Knowledge in Action

Knowledge in Action (total of 3+ credits) includes Experiential Learning and Senior Capstones: Throughout their education, but especially as they approach graduation, students are encouraged to look to the farther horizons of their future in the world. Students participate in experiential learning and, as part of the culmination of their Miami education, a Miami Capstone course. These experiences place a special emphasis on applying knowledge and skills they’ve gained during their time at Miami to settings beyond Miami.

Frequency of Course Offerings: Course scheduling patterns are subject to change and are determined by each program, department, or college. Frequency of offerings can change without notice. However, every Miami Plan course should be offered at least once every 4 semesters, if not more.

Advising: Please consult with an Academic Advisor for specific questions regarding course scheduling, degree maps, and Miami Plan requirements. Students must have earned 93 hours before completion of their Senior Capstone for it to count.

Senior Capstone (3 hours)

The Miami Plan Senior Capstone (SC), completed near the end of baccalaureate studies, integrates liberal learning with specialized knowledge. Each SC presumes a significant scholarly background of specialized study in a major as well as in liberal education course work. The Senior Capstone does more than culminate years of baccalaureate study: it culminates a student's liberal education.

Ordinarily, a Senior Capstone is taken at Miami and is completed in the senior year (minimum of 93 hours registered or earned). Students who plan to transfer any course to meet the SC requirement must obtain permission from the Office of Liberal Education before they take the course. The SC may be completed in or outside students' majors; in some departments, the SC may be a requirement of the major.

Students may propose their own Senior Capstone Experience. See the Office of Liberal Education website ( for details.

Senior Capstones

ACC 495/ACC 595Accounting Analysis3
AES 432National Security/Leadership Responsibilities/Commissioning Preparation3
AMS 401Senior Capstone in American Studies4
APC 401Applied Communication Capstone3
ARC 402CSenior Studio Capstone Experience6
ARC 408Interior Design Studio6
ART 419Supervised Student Teaching in Art15
ART 452Communication Design Studio 3: Degree Project3
ART 453Highwire Brand Studio 14
ART 492Professional Artist's Portfolio and Exhibition Experience3
ART 493Professional Dispositions in Art Education3
ART 498History and Methods in Art and Architectural History3
ATH 421Public Anthropology Seminar3
ATH 448Developing Solutions in Global Health3
ATH/BIO 498Evolution of Human Behavior3
BIS 401Senior Integrative Seminar3
BLS 465Ethics, Law, & Business3
BIO 400Capstone Seminar: Contemporary Issues in Biology3
BIO 419RIndependent Research Capstone3
BIO 452/BIO 552Neuromodulation:Cells to Circuits3
BIO 453/BIO 553Animal Physiological Ecology4
BIO 454/BIO 554Endocrinology3
BIO 467/BIO 567Conservation Biology3
BSC 415Approaches to Problem Solving and Research in Applied Biology Capstone3
BSC 416Applications of Biotechnology to Human Health: Concepts and Issues3
CHM 491Chemistry in Societal Issues3
CHM 492Independent Research Capstone in Chemistry3
CIT 457IT Project Lifecycle I: Requirements and Design3
CIT 458IT Project Lifecycle II: Implementation and Deployment4
CIT 468Health Information Technology Project Lifecycle4
CJS 485Capstone: Seminar in Criminal Justice3
CMA 401Capstone in Community Arts3
CMR 495Strategic Management for Commerce3
CPB 471
CPB 472
Engineering Design I
and Engineering Design II
CSE 448
CSE 449
Senior Design Project
and Senior Design Project
CYB 437Cybersecurity Senior Design Project/Capstone3
DST 494/EDP 489Disability in Global and Local Contexts3
ECE 448
ECE 449
Senior Design Project
and Senior Design Project
ECO 405Economics of Strategy3
EDP 460Action Research/Problem-Based Seminar in Exceptional Education/Developmental Differences3
EGS 495Capstone in English Studies3
ENG 415Capstone in Professional Writing3
ENG 432Feminism and the Diaspora: U.S. Women of Color3
ENG 460Issues in Creative Writing3
ENG 495Capstone In Literature3
ENT 497
ENT 498
Senior Design Project
and Senior Design Project
ESP 401/ESP 501Entrepreneurship: New Ventures3
ESP 461Entrepreneurial Consulting3
FIN 482Student Managed Investment Fund II3
FIN 485Integrative Concepts in Finance3
FST 401Seminar in Film Study3
FSW/SOC/WGS 451Interpersonal Violence3
FSW 462/FSW 562Family Policy and Law3
GEO 455Race, Urban Change, and Conflict in America3
GEO 491Geography and Sustainable Development Research Seminar4
GEO 493Urban Field Experience3
GER 471Linguistic Perspectives on Contemporary German3
GLG 411A/GLG 511AField Geology6
GLG 497Trends and Topics in the Geosciences3
GTY 440Gerontology Capstone Internship1-16
HST 400Senior Capstone in History3
IMS 440/IMS 540Emerging Technology Practicum4
IMS 452Senior Degree Project3
IMS 488Game Preproduction3
IMS 489Game Production6
ISA 495Managing the Intelligent Enterprise3
ITS 402Senior Capstone in International Studies3
JRN 415Capstone in Television Journalism4
JRN 421Capstone in Journalism3
KNH 402Capstone in Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health3
KNH/GTY/MBI 428Public Health in Action3
LAS 410Current Latin American Issues3
LIN 460Capstone in Linguistics3
LST 402Capstone in Liberal Studies3
MAC 414Capstone Pictures: Project in Digital Narrative Film Production4
MAC 445Electronic Media Policy and Regulation3
MAC 447Senior Seminar in Applied Media Analysis3
MBI 410
MBI 490
Senior Internship
and Undergraduate Seminar
MBI 440
MBI 490
Research Problems
and Undergraduate Seminar
MBI 461Human Disease and Epidemiology3
MBI 480
MBI 490
Departmental Honors
and Undergraduate Seminar
MBI 489Medical Laboratory Science Practicum12
MBI 490Undergraduate Seminar1
MGT 495Executive Decision Making and Strategy3
MKT 442Highwire Brand Studio4-8
MKT 495Strategy Works4
MME 448
MME 449
Senior Design Project
and Senior Design Project
MTH 407/MTH 507Mathematical Structures Through Inquiry3
MTH 425/MTH 525Number Theory3
MTH 435/MTH 535Mathematical Modeling Seminar3
MTH 482Great Theorems of Mathematics3
MUS 406Advanced Analysis3
MUS 475Senior Practicum in Music Education3
NCS 401Capstone in Nonprofit and Community Studies3
NSC 402Leadership and Ethics3
NSG 435Challenges in Health Care Delivery3
PHL 404What is Philosophy?3
PHY 488Research Capstone in Physics3
POL 411/POL 511American Political Thought3
POL 419/POL 519Civil Society and Modern Politics3
POL 423/POL 523European Union: Politics and Policies3
POL 459/POL 559Capstone Seminar on the American Political System3
POL 466/POL 566Public Policy Analysis3
POL 471/POL 571The International System3
POL 489/POL 589Conflict Management in a Divided World3
PSS 401Capstone in Psychological Science3
PSY 410Capstone Seminar in Psychology: The Multiple Determinants of Behavior3
PSY 458Capstone Seminar in Neuroscience3
PSY 490Capstone Experience in Psychology: Research Apprenticeship in Psychology3
REL 402Basic Structures in the History of Religions3
SLM 402Reflections and Actions in Sport Leadership & Management3
SLM 495Practicum in Sport Leadership and Management3
SOC 459Sociology Capstone3
SOC 462Applied Sociological Research3
SPA 413Senior Seminar in Communication Disorders3
SPN 490Issues in Hispanic Literature, Linguistics, or Culture3
STA 475Data Analysis Practicum3
STC 459Strategic Communication Campaigns3
TCE 422Studies in Educational Issues3
TCE 455Capstone Seminar: Comparative Education in Europe or China4
TCE 495Writing Information Books for Children3
WGS 401The Role of Women in a Transforming Society3
WGS 432Feminism and the Diaspora: U.S. Women of Color3
WST 444Senior Workshop and Project3
WGS 451/WGS 551Interpersonal Violence3

Maximum 8 credit hours


2 credit hours for research option; or concurrent enrollment in BIO 340 for internship option.

Experiential Learning (0+ hours)

Experiential learning is the process of making meaning through direct and substantive experience in a “real world” or an “out of the traditional classroom” context. It offers students the opportunity to initiate lifelong learning through the development and application of academic knowledge and skills in new or different settings. In experiential learning, educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, and clarify perspectives or values.

  • Designated Service-Learning sections of courses
  • Approved courses that carry EL designation (below)
  • Credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing internships (numbered 340)
  • Credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing independent studies that involve significant “real world” or out-of-classroom experiences. Students completing experiential learning in association with a Miami Plan course will register for 177E, 277E, 377E or 477E. Students completing research for independent study purposes will register with an R modifier in the appropriate 177R, 277R, 377R or 477R. Students completing Extended Study or Service Learning in association with a Miami Plan course will register for one credit hour with an X modifier the appropriate 177X, 277X, 377X or 477X.
  • Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program enrollment
  • Student teaching
  • Clinical courses

Students may petition for a related experience to count as Experiential Learning. See the Office of Liberal Education website ( for details.

Experiential Learning Courses

AES 310Leadership Laboratory1
AES 311Leadership Laboratory1
AES 410Leadership Laboratory1
AES 411Leadership Laboratory1
AMS 301American Identities3
ARC 101Beginning Design Studio5
ARC 102Beginning Design Studio5
ARC 105Introduction to Architecture3
ARC 113Methods of Presentation, Representation and Re-Presentation2
ARC 114Methods of Presentation, Representation and Re-Presentation2
ARC 201Architecture Studio5
ARC 202Architecture Studio5
ARC 203Interior Design Studio5
ARC 204Interior Design Studio5
ARC 301Architecture Studio6
ARC 302Architecture Studio6
ARC 303Interior Design Studio6
ARC 304Interior Design Studio6
ARC 401Architecture Studio6
ARC 402CSenior Studio Capstone Experience6
ARC 403Interior Design Studio6
ARC 404/ARC 504Seminars1-3
ARC 408Interior Design Studio6
ART 271Sculpture I3
ART 391Field Study in Art and Architecture History3
ART 395Art Across the Curriculum3
ART 419Supervised Student Teaching in Art15
ART 432/ART 532Painting V3
ART 442Printmaking V3
ART 451The Professional Portfolio3
ART 453Highwire Brand Studio4
ART 457Photography IV3
ART 462/ART 562Ceramics V3
ART 464/ART 564Jewelry Design and Metals IV3
ART 472Sculpture V3
ART 492Professional Artist's Portfolio and Exhibition Experience3
ART 495Art Education Practicum3
ART 498History and Methods in Art and Architectural History3
ATH 415Field Methods in Archaeology1-6
ATH 416Applying Archaeology3
ATH 425Ethnographic Field Methods3
ATH 465Ethnography of Communication3
ATH 496Observing Primate Behavior4
ATH/BIO 498Evolution of Human Behavior3
BIO 320Directed Research1-3
BIO 419RIndependent Research Capstone3
BIS 315Comic Books in American Culture3
BSC 321Research in Applied Biology1-3
BUS 101Foundations of Business2
BUS 102Foundations of Business Communication2
BUS 104Introduction to Computational Thinking for Business2
CHM 480Departmental Honors1-6
CIT 457IT Project Lifecycle I: Requirements and Design3
CIT 458IT Project Lifecycle II: Implementation and Deployment4
CIT 468Health Information Technology Project Lifecycle4
CJS 220Criminal Justice Field Experience3
CMA 301Community Arts Practicum3
CMR 220Professional Practice0-2
CMR 401Leadership Decision Skills4
CMR 449Senior Practicum in Digital Commerce3
CPB 471Engineering Design I2
CPB 472Engineering Design II2
CRE 402Engaged Learning Practicum1-6
CSE 448Senior Design Project2
CSE 449Senior Design Project1-2
ECE 448Senior Design Project2
ECE 449Senior Design Project2
EDL 281Outdoor Leadership Study Away/Study Abroad3
EDL 301Student Development in Residence Halls1
EDL 464Community-Based Leadership and Change3
EDP 419FSupervised Teaching for Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist Licensure15
EDP 459Practicum in Special Education: Mild/Moderate3
EGS 301Writing and the Professions3
ENG 321The Literary Marketplace3
ENG 413/ENG 513Grant and Proposal Writing3
ENG 414/ENG 514Usability and User Experience3
ENG 415Capstone in Professional Writing3
ENG 460Issues in Creative Writing3
ENG 480English Honors1-6
ENG 481/ENG 581Writing Center Theory and Practice3
ENT 497Senior Design Project2
ENT 498Senior Design Project2
ESP 103Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking2
ESP 321Startup Entrepreneurship3
ESP 461Entrepreneurial Consulting3
ESP 490Special Topics in Entrepreneurship1-3
FSW 411Senior Field Experience I4
FSW 412Senior Seminar in Social Work I2
FSW 413Senior Seminar in Social Work II2
FSW 414Senior Field Experience II4
GEO/GLG/IES 412Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica5
GEO 442/GEO 542Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
GEO 459/GEO 559Advanced Urban and Regional Planning3
GEO 491Geography and Sustainable Development Research Seminar4
GEO 493Urban Field Experience3
GHS 401Global Health Experience2
GLG 311Geoenvironmental Field Methods3
GLG 411A/GLG 511AField Geology6
GLG 419/GLG 519Geology of Streams3
GTY 110Opening Minds through Art (OMA) Volunteer Experience1
GTY 310Opening Minds through Art (OMA) Leadership Experience2
GTY 440Gerontology Capstone Internship1-16
HON 181Foundations of Engaged Learning I1-2
HST 400Senior Capstone in History3
HST 435/HST 535Public History Practicum3
HST 480Departmental Honors1-6
IES 186Sustainable Farming and Food3
IES/ITL 231Italian Food Cultures in Context3
IES 278Introduction to Food Systems3
IES 278LUnderstanding Food Systems Laboratory1
IMS 440/IMS 540Emerging Technology Practicum4
IMS 452Senior Degree Project3
IMS 488Game Preproduction3
IMS 496KICKGLASS Digital Marketing4
ISA 406IT Project Management3
ISA 496Business Analytics Practicum3
JRN 421Capstone in Journalism3
KNH 402Capstone in Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health3
KNH 403/KNH 503Nutrition Counseling and Communication Skills3
KNH/GTY/MBI 428Public Health in Action3
MAC 425Inside Hollywood3
MAC/POL 426Inside Washington8
MAC 450Topics in Communication3
MBI 410Senior Internship2
MBI 440Research Problems1-4
MBI 487Medical Laboratory Science Practicum8
MBI 488Medical Laboratory Science Practicum12
MBI 489Medical Laboratory Science Practicum12
MGT 432Global Strategic Sourcing3
MGT 474Human Capital Consulting3
MKT 442Highwire Brand Studio4-8
MKT 495Strategy Works4
MME 448Senior Design Project2
MME 449Senior Design Project2
MTH 253Introduction to Technical Computing1
MUS 139Chamber Music Experience0
MUS 142Applied Music2
MUS 144Applied Music3-4
MUS 242Applied Music2
MUS 244Applied Music3-4
MUS 359Secondary Instrumental Methods3
MUS 419/MUS 519Supervised Teaching in Music12
MUS 442Applied Music1-2
MUS 444Applied Music3-4
MUS 494Senior Recital0
NCS 301Community-Based Practicum I3
NCS 302Community-Based Practicum II3
NSC 410Naval Science Laboratory1
NSG 306Healthcare Delivery in Central America: Belize3-6
NSG 349Introduction to Principles of Pharmacology in Nursing Practice3
NSG 352Childbearing Family Clinical2
NSG 354Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations I-Clinical3
NSG 362Nursing Care of Adult Clients with Health Alterations II-Clinical3
NSG 364Nursing Care of Children-Clinical2
NSG 452Nursing Care of Clients Experiencing Mental Health Disorders and Their Families-Clinical2
NSG 464Nursing Care of Clients Experiencing Multi-System Health Alterations-Clinical5
PSS 219Advanced Research Design and Analysis4
PSY 112Foundational Experiences in Psychology1
SJS 215EMPOWER I: Educational and Economic Justice and Service-Learning3
SJS 216EMPOWER II: The Intersections of Race, Class, and Education3
SLM 402Reflections and Actions in Sport Leadership & Management3
SLM 495Practicum in Sport Leadership and Management3
SOC 440AInternship in Applied Sociology1-16
SOC 440CInternship in Criminology1-16
SOC 462Applied Sociological Research3
SPA 493Senior Seminar in Speech Pathology and Audiology2
SPN 322Issues Affecting Hispanic Health Care in the U.S.3
SPN 331Spanish for Community Work3
STC 459Strategic Communication Campaigns3
STC 478Inside New York City- Study Away3
TCE 252MEarly Field Experience: Middle Childhood3
TCE 310Applications of Peer Education1
TCE 419A/TCE 519ATeaching Internship- Adolescent1-16
TCE 419MTeaching Internship-Middle Childhood15
TCE 419PTeaching Internship Primary PK-515
TCE 420Field Experience1-4
THE 200Production and Performance Practicum1
THE 400Advanced Production and Performance Practicum2
UNV 172First-Year Research Experience II1-3
WGS 402/WGS 502Engaged Learning Practicum1-6
WST 341Interdisciplinary Synthesis and Action3