Foreign Language Education- Master of Arts in Teaching

For information, contact:
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry
401 McGuffey Hall, 513-529-6443

Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) programs combine graduate and undergraduate study and enables a student with a baccalaureate degree to earn teaching licensure and a master’s degree in approximately four or five semesters of full-time study, depending upon academic background, experience, and teaching field.

Program Requirements

Requirements consist of

  1. general requirements, common to all M.A.T. programs,
  2. content course requirements and retention requirements, specific to each licensure area and
  3. successful completion of benchmarks established for program accreditation compliance.
  4. passing score on the OAE content test for the licensure area and passing score on the OAE pedagogy test.

A student who has satisfied all or most of the content course requirements can expect to complete an M.A.T. program in four semesters or in three semesters and one summer; others can expect that additional semesters will be necessary in proportion to the number of content courses that must be satisfied.


In addition to admission requirements previously listed for all master’s programs within the department, candidates must have a baccalaureate degree.


We encourage anyone with a degree who wants to be a teacher to contact us about our MAT programs. When you are admitted to the program, you are automatically admitted to the cohort. A cohort is a group of students in a common teaching field, taking the same methods courses and student teaching in specific academic years.

A cohort is identified by its general subject area and an academic year; for example, integrated mathematics 2017-18, English language arts 2018-19, and chemistry education 2016-17 are separate cohorts. The cohort year indicates the academic year the student is scheduled for methods courses, and the following academic year when the student is scheduled for student teaching.

You should schedule a pre-application counseling appointment with the Department of Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry Graduate coordinator or advisor, 513-529-6443. 

General Requirements

Required courses:
EDL 621Foundations of Multi-Cultural Education3
EDP 601Advanced Educational Psychology3
or EDP 603 Theories of Human Learning
EDP 607Educational Measurement and Evaluation3
EDP 656Education of Individuals with Exceptionalities3
EHS 649Action Research for Educators3
FSW 581Adolescent Development in Diverse Families: Ages 13-253
TCE 519ATeaching Internship- Adolescent12
TCE 521AClassroom Cultures, Community, and Climate3
TCE/EDL 648Data-Informed Decision Making in Education3
Choose one of these3
eLearning in K-12 Education
Diversity, Learning & Technology
Trends in Learning Design and Analytics
Take one--depending on program3
Reading Instruction for Adolescents
Integrating Literacy Across the Content Areas
Reading in the Secondary School
Total Credit Hours42

This program combines graduate and undergraduate study and enables a student with a baccalaureate degree to earn teaching licensure and a master's degree in approximately four semesters of full-time study, depending upon academic background, experience, and teaching field. A student can earn licensure through this graduate program if he/she has coursework or a degree in Spanish, Latin, German, French or Chinese1. Students must complete the following program requirements and the content requirements of the corresponding language undergraduate degree. If the content requirements are lacking from their undergraduate degree programs, a student will be required to complete them.

Program Requirements

TCE 544Language Teaching and Learning I 13
TCE 545Language Teaching and Learning II 23
TCE 546LReading in the Secondary School 33
TCE 521AClassroom Cultures, Community, and Climate 33
Total Credit Hours12

 Offered in fall only.


 Offered in spring only.


 Offered in spring with TCE 545.

Language Requirements

Advanced-Low level of proficiency on the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) for French, German, & Spanish.
Intermediate-High level of proficiency on the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) for Chinese.

Content Course Requirements

 If a student has not lived or studied in a country where his/her target language is spoken, then they must complete a summer or semester study abroad to obtain content and fluency in their language. Study abroad coursework would be pre-approved by an advisor.

CHI 101
CHI 102
Elementary Chinese
and Elementary Chinese
CHI 201
CHI 202
Second Year Chinese
and Second Year Chinese
CHI 301
CHI 302
Third Year Chinese
and Third Year Chinese
CHI 401
CHI 402
Fourth Year Chinese I
and Fourth Year Chinese II
LIN 201Introduction to Linguistics3
Select two of the following: 1
CHI 251Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation3
CHI 252Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation3
CHI 255Drama In China/Japan:Eng Trans3
CHI 264Chinese Cinema and Culture3
Total Credit Hours41

 Study abroad transfer credit may be used

Take all of the following:
FRE 301Culture & Interpretation3
FRE 302Pre-Revolutionary Literature and Life3
FRE 303Modern and Contemporary Literature and Life3
FRE 310Texts in Context3
FRE 341Conversation and Current Events in France3
FRE 361French Pronunciation 13
FRE 411Modern and Contemporary French Society3
Electives in French (399-499) to complete required 34 semester hours: 210
Total Credit Hours31

Minimum grade of B required.


FRE 399W is recommended

GER 301German Language Through the Media3
GER 311Passionate Friendships in German Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present3
GER 312Coming of Age in German Life and Thought3
GER 471Linguistic Perspectives on Contemporary German3
GER 321Cultural Topics in German-Speaking Europe Since 18703
or GER 322 Comparative Study of Everyday Culture: German-Speaking Europe and the U.S.A.
Select at least six credit hours of 400-level German courses, including one literature course6
Electives (GER 203-GER 499) to complete required 34 semester hours (not previously taken)13
Total Credit Hours34

No courses in translation count in this major


Note: Study abroad is not required in Latin education

CLS 102Roman Civilization: From City to Empire3
CLS 121Greek and Roman Mythology3
LAT 201Intermediate Latin3
LAT 202Representative Latin Authors3
Select three credit hours of courses from CLS 200-4993
Complete required 34 semester hours from the following:19
Special Topics in Latin Literature 1
Latin Seminar 1
Total Credit Hours34

 Repeatable; maximum 12 hours.

Required Courses
SPN 311Modern Communication and Culture3
SPN 312Introduction to Spanish Linguistics3
SPN 315Intro to Hispanic Cultures3
SPN 316Intermediate Spanish Composition3
SPN 342Advanced Conversational Spanish3
SPN 351Historical Perspectives on Current Issues3
SPN 352Cultural History of Spain II3
SPN 361Marginalized Voices3
SPN 362Spanish American Cultural History II3
SPN 420/430/440Selected Topics in Literature and Culture: Spain3
SPN 481Spanish Phonology and Syntax 13
SPN 490Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture3
Select two electives from SPN 450-499:6
Total Credit Hours42

 See advisor if SPN 481 is not offered.

Foreign Language – Graduate-Level Licensure Only Program

The program is designed for those who are interested in becoming World Language K-12 teachers in the state of Ohio. The Licensure Only program is comprised of a set of courses that allows completers to apply for a State of Ohio K-12 World Language teaching license. Upon completion of the program, students will be eligible to apply for an Ohio teaching license.

General Admission Requirements

Applicants must be admitted to the Graduate School at Miami University as a continuing non-degree candidate (see note below) and complete the following licensure program admission requirements:

  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary institution in the United States or an equivalent Bachelor’s university degree. 
  • Demonstrate language proficiency in both speaking and writing in the language targeted for licensure by successfully completing both the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI or OPIc computer) and the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT), which are required for licensure by the state of Ohio. The program requires an "Advanced-Low" or higher level of proficiency in both tests for admission into the program. Students seeking admission to the program should take the OPI/OPIc and the WPT three to five weeks prior to applying for the program.
  • Applicants who studied in a country or institution where English is not the official language must submit proof of English proficiency. We accept the following tests for admission: TOEFL iBT, IELTS, and PTE.
  • International students seeking admission to the program must possess the appropriate visa status. Make an appointment with an International Student Advisor in the Office of International Education to discuss adding this program at

Application Process

  • All students must apply and be admitted to Miami University
  • If you are a current international student at Miami University, make an appointment with an International Student Advisor in the Office of International Education to discuss adding this program. Domestic students can apply directly to the program if all admission requirements are met.
  • If you are not currently a student at Miami University, apply to the Miami University’s Graduate School as a continuing non-degree status candidate. Apply online to Miami’s Graduate School.

NOTE: If you are admitted as a non-degree candidate and later desire admission to a degree program, you must apply for admission and meet Graduate School and departmental standards for admission. No more than eight of the most recent graduate hours earned with non-degree status can be applied toward a graduate degree and then only with the approval of the department. All eight hours are subject to normal time limitations for credit toward a degree.

Program Requirements

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
TCE 544 Language Teaching and Learning I 1 3
Select an appropriate content elective 2 3-4
Select an appropriate education elective 2,3 3-4
EDP 607 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 3
 Credit Hours12-14
TCE 521A Classroom Cultures, Community, and Climate 3
TCE 545 Language Teaching and Learning II 3
TCE 546L Reading in the Secondary School 3
 Credit Hours9
Second Year
TCE 519A Teaching Internship- Adolescent 12
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours33-35

Cohort class - must take in Fall


 Obtain approval from advisor.


Sample courses: EDL 621EDP 601EDP 656FSW 581