Communication Design- Bachelor of Fine Arts

For information, contact  the Department of Art, 124 Art Building, 513-529-2900 

The mission of the Communication Design major is to enable learners to gain the design thinking, knowledge, and skills required of practicing designers in areas like communication design, user experience design, and branding. Learners grow these competencies through exercises, projects, and learning experiences designed to develop practical, analytical, creative, emotional, and social intelligence. Graduates are prepared to enter a wide range of design practices as adaptable problem solvers who consider context and stakeholder needs as drivers for design.

Portfolio Review

In addition to the entrance portfolio review required by the Department of Art, students desiring to pursue the Communication Design major must undergo an additional portfolio review. This review occurs in the spring semester before registration for the fall semester. This portfolio and interview process determines advancement into the degree program. A limited number of students are admitted each year. In order to submit a portfolio for admission into the Communication Design major, students must be enrolled in or have completed ART 151 Becoming a People-Driven Designer. 

Transfer Admission

Students who wish to transfer from another institution and enter this program must satisfy the admission requirements of the Communication Design program in addition to those of the Department of Art and the university.

Program Requirements

(78 semester hours minimum)

Art History Requirements
Survey course:
ART 188Art and Society: Renaissance to Modern3
Non-Western art history course (select one): 13
Arts of Africa, Oceania and Native America
East Asian Art
The Arts of African Peoples
Chinese Painting History
Modern & Contemporary East Asian Art
Arts of West Africa
Upper-Level Art History (select one): 13
The Arts of African Peoples
Chinese Painting History
The Renaissance in Italy
Art in the Age of Michelangelo
Baroque Art in Europe
The Arts of Colonial Latin America
Modern & Contemporary East Asian Art
Arts of West Africa
Greek and Roman Sculpture
Greek and Roman Painting
Greek and Roman Decorative Arts
Art Since 1980
Art of the Early 20th Century
Art in the Age of Revolution: 1789-1848
Postwar to Postmodern, 1945-1980
Design history course:
ART 455A History of Design3
Studio Requirements
Foundation courses:
ART 111Visual Fundamentals: Design and Composition3
ART 121Observational Drawing3
ART 171Visual Fundamentals: Narrative & Sequence3
ART 281Contemporary Art Forum1
Advanced studio courses:
ART 221Intermediate Drawing 13
Research methods:
ART 227Design Research Methods Basics3
Studio elective (choose one):3
3D Digital Sculpting
3D Shading and Texturing
Intermediate Drawing 2
Painting I
Printmaking I
Introduction to Digital Photography
Ceramics I
Jewelry Design and Metals I
Sculpture I
Thematic Studio
BFA Requirements
100-level course:
ART 151Becoming a People-Driven Designer1
200-level courses:
ART 251Typography3
ART 252Image3
ART 253Design Systems3
ART 254Communication Design Studio 13
300-level courses:
ART 352Communication Design Studio 23
ART 354Design for Use3
400-level courses:
ART 449Design Career Readiness3
ART 451The Professional Portfolio3
ART 452Communication Design Studio 3: Degree Project3
ART 453Highwire Brand Studio4
ART 460Special Topics Design Studio3
Electives Requirement12
12 credit hours of electives selected in consultation with an advisor.
Total Credit Hours78

Note: A single course cannot count toward both the Non-Western Art History requirement and the Upper-Level Art History requirement.