Portuguese (POR)

POR 111. Accelerated Introduction to Portuguese. (4)

Intensive language course that allows students to complete the equivalent of first-year Portuguese in one semester. For those with background in Spanish or another Romance language, this course concentrates on basic skills and prepares students for POR 211.
Prerequisite: SPN 101, 102 or 111 or FRE 101, 102 or ITL 101, 102; or three years of a high school Romance language.

POR 177. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)

POR 204. Brazilian Culture Through Music and Film. (3)

Through music and film this course raises questions about national identity, history, social, religious, and ethnic diversity in Brazil. IIA, IIB, IIIB. PA-3A, PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B.
Cross-listed with FST/LAS/MUS 204.

POR 211. Intermediate Portuguese. (4)

Intensive language course that allows students to complete the equivalent of Portuguese in one semester. CAS-A.
Prerequisite: POR 111.

POR 277. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)

POR 377. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)

POR 381. Afro-Brazilian Diaspora Through Film and Arts. (3)

A focus on questions of gender, race, class and stereotypes in the African Lusophone countries. Taught in English. CAS-B-LIT.
Prerequisite: any literature course.
Cross-listed with ENG/CRE/FST.

POR 383. Brazilian Women through Literature and Film. (3)

Addresses questions about gender, race, class and stereotype of women's bodies in 20th-century Brazil. IIB, IIIB. PA-3B, PA-4C. CAS-B-LIT.
Cross-listed with ENG/WGS/FST.

POR 477. Independent Studies. (0-6; maximum 10)