECE 205Electric Circuit Analysis I4
MME 211Static Modeling of Mechanical Systems3
MME 223Engineering Materials3
MME 312Mechanics of Materials3
Manufacturing Engineering Core
CEC 111Imagination, Ingenuity and Impact I2
CEC 112Imagination, Ingenuity, and Impact II2
MME 201Modeling and Design in Engineering2
MME 231Manufacturing Processes3
MME 232Polymer Processes3
MME 301Product Design and Development3
MME 305Measurements and Instrumentation3
MME 331Advanced Manufacturing and Design3
MME 334Quality Planning and Control3
MME 337Manufacturing Automation3
MME/CPB 341Engineering Economics3
STA 363Introduction to Statistical Modeling3
MME 411Machine and Tool Design3
MME 432Digital Manufacturing3
MME 433Smart Factory3
MME 435Process Engineering (Engineering Processes)3
MME 470Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering3
or STA 402 Statistical Programming
or STA 404 Advanced Data Visualization
Senior Capstone Engineering Design
MME 448Senior Design Project2
MME 449Senior Design Project2
Technical Electives
Select two of the following courses for a minimum of 6 credit hours: 16
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Process Control
Fundamentals of Problem Solving and Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
Optimization Modeling
Stochastic Modeling
Digital Systems Design
Energy Systems Engineering
MATLAB and its engineering applications
Signals and Systems
Dynamic Modeling of Mechanical Systems
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Thermodynamics
Mechanical Vibrations
System Modeling, Analysis, & Control
Special Topics
Human Robot Interaction
Heat Transfer
Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Engineering Thermodynamics II
Sustainability Considerations in Design and Development
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
Total Credit Hours106-108

 Other courses may be approved by petition.