Applied Biology - Bachelor of Science

Biology is the study of all living organisms, from the microscopic to macroscopic. The biology faculty at the Regionals offer a wide range of courses that provide a solid background in two primary concentrations for the BS in Applied Biology: 1) Environmental Biology and 2) Human Biology & Health Sciences. Each concentration trains students in critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the application of science to societal issues. The course of study for either concentration within Applied Biology will prepare students to formulate questions, make meaningful observations, analyze and interpret data, and arrive at conclusions. Development of these skills will enable students to recognize, address, and solve problems while gaining scientific literacy and a broad knowledge of biology. During their training as biologists students will learn how living organisms function, evolve, and interact with one another and their environment. Students majoring in Applied Biology may not major in Biology or Zoology.

Program Requirements

Environmental Biology Concentration

Required Courses
BIO 115Biological Concepts: Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and Diversity4
BIO 116Biological Concepts: Structure, Function, Cellular, and Molecular Biology4
BIO 206Evolutionary Biology3
BIO 209Fundamentals of Ecology3
BIO 342Genetics3
BSC 292Applied Biology Sophomore Seminar: Planning Your Future in Applied Biology (Seminar I)1
BSC 492Applied Biology Senior Seminar: Becoming a Professional Biologist (Seminar II)1
Select three of the following:12
Vertebrate Zoology
Invertebrate Zoology
Plant Diversity
Microbial Diversity
Professional Courses
Select two of the following: (1 required at the 400-level)6-7
Environmental Education: Focus on Natural History
Conservation Biology
Research in Applied Biology 1
Approaches to Problem Solving and Research in Applied Biology Capstone
Related Hours
CHM 141College Chemistry3-4
or CHM 141R College Chemistry
CHM 142College Chemistry3
CHM 144College Chemistry Laboratory2
CHM 145College Chemistry Laboratory2
ECO 201Principles of Microeconomics3
or POL 241 American Political System
GLG 115LUnderstanding the Earth1
GLG 121Environmental Geology3
GLG 244Oceanography3
or GLG 307 Water and Society
STA 261Statistics4
or MTH 151 Calculus I
Earn 1 Tool18-21
Applied Social Science Minor
Commerce Minor
Communication Studies Minor
Data Intelligence Minor
English Studies Minor
Forensic Investigation Minor
GIS Certificate
Psychological Science Minor
Self-Designed Tool (department approval required)
52 hours at the 200-level or above
Total Credit Hours79-84

Limits of 3 hours total of BSC 321 or BSC 340 to count for the degree.

Human Biology and Health Sciences Concentration

Required Courses
BIO 115Biological Concepts: Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and Diversity4
BIO 116Biological Concepts: Structure, Function, Cellular, and Molecular Biology4
BIO 201Human Anatomy4
BIO 203Introduction to Cell Biology3
BIO 206Evolutionary Biology3
or BIO 209 Fundamentals of Ecology
BIO 305Human Physiology4
BIO 342Genetics3
BSC 292Applied Biology Sophomore Seminar: Planning Your Future in Applied Biology (Seminar I)1
BSC 492Applied Biology Senior Seminar: Becoming a Professional Biologist (Seminar II)1
Professional Courses
Select three of the following: (1 required at the 400-level)9
Biology Of Cancer
Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology
Microbial Diversity
Research in Applied Biology 1
Approaches to Problem Solving and Research in Applied Biology Capstone
Applications of Biotechnology to Human Health: Concepts and Issues
Fundamentals of Epidemiology
Related Hours
CHM 141College Chemistry4
or CHM 141R College Chemistry
CHM 142College Chemistry3
CHM 144College Chemistry Laboratory2
CHM 145College Chemistry Laboratory2
CHM 241
CHM 242
CHM 244
CHM 245
Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
or CHM 231 Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
CHM 332
Outlines of Biochemistry
and Outlines of Biochemistry Lab
MTH 151Calculus I4
or STA 261 Statistics
PHY 161Physics for the Life Sciences with Laboratory I4
Earn 1 Tool18-21
Applied Social Science Minor
Commerce Minor
Communication Studies Minor
Data Intelligence Minor
English Studies Minor
Forensic Investigation Minor
GIS Certificate
Psychological Science Minor
Self-Designed Tool (department approval required)
52 hours at the 200-level or above
Total Credit Hours81-90

Limits of 3 hours total of BSC 321 or BSC 340 to count for the degree.