Fashion Minor

For information, contact an advisor in the Department of Art, 124 Art Building, 513-529-2900.

The minor in Fashion emphasizes creativity and experimentation and offers students the opportunity to develop basic skills in product making, fashion business decision-making, historical contexts, materials, and design foundations.

Admission to the Fashion minor by application only.  The application is open only for one month at the beginning of each semester, accessible from the Miami Fashion Programs web page.  After review at the end of the month, all applications will be accepted into the program, and DARs will reflect the acceptance before registration for the next semester.

Program Requirements

(21 credit hours)

FAS 101Introduction to the Fashion Industry3
Beginning Metals
Jewelry Design and Metals I
Fashion Sprint Special Topics
Apparel Construction Techniques
Draping for Fashion Design
Flat Pattern Drafting for Fashion Design
Costume Fundamentals
Fashion Business3
Advanced Special Topics in Fashion
Fashion Retail Planning and Buying
Fashion Trend Forecasting
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Retailing
History of Western Dress
Global Perspectives on Dress
Contemporary Fashion History
FAS 221Textiles for the Fashion Industry3
Design Foundations
FAS 241The Elements and Principles of Fashion Design, including Color Theory3
Fashion Electives3
Observational Drawing
Arts of West Africa
Fashion Illustration
Fashion and Digital Tools
Advanced Special Topics in Fashion
Art and Digital Tools I
Foundations in Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation
Journalism and American Life
Foundations of Campaign Design
Or any class in the minor not yet taken.
Total Credit Hours21