Mechanical and Smart Manufacturing Engineering - Master of Engineering

The Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Smart Manufacturing Engineering (MSME) prepares students for future engineering practice that requires a higher level of mastery in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. It is best suited for individuals with backgrounds in mechanical engineering or related areas such as materials science, manufacturing, biomedical engineering or physics. The degree includes core courses in mathematical modeling, dynamical systems and control, thermal-fluid systems, mechanics and mechanical behavior of materials, and advanced manufacturing as well as diverse options for courses in science, engineering, and mathematics.

All students are required to complete graduate coursework as defined below:

  • Students must earn a minimum of 30 credit hours (with a minimum of 18 credit hours of concentration courses), with an option for 3-6 credit hours of non-thesis project or internship.

Program Requirements

The program requires completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours, with a minimum of 18 credit hours of concentration courses (including the culminating experience credit hours). The distribution of hours is summarized as follows:

Culminating Experience

3-6 credit hours of MME 640 (Internship)/MME 704 (Non-thesis project), or equivalently 3-6 credit hours of graduate level Elective courses

MME 640Internship3-6
MME 704Non-Thesis Project3-6

Concentration Courses

MME 503Heat Transfer 13
MME 512Advanced Mechanics of Materials 13
MME 513Introduction to Compressible Flow 13
MME 532Digital Manufacturing3
MME 533Smart Factory3
MME 535Process Engineering3
MME 536Control of Dynamic Systems 13
MME 538Mechanics, Analysis, and Control of Robots3
MME 570Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering 21-4
MME 595Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 13
CPB/MME 612Engineering Analysis3

Students who have taken the 400-level version of this course or its equivalent must select from among other concentration/elective courses.


Student can take special topics which are pre-approved by the department for graduate level courses

Elective Courses

Students select elective courses in consultation with their faculty advisor. If a course does not appear on this list, it can be approved through a petition to the MME department. 

MME 613Computational Fluid Dynamics3
MME 615Advanced Vibration3
MME 621Finite Element Analysis3
MME 623Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
CPB 512Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 13
CPB 514Mass Transfer and Unit Operations 14
CPB 518Biological Transport Phenomena 14
CPB 519Biomaterials 13
CPB 524Musculoskeletal Biomechanics3
CPB 611Transport Phenomena in Engineering3
CSE 543High Performance Computing & Parallel Programming 13
CSE 616Simulation of Physical Systems3
ECE 525Digital Signal Processing 13
ECE 601State Variables for Engineers3
MTH 532Optimization 13
MTH 535Mathematical Modeling Seminar 13
MTH 632Advanced Optimization3
PHY 537Intermediate Thermodynamics and Introduction to Statistical Physics 14
PHY 551Classical Mechanics 14
PHY 583Mathematical Methods in Physics 14
STA 501Probability 13
STA 504Advanced Data Visualization 13
STA 563Regression Analysis 14
STA 566Experimental Design Methods 14

Students who have taken the 400-level version of this course or its equivalent must select from among other concentration/elective courses.