Latin Education- Bachelor of Science in Education

This program offers students the opportunity to study the theory and practice of teaching the Latin language while simultaneously studying the language, literature, and culture of the Latin-speaking world. Critically oriented pedagogical courses complement the Latin literature and culture courses that explore the diversity of the Latin-speaking world. Study abroad is not required for Classical Studies, however, credits earned abroad may count toward the major. 


Program Requirements 

Foreign Language Education Core
Select the following:
EDP 201Human Development and Learning in Social and Educational Contexts3
EDL 204Sociocultural Studies in Education3
EDP 256Psychology of the Exceptional Learner3
TCE 191Threshold Concepts of Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry3
TCE 420FTeaching Foreign Language (FL): Elementary School Practicum3
Fall field block courses - take all three concurrently:
EDP 301AAssessment and Evaluation in Educational Settings3
TCE 444Language Teaching and Learning I3
TCE 454TESOL in PK-12: Instructional Theory & Practice3
Spring field block courses - take all three concurrently:
TCE 421AClassroom Cultures, Community, and Climate3
TCE 445Language Teaching and Learning II3
TCE 446LReading in the Foreign Language3
Supervised teaching semester:
TCE 419ATeaching Internship- Adolescent15
Latin Education Courses
Core Courses (minimum 6 semester hours)6-8
Option 1 - Select two of the following:
Greek Civilization in its Mediterranean Context
Roman Civilization: From City to Empire
Greek and Roman Mythology
Option 2 - Select two GRK courses OR two LAT courses at 100-200 level
Advanced Courses
Select 21 additional semester hours from the following, including at least one CLS course at the 300 level:21
Any CLS, GRK, or LAT course 200 or above
Greek and Roman Sculpture
Greek and Roman Painting
Greek and Roman Decorative Arts
Ancient Philosophy
Capstone - take the following:
CLS 425Senior Seminar 3
Related Hours:6
Choose from such areas as anthropology, architecture, art, history, language, literature, philosophy, and religion to make up an integrated plan of study in Classical Studies. Up to four hours of Greek or Latin at the 100 level may be counted toward this requirement if not counted in Option 2 above. You must obtain the written approval of your Chief Departmental Advisor for any related hours courses.
Total Credit Hours84-86

College of Arts & Science Writing Requirement (CAS-W) can be met with any CLS 300 level course. 

By permission of the instructor and provided that they meet the program eligibility requirements, students may also earn up to 3 credits towards the major by serving as an Undergraduate Associate in a 100 or 200-level class. This experience is especially recommended for students considering a career in education. See the CDA for details.

Graduate work in Classics, Greek, Latin or Classical Archaeology requires not only appropriate experience reading Greek and Latin, but a reading knowledge of French or German as well. Students planning to go to graduate school should consult with the department as early as possible to design an appropriate course of study.

Note: Study abroad is not required in Latin education.