Gerontology- Master of Gerontological Studies, Doctor of Philosophy

For information, contact:
Director of Graduate Studies
Scripps Gerontology Center
396 Upham Hall, 513-529-2914

The MGS and Ph.D. programs are offered through the Department of Sociology and Gerontology with support from the Scripps Gerontology Center. The Certificate Program is offered through the Scripps Gerontology Center.

Gerontological Studies- Master of Gerontological Studies

Core courses are offered in gerontology, with additional courses available in other departments. This program is designed for students whose interests and career goals include research or applied work in the field of gerontology.

The program requires 37 semester hours, including course work, a practicum in the field of aging, and a culminating paper based on student interests. 

Application Requirements

Admission is based on evaluations by the graduate faculty. Applicants must have a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale. Applicants must submit:

  1. academic transcripts,
  2. general test scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE),
  3. a minimum of three recommendation letters evaluating the student's academic capability, potential for success in graduate studies, and professional promise,
  4. a personal statement indicating past academic and/or professional experiences, future career goals, and reasons for interest in gerontology, and
  5. a resume or CV.

Program Requirements

Core courses are offered in gerontology, with additional courses available in other departments. This program is designed for students whose interests and career goals include research or applied work in the field of gerontology.

The program requires course work, a practicum in the field of aging, and a critical inquiry paper based on student interest.

(37 semester hours)

GTY 602Perspectives in Gerontology3
GTY 608Research Methods in the Social Sciences4
GTY 609Qualitative Research Methods3
GTY 611Essentials of Program Evaluation3
GTY 641Organizations and the Aging Enterprise3
GTY 667Social Policy in an Aging Society3
GTY 705Oral and Written Communication for Gerontologists3
GTY 708Quantitative Methods and Statistics4
GTY 640Internship0
Choice of electives (include but not limited to):11
Death Studies
Interpersonal Perspectives on Adulthood and Aging
College Teaching Enhancement Program
College Teaching
Academic Cultures
Aging & Health
Research on Inequality in Aging & Health
Knowledge Construction & Advanced Theory
Advanced Qualitative Research & Methods
Applied Linear Regression in Gerontology
Sociology of Aging
Demography & Epidemiology of Aging
Special Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Aging Research
Applied Categorical Regression Techniques in Aging
Physical Activity and Nutrition in Aging
Public Budgeting
Sport, Leisure, and Aging
Total Credit Hours37

Social Gerontology- Doctor of Philosophy

Our doctoral program encourages students to integrate knowledge and research methods from a range of behavioral and social sciences in their study of social gerontology. Our program builds scholars and educators who can meet the challenges, demands, and opportunities presented by global aging. As a graduate of the doctoral program, students are prepared to teach and conduct research in institutions of higher education, and hold positions in policy or service organizations.

Application Requirements

Required application materials are academic transcripts, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, a letter or statement describing career objectives and areas of interest in gerontology, an interview, and letters of recommendation. Applications may be submitted by those who have earned a bachelor’s degree and those who have earned or are in the process of completing a master's degree. Those entering with a bachelor's degree are required to begin their studies by fulfilling the current core requirements for the Master of Gerontological Studies (MGS) Program (43 semester hours). Students are accepted into the doctoral program from a range of disciplines. Faculty will work with the student to determine which MGS core courses must be taken as part of their doctoral studies.

Program Requirements

In addition to the general requirements specified by the Graduate School, requirements for the Ph.D. in Social Gerontology include 60 post-master's degree credit hours consisting of 40-42 credit hours of coursework (with a grade of B- or higher in the required courses); satisfactory performance on oral and written qualifying examinations; submission of an acceptable dissertation; and satisfactory performance on a final oral examination (dissertation defense).

Any course applied to the MGS degree cannot also be applied to the PhD degree. 

Required Courses
GSC 601College Teaching Enhancement Program1
GTY 609Qualitative Research Methods3
GTY 702Knowledge Construction & Advanced Theory3
GTY 705Oral and Written Communication for Gerontologists3
GTY 708Quantitative Methods and Statistics4
GTY 718Applied Linear Regression in Gerontology3
GTY 745Sociology of Aging3
GTY 850Doctoral Dissertation Research 116
Complete a minimum of 4 credits from the following:
GTY 709Advanced Qualitative Research & Methods4-6
or GTY 750
GTY 751
Special Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Aging Research
and Applied Categorical Regression Techniques in Aging
Elective Courses18-20
Select enough elective courses to meet the minimum 60 hours requirement.
Electives include, but are not limited to the following:
Perspectives in Gerontology
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Essentials of Program Evaluation
Readings in Gerontology
Supervised Research or Reading on Selected Topics in Gerontology
Organizations and the Aging Enterprise
Social Policy in an Aging Society
Oral and Written Communication for Gerontologists
Advanced Qualitative Research & Methods
Demography & Epidemiology of Aging
Special Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methodology in Aging Research
Applied Categorical Regression Techniques in Aging
Pre-Candidacy Doctoral Research in Gerontology
Total Credit Hours60

Minimum 16 credit hours, maximum 60.