English:Creative Writing- Bachelor of Arts

For information, contact the Department of English, 356 Bachelor Hall, 513-529-5221.

The English department offers four majors: creative writingliteraturelinguistics, and professional writing. These concentrations lead to an A.B. 

Program Requirements

(39 semester hours)

Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 226Introduction to Creative Writing: Short Fiction and Poetry3
Introduction to Literary Studies 1
ENG 298Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies3
Creative Writing courses
Select four of the following: 212
Writing for Film and TV
Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction
The Literary Marketplace
Intermediate Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry
Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction Workshop
Advanced Creative Writing: Screenwriting Workshop
Advanced Creative Writing: Nonfiction Workshop
Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry Workshop
Select one literature-based genre course.3
Literature Courses
Select two courses from Literature of Earlier Periods. 36
Select two courses from Literature of Later Periods. 46
One literature course must be in women's, ethnic, or minority literature.
Senior Capstone
ENG 495Capstone In Literature 53
or ENG 460 Issues in Creative Writing
Choose an elective from the English Department at the 200 level and above: creative writing, literature, professional writing and linguistics. Or choose an elective at the 200 level and above from a related area outside the English Department. 6
Total Credit Hours39

Completed fall semester of sophomore year at Miami or fall semester after declaring the literature major, whichever is later.


One writing course at the 300-level and one writing course at the 400-level must be in the same genre. ENG 320 is the prerequisite for ENG 420; ENG 323 is the prerequisite for ENG 423;  ENG 330 is the prerequisite for ENG 430

Repeat credits WILL NOT count toward the major requirement of fifteen (15) hours of creative writing courses.


No more than one 100-level course may be used to fulfill literature requirements. No more than one course can focus on Shakespeare. ENG 440, ENG 450 and ENG 490 may count when the topic/time period is appropriate (contact the Chief Departmental Advisor in English).


No more than one 100-level course may be used to fulfill literature requirements. ENG 440, ENG 450 and ENG 490 may count when the topic/time period is appropriate (contact the Chief Departmental Advisor in English). 


Students must select ENG 495B, ENG 495C, ENG 495D, or ENG 495E.


Electives outside the department must fulfill prerequisites from their host department when necessary. 


ENG 123Introduction to Poetry3
ENG 124Introduction to Fiction3
ENG 231The Short Story3
ENG 311Reading for Creative Writing: Contemporary Literature3
ENG 386Studies in Drama and Performance3
ENG 387Studies in Poetry3
ENG 388Studies in Prose3
ENG 450Studies in Genre3

Literature of Earlier Periods

ENG 134Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENG/FST 221Shakespeare and Film3
ENG 272English Literature to 16603
ENG 273English Literature 1660-19003
ENG 275American Literature to 19003
ENG 327Medieval Literature3
ENG 328Sixteenth-Century English Literature3
ENG 331Seventeenth-Century English Literature3
ENG 335English Literature of the 18th Century3
ENG/CRE 336African American Writing, 1746-18773
ENG 339British Romanticism, 1789-18373
ENG 349Early American Literature3
ENG 352Antebellum American Literature3
ENG 372Shakespeare’s Principal Plays: Early Works3
ENG 373Shakespeare’s Principal Plays: Late Works3
ENG 374English Renaissance Drama3

Literature of Later Periods

ENG 232Women Writers3
ENG 246Native American Literature3
ENG 248Asian American Literature3
ENG 249Asian & Asian American Cinema3
ENG 254Caribbean, Latin American, and Latinx Literatures3
ENG 269Colonial & Postcolonial Literature3
ENG 274English Literature 1901 to Present3
ENG 276American Literature 1900 to the Present3
ENG 293Contemporary American Fiction3
ENG/CRE 337African American Writing, 1878-19453
ENG/CRE 338African American Writing, 1946-Present3
ENG 343Victorian Literature, 1837-19013
ENG 345British Modernism, 1890-19453
ENG/AMS 348Ethnic American Literatures3
ENG 353American Realism and Naturalism3
ENG 354American Modernism3
ENG 355Contemporary American Literature3

Ethnic, minority, or women's literature

ENG/DST 169Disability and Literature3
ENG 232Women Writers3
ENG 237GLBTQ Literature3
ENG/AMS 246Native American Literature3
ENG/AAA/AMS 248Asian American Literature3
ENG/FST 249Asian & Asian American Cinema3
ENG/LAS 254Caribbean, Latin American, and Latinx Literatures3
ENG/AAA 269Colonial & Postcolonial Literature3
ENG/CRE 336African American Writing, 1746-18773
ENG/CRE 337African American Writing, 1878-19453
ENG/CRE 338African American Writing, 1946-Present3
ENG/AMS 348Ethnic American Literatures3
ENG/AAA/WGS 351Cultural Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Asian/America3
ENG/FST/WGS 356Women and Gender in Film3

Related Electives

CHI 251Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation3
CHI/JPN 255Drama In China/Japan:Eng Trans3
CHI 257Chinese Satire3
CLS 211Greek and Roman Epic3
CLS 212Greek and Roman Tragedy3
CLS 218Greek and Roman Erotic Poetry3
DST/EDP/WGS 278Women and (Dis)ability: Fictions and Contaminations of Identity3
FRE/FST 269Global French Cinema3
FRE 350Topics in French Literature in Translation3
FST/GER 261German Film in Global Context3
FST/ITL 262Italian Cinema3
FST/RUS 263Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian Cinema3
FST/CHI 264Chinese Cinema and Culture3
FST/JPN 266Survey of Japanese Cinema3
GER 231Enchanted Worlds: Folk and Literary Fairy Tales3
JPN 231Japanese Tales of the Supernatural in English Translation3
JRN 201Reporting and News Writing I3
MAC 202The Smartphone and Society3
RUS 250Topics in Russian Literature in English Translation3
THE 2383-4
THE 418Playwriting3

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in English Creative Writing meet the College of Arts and Science writing in the major requirement by completing the following course: ENG 226 and writing workshops at the 300- and 400-levels ( ENG 320 and ENG 420 for fiction, ENG 330 and ENG 430 for poetry, or ENG 323 and ENG 423 for creative nonfiction).