International Business Minor

For information, contact the Student Services Office, 1022 FSB, 513-529-1712.

This minor offers a concentration of courses that create a foundation for a career in the global business environment. A core and electives from the Farmer School of Business focus on international topics. A minimum of 21 hours, with at least a 2.00 average, is required.  

Approved General Electives

International Business Minors are required to take a minimum of six hours of approved general electives. The six hours cannot be used to fulfill both the Miami Plan Perspectives and the International Business minor requirements. Courses must be 200-level or above.

Electives must be non-business courses; one may be an upper level language course that focuses on culture and literature. Language courses that stress conversation and grammar cannot be used as general electives. The suggested electives are recommended, but by no means comprise the extent of courses that would be useful preparation for international business. Non-business courses offered in approved study abroad programs may be used as electives with the approval of the FSB International Business Minor advisor.

Language Preparation

This minor requires foreign language skills through the 202 level or above. The College of Arts and Science provides courses for preparation in a variety of foreign languages. American Sign Language courses offered through the College of Arts and Science may not be used to fulfill this requirement. 

Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to study abroad. Courses taken while abroad may apply. The Farmer School of Business offers international programs for short terms. 

For details regarding admission to FSB minors and availability of coursework, please refer to the information at the beginning of this section (under Farmer School of Business "Minors").

Program Requirements

(21 semester hours)

Required courses
ECO 344International Economic Relations3
Foreign language through 202 level3
Select six hours of approved general electives6
Select three of the following:9
International Business Law
International Business
International Business in Focus
Economic Development
International Trade and Commercial Policy
International Monetary Relations
International Business Finance
Diversity and Cross-Cultural Management
Global Strategic Sourcing
Sustainable Marketing Management
Global Marketing
Writing for Global Audiences
And/or any business courses taken abroad and approved in advance by the FSB International Business Minor Advisor
Total Credit Hours21

BUS 371 is typically offered abroad; BUS 373 is only offered on FSB study abroad programs.