Learning Technologies - Master of Education

The Miami University online graduate program in Learning Technologies (M.Ed.) prepares individuals in a variety of fields (K-12, higher education, corporate, etc.) to develop skills in the process of designing and integrating technology and digital media for value-added learning. With a blend of both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, this program consists of 5 core courses, 4 electives, and a culminating experience, and may be completed in 12-18 months as full or part-time students.  The program is designed to support both novice and advanced users of technology in developing knowledge and skills relevant to their individual career goals. 

Program Requirements

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) option requires a minimum of 30 credit hours. All courses are offered online.

Core Courses (required)
EDP 537Blended and Online Learning Design3
EDP 603Theories of Human Learning3
EDP 607Educational Measurement and Evaluation3
EDP 631Foundations of Instructional Design and Technology3
EDP 651Educational Research3
Culminating Experience
EDP 648Capstone Project3
or EDP 652 Educational Research Practicum
Select twelve hours of the following:12
Audiovisual Instruction: Methods, Media, and Technology
eLearning in K-12 Education
Game-based Learning Design
Instructional Design Theory and Models
Formative/Summative Evaluation of Learning Design
Diversity, Learning & Technology
Trends in Learning Design and Analytics
Interactive Design
Curriculum and Technology
User Experience Research
Ethics and Digital Media
Interactive Web Programming
Curriculum Innovation and Transformation through Understanding and Design
Students, Justice, and Equity Centered Pedagogies
Total Credit Hours30