Fashion Co-Major

For information, contact an advisor in the Department of Art, 124 Art Building, 513-529-2900.

The co-major in Fashion emphasizes creativity and experimentation and offers students the opportunity to develop basic skills in product-making, fashion business decision-making, historical contexts, materials, design foundations, and the opportunity to build skill depth in one of three option areas: fashion corporate business, fashion design, or fashion entrepreneurship.

Admission to the co-major is by online application only on the Fashion Programs web page.  After review, all applications will be accepted into the program, and DARs will reflect the acceptance before registration for the next semester.

Program Requirements

37-41 semester hours

Core Requirements 1
Introduction to the Fashion Industry
Making - select 3 credit hours from the following:3
Beginning Metals
Jewelry Design and Metals I
Fashion Sprint Special Topics (repeatable)
Apparel Construction Techniques
Draping for Fashion Design
Flat Pattern Drafting for Fashion Design
Fashion Business - select from the following:3
Advanced Special Topics in Fashion
Fashion Retail Planning and Buying
Fashion Trend Forecasting
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Retailing
History - select from the following:3
History of Western Dress
Global Perspectives on Dress
Contemporary Fashion History
Textiles for the Fashion Industry
Design Foundations3
The Elements and Principles of Fashion Design, including Color Theory
Electives - select 3 credit hours from the following:3
Observational Drawing
Arts of West Africa
Fashion Illustration
Fashion and Digital Tools
Advanced Special Topics in Fashion
Art and Digital Tools I
Foundations in Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation
Foundations of Campaign Design
Or any class in the co-major core not yet taken
Select one track 116-20
Select one option
Option 1: Business Prime (9CH; not open to FSB majors)
Basics of Business I
Basics of Business II
Business Process Integration
Option 2: General Business (9CH)
Select three from the following:
Accounting for the Non-Business Major
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Principles of Microeconomics
Financial Capital
Information Technology and Data Driven Decision Making in Business
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Management for Non-business Majors
Introduction to Management & Leadership
Fashion Business Electives
Select 9 credit hours of courses listed in Fashion Co-Major core (Fashion Business section) not used in core to complete Fashion Corporate Business track. A course cannot be used in both the core and in a track.
Making (6CH)
Draping for Fashion Design
Flat Pattern Drafting for Fashion Design
Studio (8CH)
Junior Fashion Studio
Senior Fashion Studio
Fashion Portfolio
Design Techniques (6CH)
Fashion Illustration
Fashion and Digital Tools
FASHION ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRACK (not open to Entrepreneurship majors or minors)
Fashion Entrepreneurship Core (10CH)
Entrepreneurship Foundations
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business Models
Entrepreneurial Value Creation and Capture
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Creativity and Organization
Fashion Entrepreneurship Elective (3CH)
Select from the following:
Startup Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Creativity in Entrepreneurship
Arts Management Elective (3CH)
Select at least 3 credit hours from the following:
Arts Entrepreneurship
Strategic Innovation in the Arts
Total Credit Hours37-41
Please note: A course used in the co-major core cannot also be used to meet a track requirement.