Signature Inquiries

Signature Inquiries are a 9-hour component of the Miami Plan that guide students’ Perspectives Area course selections organized in 5 crucial topics for today's world.  Students may take hours from different topic areas, or they may choose to concentrate their courses within only one topic area.  Of the 9 credit hours, students take courses from three distinct programs/departments. Courses may be at any level, 100-400. 

Signature Inquiries are designed to overlap (i.e. "double dip") with Perspectives Areas. For example, ATH 185 is a Signature Inquiry course with the Perspectives Area designations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Social Science. Thus, it can count not only for 3 Signature Inquiry hours, but also 3 hours of either Social Science or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Frequency of Course Offerings: Course scheduling patterns are subject to change and are determined by each program, department, or college. Frequency of offerings can change without notice. However, every Miami Plan course is required to be offered at least once every 4 semesters, if not more. Note: Unlike program requirements, courses in the Miami Plan are not bound by Bulletin Year.

Advising: Please consult with an Academic Advisor for specific questions regarding course scheduling, degree maps, and Miami Plan requirements.

Signature Inquiry Topics and Courses:

(Note: You may take any combination of courses from any of these topic areas for a minimum of 9 hours from three distinct programs/departments. See your Departmental advisor for specific recommendations related to your major or program)

Sustainability and Resilience

AMS/HST 259Introduction to the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma3
AMS 303Consumer Culture3
ATH 155What Does It Mean To Be Human?3
ATH/ITS 301Intercultural Relations3
CEC 112Imagination, Ingenuity, and Impact II2
CEC 222Socio-Environmental Responsibility in Engineering and Computing3
ENG/IES 264Environmental Literature3
GLG 307Water and Society3
GTY 254Global Aging3
IES/ITL 231Italian Food Cultures in Context3

Power, Justice, and Social Change

ATH 155What Does It Mean To Be Human?3
ATH 185Cultural Diversity in the U.S.3
ATH 265Language and Culture3
ATH/ITS 301Intercultural Relations3
CEC 111Imagination, Ingenuity and Impact I2
CEC 222Socio-Environmental Responsibility in Engineering and Computing3
CLS 102Roman Civilization: From City to Empire3
ECO 131Equality, Poverty, and Opportunity: Economic Perspectives3
EDL 232Introduction to Community-Based Leadership3
EDP 201Human Development and Learning in Social and Educational Contexts3
FSW 206Social Policies & Programs to Promote Social Justice3
FSW 365Let's Talk about Sex: Families, Relationships, and Policy3
GEO/AMS 352Geographies of Urban Change3
GER 231Enchanted Worlds: Folk and Literary Fairy Tales3
GTY 154Aging in American Society3
GTY 354Issues & Controversies in Aging3
HST 229The World Wars3
HST 296World History Since 1945: Conflict and Community3
ITL 221Italy, Matrix of Civilization3
LIN 202American Dialects, Culture, and Identity3
MJF 105Media, Culture and You3
MUS/AMS 286Rhythm, Rhyme, and Resistance: Hip Hop Culture in America3
PHL 103Society and the Individual3
PHL 131Introduction to Ethics3
RUS 137Magic and Power in Russian Folklore3
RUS 256Empire and Utopia in Russian Literature3
SLM 378Sport, Power and Inequality3
SOC/SJS 165Social Justice Perspectives3
SOC/GTY 318Social Forces and Aging3
SPA/DST 312American Deaf Cultures3
SPN 311Modern Communication and Culture3
TCE 191Threshold Concepts of Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry3
THE 282Theatre, Power, Justice & Social Change3

Technology, Information, and Society

ATH 113Investigating the Paranormal3
APC 312Computer-mediated Communication and Social Media3
ATH 345Global Media Ethnography3
CEC 111Imagination, Ingenuity and Impact I2
CEC 112Imagination, Ingenuity, and Impact II2
CIT 231Healthcare Information Technology Around the World3
CIT 258Introduction to Global Cybersecurity3
GEO 242Mapping a Changing World3
GTY 354Issues & Controversies in Aging3
JRN 101Journalism and American Life3
MTH 135Introductory Mathematics for Science Applications3

Creativity, Storytelling, and Design

AMS/HST 259Introduction to the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma3
AMS 305American Icons3
ART 315Art in the Age of Michelangelo3
ART 436/ART 536Applied Experience Design: Walt Disney World3
ATH 113Investigating the Paranormal3
ATH 265Language and Culture3
ATH 345Global Media Ethnography3
CLS 102Roman Civilization: From City to Empire3
CMA 256Design, Perception & Audience3
EGS 131World-making in Imaginative Literature3
EGS 212Crime as a Narrative Problem3
FRE 301Culture & Interpretation3
GEO/AMS 352Geographies of Urban Change3
GER 231Enchanted Worlds: Folk and Literary Fairy Tales3
GER/FST 261German Film in Global Context3
HST 244Raiders of the Lost Archive3
JPN 261Global Godzilla & Hello Kitty: Japanese Popular Culture in Global Context3
LIN 202American Dialects, Culture, and Identity3
MJF 105Media, Culture and You3
MUS 185Multicultural Perspectives in Music3
MUS 206Cinematic Listening: Film Music3
MUS/AMS 286Rhythm, Rhyme, and Resistance: Hip Hop Culture in America3
PHL 241What is Art?3
RUS 137Magic and Power in Russian Folklore3
RUS 256Empire and Utopia in Russian Literature3
RUS 257/ENG 267Communism and Catastrophe in Modern Russian Literature3
THE 257Stagecraft and Theatre Technologies3
THE 282Theatre, Power, Justice & Social Change3

Global Health and Wellness

APC 311Science and Medicine in Public Communication3
CIT 231Healthcare Information Technology Around the World3
EDP 201Human Development and Learning in Social and Educational Contexts3
EGS/ENG 319Medical Writing3
ENG 263Literature and Medicine3
GHS 101Gateway to Global Health3
GTY 154Aging in American Society3
GTY 254Global Aging3
HST 237Plagues, Pandemics, & Peoples3
KNH 102Food, Nutrition & Health3
KNH 214Global Well-Being3
KNH 481Life at Altitude3
MBI 111Microorganisms and Human Disease3
PHL 265Confronting Death3
SLM 246Sport, Management, and Culture in the Global Marketplace3
SLM 248Global Sport Perspectives3
SOC/GTY 318Social Forces and Aging3
THE 224Acting for Medical Simulation3