Architecture - Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

For information, please contact the Department of Architecture + Interior Design, 101 Alumni Hall, 513-529-7210.

This pre-professional degree program prepares graduates to enter a professional graduate program to become a registered/licensed architect or to enter an architectural field at a pre-professional level. Miami offers a graduate program that leads to the professional degree Master of Architecture.

First- and second-year courses introduce the basics of architecture and the range of opportunities available in the field. Third- and fourth-year courses focus on advanced architectural design, landscape, and urban design. Throughout the program, you are exposed to the interdisciplinary nature of architecture.

Program Requirements

(88 semester hours minimum)

Required Architecture courses:
ARC 101Beginning Design Studio5
ARC 102Beginning Design Studio5
ARC 103Shop Methods and Materials1
ARC 113Methods of Presentation, Representation and Re-Presentation2
ARC 114Methods of Presentation, Representation and Re-Presentation2
ARC 201Architecture Studio5
ARC 202Architecture Studio5
ARC 211Introduction to Landscape and Urban Design3
ARC 212Principles of Environmental Systems3
ARC 213Graphic Media III2
ARC 214Graphic Media IV2
ARC 221History of Architecture I3
ARC 222History of Architecture II3
ARC 301Architecture Studio6
ARC 302Architecture Studio6
ARC 401Architecture Studio6
ARC 402CSenior Studio Capstone Experience6
History/Theory courses:9
History of Interiors
Seminars 1
Seminars 2
Seminar on Modern Architecture in Latin America
Architecture and Society
The American City Since 1940
Theory and History of Landscape Architecture
Contemporary Architectural Theory and Practice
Chinese Painting History
The Renaissance in Italy
Greek and Roman Sculpture
Greek and Roman Painting
A History of Design
Seminar in Art History
Art of the Early 20th Century
Art in the Age of Revolution: 1789-1848
Postwar to Postmodern, 1945-1980
Communication Process courses:2
Seminars 3
Seminars 4
Foundations in Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation
Emerging Technology Practicum
Environmental Systems and Practice courses:12
Statics & Strengths of Materials
Structural Design
Structural Design
Environmental Systems I
Environmental Systems II
Architectural Materials
Construction Methods
Materials of Interior Design
Professional Practice
Total Credit Hours88

Students must take ARC 404B or ARC 404Y.


Students must take ARC 405K or ARC 405V.


Students must take ARC 404F or ARC 404Y.


Students must take ARC 405E or ARC 405V.