Special Opportunities and Programs

International Education

Miami University’s policy on international programs and educational exchange:

It is essential in today’s interdependent world to provide a clear international perspective in the university’s curriculum. Citizens of all nations have a growing need to understand their citizenship in terms of global concerns as well as in terms of issues of local or national significance. People who have this awareness are likely not only to recognize and respect the legitimate rights and needs of other nations but also to realize how their own fate is ultimately bound to the fate of all peoples.

In this context, Miami University meets its responsibility to its students and to the state of Ohio by providing educational opportunities that recognize the plurality of cultures, the existence of common concerns, and the need for more effective methods of international and intercultural cooperation. The university is therefore committed to provide to the student body significant educational opportunities with international perspective. To this end, the university encourages the enrollment of international students who lend diversity to the campus community and serve as educational and cultural resources. It further encourages specialization in subject areas that have an international/intercultural dimension, and informs students and faculty of overseas study and research opportunities that will enhance their international experience.

The university encourages international programs on campus and research and study abroad in a manner consistent with its policies on academic freedom and nondiscrimination. International education should promote the development of a humane and cooperative world order including respect for internationally recognized standards of human rights. The university seeks to ensure that its global programs remain consistent with these goals through regular review of all such programs. Creation of a program by Miami University constitutes no expressed or implied endorsement of the policies of the government of the host country.

John E. Dolibois European Center at the Château de Differdange, Luxembourg

Miami University's Dolibois European Center (MUDEC), founded in 1968, provides students with an opportunity to live and study in Europe while earning Miami credit. The Center is located at the historic castle of Differdange, in Luxembourg’s third largest city. Situated in the heart of Western Europe, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg retains the charm of its thousand-year heritage while standing in the vanguard of the European Union, as one of its three capitals. Both French and German are spoken.

Students pursue an in-depth study of Europe in 30 or more courses and faculty-led study tours, designed to take advantage of the European location. All courses offer Miami standards and credit; instruction is in English except in language courses. Faculty is comprised of both European professors and Miami professors on assignment from the Oxford and regional campuses. Students may choose the experience of living in a local homestay or in an apartment with an option to connect regularly with a local family. Opportunities to explore Europe during vacation periods and weekends are integral to the MUDEC program.

For the year and semester programs, tuition is comparable to the Oxford campus and students may apply their university scholarships and financial aid. In addition, to offset out-of-pocket costs, students may be eligible for a Dolibois European Center scholarship or airfare grant. Costs for summer and winter programs are based on Oxford campus tuition and fee rates.

For more information, contact the Dolibois European Center Oxford Luxembourg Office, 214 MacMillan Hall, 513-529-8600, or review information on the program’s website: www.MiamiOH.edu/luxembourg.

Faculty-led Study Abroad and Away

Miami is a national leader in the number of students who study abroad, and Miami faculty offer a variety of education abroad experiences.

Faculty-led education abroad and domestic programs are directed by experienced Miami University faculty. Program topics include all levels of foreign language immersed in host countries and discipline specific courses focused and engaged in the host location. Programs vary from two weeks during university breaks, up to a full semester or year, and may allow students to fulfill Miami Plan or other degree requirements.

Recent programs and locations include international business in Europe and Southeast Asia; ecology and geography in the Bahamas, Belize and Costa Rica; engineering in Austria; and arts, culture and heritage, in France, Italy, and Ireland. Language immersion programs include Italian, German, Spanish, and French. Examples of recent domestic study away programs include: entrepreneurial consulting in San Francisco, Inside Hollywood, and professional development programs in New York City and Washington, DC.

Faculty-led study abroad programs are administered by Global Initiatives at Miami University. More information including program listings is available online at MiamiOH.edu/global-initiatives/education-abroad/

Student Exchange Opportunities

Miami has exchange agreements that provide opportunities for students to enroll directly in academic institutions overseas for one semester or for a full academic year. Students must be currently enrolled as a full-time student at Miami University to be eligible for application to a university student exchange program. In all cases, students maintain their enrollment by paying the full cost of tuition and fees to Miami, therefore creating a place for an international student to study in Oxford. This arrangement allows students to maintain financial aid eligibility. Depending on the terms of the agreement, students may also pay room and board charges to Miami and will, in turn, be provided these benefits when studying overseas. Academic credit for successful study at an approved overseas institution is guaranteed upon your return. Advance approval for the transfer of credit must be obtained in consultation with your academic advisor and with the Education Abroad Office, 214 MacMillan Hall, 513-529-8600.

Other Overseas Programs: Transfer Credit

Many American universities and organizations sponsor study abroad programs all over the world. Information is available in the Education Abroad Office, 214 MacMillan Hall or online at MiamiOH.edu/global-initiatives/education-abroad/. Contact the Education Abroad Office (513-529-8600, educationabroad@MiamiOH.edu) to speak with an advisor. All students should make certain that credits earned will transfer before studying abroad (see Credit Evaluations). Enrolling in a Miami co-sponsored program will enable you to pay Miami tuition and to apply your Miami scholarships.

If admitted to a study abroad program not sponsored by Miami University, students must register through Miami’s online study abroad application process to maintain enrollment at Miami while abroad. The application can be found at MiamiOH.edu/global-initiatives/education-abroad/. The Education Abroad office works with the Registrar’s Office so that registration can be arranged for the next applicable semester. No readmission procedure is necessary if your online Study Abroad application is completed through the Education Abroad Office.

Academic Opportunities

Undergraduate Associates

Sophomores, juniors, or seniors who are interested in college teaching or another professional field can become undergraduate associates. Each associate is sponsored by a faculty member. The student and the sponsoring faculty member decide what the associateship should involve. The Undergraduate Associates Program has special eligibility requirements and an application process.

Students successfully completing the university-wide program will receive a notation on their transcript. Additional information about the program is available online (http://www.cas.MiamiOH.edu/honors/current/ua.html).

Undergraduate Research Programs

These programs are publicized in early fall. For more information, contact the Office of Research for Undergraduates at 513-529-2455. Various program guidelines, application forms, and deadline dates are available at www.MiamiOH.edu/oru.

First Year Research Experience (FYRE) program provides students with authentic, hands-on research experiences in small teams led by research-active faculty during a two-semester course sequence. Student researchers review their topic, design a study, and complete necessary training during the fall semester (UNV 171); they implement the study, analyze data, and present the results in the spring (UNV 172). Students participate in additional activities to develop problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and other skills. This experience prepares students early for subsequent research opportunities such as summer research positions across the nation and independent research supervised by Miami faculty.

Doctoral-Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (DUOS) encourages graduate and undergraduate students to collaborate on a research project under the supervision of a faculty member in a Ph.D. granting department. Any Miami undergraduate student and any post-master’s doctoral student in good standing who agrees to abide by program requirements are eligible to apply. Either student may initiate the application, but the undergraduate student will be the primary project author.  The Graduate School provides funding for up to 10 grants of $700-900 per project.

Undergraduate Research Award Program provides small grants for students to do independent research or other creative endeavors in any discipline. Applications are made to the Undergraduate Research Committee via ORU. Funding for the grants comes from alumni and friends of Miami. Approximately $40,000 is available yearly for individual grants distributed twice a year. Typically, 90 to 100 grants are awarded ranging from $200 to $800 each.

Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program (USS) This nine-week summer program enables Miami undergraduates to do research or other creative activities in the summer with the supervision of an individual faculty mentor. About 100 awards are available each summer, and are distributed across all departments and programs. You can apply for an award along with a faculty member as a student-mentor pair. For the student, each award includes a student fellowship, up to 6 hours of academic credit with waiver of instructional fees and tuition, and an allowance for supplies, services, and travel; the faculty mentor receives a modest allowance.

Science and Engineering Research Semester

Central States Universities, Inc., in conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois, sponsors this program. Qualified majors participate in basic research in physical and life sciences, mathematics, computer science, and engineering, as well as in applied research programs relating to coal, conservation, environmental impact and technology, fission, fusion, and solar energy.

Students receive a stipend from Argonne National Laboratory, housing, and reimbursement for travel from Miami University to Argonne.

To apply for this program, you must have completed your sophomore year, be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien, be 18 years of age or older, and have an overall GPA of 3.00 or better.

For more information, contact the Department of Physics, 133 Culler Hall, 513-529-5625, or the Department of Geology & Environmental Earth Science, 114 Shideler Hall, 513-529-3216.

Scholastic Enhancement Program (SEP)

This program provides support to specially admitted students who show academic promise, but whose academic profiles suggest the need for academic and personal guidance to ensure completion of a degree program. Students admitted through SEP are required to follow an individually developed educational plan provided by program coordinators that includes: additional assessment of academic skills, early advising with supervised course selection, personal counseling, and other scholastic activities to assist in their adjustment to Miami. SEP also provides a program called FYRE/URO (Undergraduate Research Option). This program matches students with a faculty sponsor who engages the student in a research project.

For more information, contact the Bernard B. Rinella Jr. Learning Center, 14 Campus Avenue Building, 513-529-5528, or visit www.MiamiOH.edu/learning.

The Pathway Program

Students in this program start by taking courses at a regional campus before continuing to the Oxford campus. Students enroll in classes during the fall term at the Hamilton or Middletown campus; then, upon successful completion of the fall semester and having earned at least 16 credit hours with a 2.00 cumulative grade point average, they relocate to the Oxford campus for the spring semester of their first year. Pathway students have their own designated advisor throughout their first year, who will assist them in planning for their college success.

Leadership and Service

The Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service

The Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service is Student Life's center for leadership education, civic engagement, and community engagement through volunteer activities. Through collaboration with community partners, student leaders, faculty, and staff, The Wilks Institute develops engaged leaders focused on ethical leadership and advancing community priorities. Participation in Wilks sponsored programs will enable the development of your leadership style and philosophy and put you on the path to becoming a transformational leader. 

Programs and Services

Leadership and Service Certificate

In the Fall 2021 semester, the Wilks Institute launched a reimagined version of our signature co-curricular certificate program, adding a focus on service and socially responsible leadership. This Leadership and Service Certificate (LSC) challenges students to examine leadership from diverse perspectives and encourages critical reflection into their own leadership skills, values, and beliefs. The LSC is self-paced and designed to allow students to explore areas of leadership that are unique to them. 

Miami students enrolled in the LSC attend educational programs with partners across campus and in the Oxford community. These programs focus on ethical leadership development that advances community priorities.

Leadership & Service Monthly E-Newsletter

For students interested in community engagement and leadership or looking for a way to get involved, the Wilks Institute e-newsletter provides an update on opportunities ranging from events, scholarships, and one-time volunteer projects to in-depth and ongoing experiences. Please subscribe at this link.

Voter Registration and Civic Engagement

The Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service offers a variety of workshops, programs, and events throughout the year focused on active participation in civic life. Wilks also proudly hosts two Andrew Goodman Foundation Vote Everywhere Ambassadors, and a Campus Election Engagement Project Fellow. Throughout the year, students, faculty, and staff can register to vote through the Wilks Institute. For questions about voter registration or civic engagement opportunities, visit the Wilks Institute website or contact wilksleadership@MiamiOH.edu.

Scholar Leader Program

The Scholar Leader Program is a living-learning program involving a one-year residence in Elliott or Stoddard Hall, two of the most historic residence halls in the nation. Endowments for each room provide scholarships to those students selected to live in the community. The Scholar Leader community encourages resident-guided programming, academic involvement, Service-Learning projects, and the opportunity to explore leadership through intensive group engagement. Upper-class students must have a 3.00 cumulative grade point average and be in good standing with the university. For more information, please visit www.MiamiOH.edu/wilks, or email wilksleadership@MiamiOH.edu.

Emerging Leader LLC

The Emerging Leaders Living Learning Community (LLC) prepares students to enact positive change. This community is designed for first year students to intentionally continue their leadership journey. Participants are empowered to find their voice and recognize their potential to lead at Miami University and throughout their lifetime. Any interested student is welcome to apply to join our community and no previous leadership experience is required - just the desire to come learn and lead with us! The Emerging Leaders LLC is supported by the Office of Student Activities and Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life and the Wilks Institute for Leadership and Service.

For more information, visit http://miamioh.edu/student-life/residence-life/living-learning-communities/index.html.

Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)

Students can earn commissions as officers in the U.S. Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps through the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC) or the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC).

Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps (AFROTC)

For information, contact the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps office at 50 Millett Hall, 513-529-2031.

AFROTC was established at Miami in 1949 as the Department of Air Science and Tactics. In 1952, a joint university-Air Force agreement resulted in the unit’s designation as a Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps and the Department of Aerospace Studies.

Membership Eligibility

All AFROTC classes may be taken by Miami students for university credit, however only students meeting AFROTC entry requirements may be considered as cadets working toward an Air Force office commission.

To be eligible you must:

  • be at least 14 years of age. You must be 17 years of age for enlistment and 18 years of age for commissioning.

  • be under the maximum age for commissioning. To compete for the pilot or navigator categories, a cadet must be able to complete their bachelor's degree and be commissioned through Air Force ROTC before they are 29 years old. Scholarship applicants must be less than 31 years old as of December 31 of the year they will commission. Tech, non-tech, and non-rated must be commissioned by age 30 (waiverable up to age 35 in some cases).

  • be a United States citizen

  • be of good moral character

  • meet Department of Defense and Air Force Dependency Policy requirements

  • meet medical entrance requirements

  • meet academic requirements and be in good academic standing (GPA of 2.00 or higher) to compete for an enrollment allocation

  • pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)

  • meet weight and physical fitness standards

Veterans with previous honorable active U.S. military service who wish to enroll in the Professional Officer Course may be qualified for a waiver for the General Military Course (GMC) requirement. Veterans who meet all other requirements may be enrolled at the beginning of their junior year.

Scholarship Program

This AFROTC scholarship program offers highly qualified high school seniors and college freshmen and sophomores opportunities to compete for scholarships on a national level. Awards range from four-year to two-year scholarships which can cover up to full tuition and provide money for books, fees, and a monthly tax-free stipend.

Other Scholarships

Several other university (i.e., non-government) scholarships are also available to Miami Air Force ROTC cadets. These privately funded scholarships vary by amount and eligibility criteria and are awarded by the Professor of Aerospace Studies.


The curriculum in Aerospace Studies is divided into two parts: the General Military Course (GMC), taken during your freshman and sophomore years, and the Professional Officer Course (POC), taken during your junior and senior years.

General Military Course (GMC)

The GMC includes one class (one credit hour) and two leadership laboratory hours (one credit hour) per week plus physical fitness training. Class and leadership laboratory comprise a total of two credit hours each semester.

Professional Officer Course (POC)

The POC includes three classroom hours and two leadership laboratory hours per week plus physical fitness training. Class and leadership laboratory comprise a total of four credit hours each semester for a total of sixteen semester hours upon completion of the POC program.

Leadership Laboratory

The leadership laboratory includes activities designed to apply the leadership knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. Activities include demonstration of command, team projects, problem solving, military customs and courtesies, effective communication, fitness development, and field training preparation among other things. POC cadets have the added responsibility of planning and running leadership laboratory in order to gain practical application of the leadership principles learned in the classroom.

Field Training

Applicants for the Professional Officer Course must attend a summer field training course between their sophomore and junior years. Field training is an opportunity to further develop leadership and team-building skills. Those who successfully complete field training are eligible to enter the POC. Academic credit may be obtained for completing field training. The Air Force provides uniforms, housing, medical care, meals, travel allowance, and pay while attending field training.

Uniforms and Textbooks

AFROTC provides all necessary course materials to students enrolled in AFROTC classes and also provides uniforms for cadets in the program. Uniforms must be returned upon completion of or withdrawal from the program.

Honors College

Academic Requirements

The mission of the Honors College is to foster rigorous academic inquiry in a community of learners through innovative teaching and learning, an engaging interdisciplinary and research-oriented curriculum, creative and critical inquiry with talented faculty, and diverse leadership and service opportunities. Honors College students fulfill Honors Experience requirements by enrolling in honors courses, working with a faculty member on an independent project or a course extension, participating in research alongside faculty, taking part in experiential learning opportunities, studying abroad, or participating in many other intensive learning or creative or professional development opportunities. Honors students have access to a wide spectrum of course work and co-curricular experiences. Students can earn Honors Experiences by enrolling in Honors sections of existing courses; and/or working with the instructor of record in a course to create additional assignments or projects to count as an Honors Course Extension. They can also propose the use of study abroad, undergraduate research, teaching, internships, and campus and community engagement activities to count as Honors Experiences. Students in the entering classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 are required to complete eight (8) Honors Experiences, four of which must be academic in nature. Students in the entering class of 2021 are required to complete eight (8) Honors Experiences, including two (2) First-Year Honors courses; four (4) Honors experiences of their choice; two (2) Honors thesis-related experiences that are completed during the student’s senior year; and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 throughout their time. The Honors thesis can be a scholarly, creative, or pre-professional project and is completed under the mentorship of a faculty member in the student’s field.

All honors students who attain a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher when they graduate will also receive the University Honors transcript notation and recognition in the Commencement bulletin. 

Admission to Honors

A select number of students are invited to join the Honors College during the university admission process. Current and transfer students may also apply to the Honors College.

Honors on the Regional Campuses

Regional campus students pursuing an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree have the opportunity to participate in the CLAAS Divisional Honors Program. Interested students on the Hamilton and Middletown campuses should contact the CLAAS Divisional Honors Program director for information and details about the application.

Additional Information

For more information about the Honors College, please contact the Honors office at 513-529-3399, or visit the Honors College website at http://www.MiamiOH.edu/honors.

Other Types of Honors

Departmental Honors

If you are interested in additional study in your major area, you may enroll in a departmental honors program in most departments. Consult your lead departmental advisor about departmental honors; these programs vary from department to department. You graduate with departmental honors when you complete the program.

President's List, Dean's List

The President’s List recognizes the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division1 registered for a semester of 12 or more credit hours attempted for grades (A+ through F). The Dean's Lists recognize the next 17 percent of undergraduate students within each division registered for a semester of 12 or more hours attempted for grades (A+ through F). Students within each academic division must achieve the following grade point averages:

  President's List Dean's List
College of Arts and Science 4.00 3.70
College of Creative Arts 4.00 3.70
College of Education, Health and Society 4.00 3.80
College of Engineering and Computing 4.00 3.60
College of Liberal Arts & Applied Science 4.00 3.60
Farmer School of Business 3.95 3.60

The grade point standards used for the President’s List and the Dean’s List approximate the average GPA of the highest 3 percent of students in each academic division and the next 17 percent of student in each academic division, respectively, for the past three years. These criteria will remain unchanged.

President’s and Deans' lists are considered finalized 30 days after the term. Miami utilizes Merit Pages to highlight our students' accomplishments and share this news broadly. Note: If a student places a confidentiality hold on their record, their name will not appear on this list publicly, and will not be shared on Merit Pages or elsewhere.


Undergraduate students in non-degree programs who meet these same criteria will be included in the College of Arts and Science calculations.

Graduation with Latin Honors

The criteria for graduation with distinction are divisionally based. Graduating students within each academic division must achieve the following cumulative grade point averages:

Latin Honors

  Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude
College of Arts and Science 3.97 3.88 3.72
College of Creative Arts 3.96 3.90 3.77
College of Education, Health and Society 3.97 3.90 3.76
College of Engineering and Computing 3.95 3.81 3.58
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science 3.94 3.82 3.64
Farmer School of Business 3.92 3.78 3.61

The grade point standards used for the distinction of summa cum laude approximates the average GPA of the highest 2 percent of students in each academic division. The standard used for magna cum laude approximates the average GPA of the next 5 highest percent of students in each academic division, and the standard used for the cum laude designation approximates the average GPA of the next highest 10 percent of students within each academic division, with typically no more than 17 percent being awarded honors within each division. Once every five years, the University Registrar and Office of Provost will conduct a review of these criteria and propose a change of criteria to University Senate if needed.

Students who graduate with distinction may wear a set of red and white cords at commencement. Latin Honors for commencement is based on the cumulative grade point average in the term prior to the student’s graduation term. The commencement program will reflect that they may be graduating with distinction. Actual degree honors will be recalculated to include grades from the student’s final semester and will be posted on the student’s academic record.

In addition, for students who graduate with distinction, the diploma for the degree will designate the Latin Honors earned by the student. Students who earn two or more degrees receive a separate diploma for each degree. Each diploma will indicate the appropriate Latin Honors the student earned, using the criteria for Latin Honors of the academic division where each degree resides.

For graduation with distinction, a student pursuing a baccalaureate degree must have earned at least 62 credit hours from Miami University; a student pursuing an associate degree must have earned at least 31 credit hours from Miami University. For students who earn fewer than 62 hours from Miami toward a bachelor’s degree or fewer than 31 hours from Miami toward an associate degree, the cumulative grade point average used at graduation to determine eligibility for honors is the lower of the following averages:

  1. the average for all courses taken from Miami, or
  2. the combined average calculated using the grades from all college-level courses.

Degree honors are considered finalized 30 days after graduation and are not subsequently recalculated.