Educational Leadership- Master of Education, M.S., Ph.D., Ed.D.

For information, contact:

Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Educational Leadership
304 McGuffey Hall, 513-529-6825

These programs prepare students for leadership positions in elementary and secondary schools, central office positions in curriculum and instruction and administration, and college teaching positions in leadership, curriculum, administration, and related areas.

A school administration license may be completed to prepare students to become elementary, middle, and/or high school principals, supervisors, curriculum specialists, and professional development specialists.

The department also offers a Graduate Certificate for Professional Development in Family, School, and Community Connections, as well as other professional development experiences for administrators, classroom teachers, and other educators interested in pursuing non-degree graduate study.

Administrative Specialist Licenses


Principal licensure requires an M.Ed. in school leadership. At Miami, this is a 33 credit hour program (please see M.Ed. in School Leadership), although the degree can be conferred after successful completion of 30 credit hours. The other 3 credits need to be completed to fulfill requirements for Ohio's principal license.

Students who have an M.Ed. in Administration from a university that does not include all licensure requirements within their degree programs, can have their transcript reviewed to determine the licensure courses that are needed in order for Miami to recommend the candidate for an Ohio administrative license.


Superintendent licensure requires the candidate to hold a valid Ohio principal license and complete 12 credits as listed below.

Program Requirements

EDL 727School Business Affairs and Physical Resources3
EDL 729Board-Superintendent-Staff Relationships3
EDL 782Social Justice and Transformation3
EDL 710Internship in Educational Leadership3
Total Credit Hours12

Master of Education Programs

The Master’s degree in School Leadership is recommended for students seeking state licensure as elementary or secondary school principals, curriculum directors, or other administrative positions. This license prepares the student for any administrative position in schools with the exception of superintendent. Admission requires an application from the department, in addition to the Graduate School application, and is based on your undergraduate grade point average (GPA), Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score1, two letters of recommendation, a writing sample, and an interview.

The Master’s degree in Transformative Education is for students who want to improve their professional skills and take on leadership responsibilities as teachers and experts in curriculum, teaching, and learning. It can lead to a professional teaching license. Admission requires an application from the department, in addition to the Graduate School application, and is based on your undergraduate GPA, two letters of recommendation, and the EDL Information Sheet.

Teaching certification/licensure is generally required to earn the M.Ed. in School Leadership or Transformative Education.

Candidates in licensure programs and transformative education will be expected to complete and pass the portfolio review process at established intervals within the program. Information about the portfolio review process should be obtained from the department office.


Please note the GRE is waived for students who hold a master's degree applying to School Leadership.

School Leadership- Master of Education

This program is designed for educators with a minimum of three years of K-12 teaching experience who wish to become school principals or administrators.  Some courses are offered in a hybrid format—a blend of traditional class sessions and on-line components. The program structure allows teachers to complete their studies in two years of part-time enrollment while continuing to work full time. Please note the GRE is waived for students who hold a master's degree applying to School Leadership.

Program Requirements

(30 hours required for the M.Ed.; 33 hours required for licensure)

EDL 601Educational Leadership Theory3
EDL 607School Law3
EDL 609Politics In Education3
EDL 614Family-Community-School Partnerships3
EDL 630Applied Studies in Educational Administration 12
EDL 645Supervision of Teaching3
EDL 646Curriculum Development for Instruction3
or EDL 606 Curriculum Innovation and Transformation through Understanding and Design
EDL 648Data-Informed Decision Making in Education3
EDL 710Internship in Educational Leadership3
EDL 721Pupil Personnel Services2
EDL 723Public School Finance3
EDL 725School Staff Personnel Administration2
Total Credit Hours33

Must take EDL 630B.

Educational Leadership- Doctor of Philosophy

The guiding mission of the Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership is to prepare education scholars attuned to culture-based leadership who are critically aware as well as politically and ethically discerning. The program prepares students for positions of school and district leadership and college teaching positions in educational leadership, curriculum or teacher education. The Ph.D. program includes doctoral core seminars, a preliminary examination, a research sequence, a concentration chosen from elective courses, a comprehensive examination, and dissertation research.

Program Requirements
Interdisciplinary Option

(63-64 semester hours)

Required Interdisciplinary Core
EDL 761Introduction to Doctoral Study in Educational Leadership3
EHS 710Interdisciplinary Doctoral Lab (must take 5-6 labs)5-6
Select one of the following:3
Education and Democratic Society
Curriculum, Pedagogy and Diversity
Educational Policy Analysis
Learning Partnerships & Transformational Learning
Theories of Human Learning
Interdisciplinary Electives24
Coursework needs to include at least three different disciplines.
Required Research Courses - select 4 (2 qualitative and 2 quantitative)12
Qualitative Research in Education
Quantitative Research Design in Education
Capstone in Educational Inquiry
Behavior Statistics
Behavior Statistics II
Action Research for Educators
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methodologies
Behavioral Statistics I
Introduction to Data Management and Analysis
Advanced Data Analysis
Seminar in Advanced Qualitative Research Methodology
Residency Enrichment Experience
Comprehensive Exam
May not be taken until all coursework is completed.
Total Credit Hours63-64
LCC Program

(64 semester hours)

Required Core Courses
EDL 761Introduction to Doctoral Study in Educational Leadership3
EDL 762Culture and Leadership in Education3
EDL 764Education and Democratic Society3
EDL 765Curriculum, Pedagogy and Diversity3
EDL 771Educational Policy Analysis3
Preliminary Exam
Typically taken in May of the first or second year after the required core courses are completed
Students select a minimum of 15 hours of electives, including selection from seven advanced EDL electives created as part of the program revision process. Electives must be approved by advisor. At least 6 hours must be 700 level.
Required Research Courses
EDL 683Qualitative Research in Education3
EDL 763Seminar in Advanced Qualitative Research Methodology3
EDL 772Quantitative Research Design in Education3
EDL 775Capstone in Educational Inquiry3
EHS 667Behavior Statistics3
or EDL 661 Quantitative Research in Higher Education
One advanced research course from across the College or University3
Residency Enrichment Experience
Typically taken after the Preliminary Examination
Comprehensive Exam
May not be taken until all coursework in completed.
Total Credit Hours64

Educational Leadership- Doctorate of Education

The Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership is a 60 credit hour program for educational leaders working in P-12 contexts and institutions around central and south-western Ohio. The primary goal of this degree is to prepare democratic leaders who engage issues of equity, ethics, and social justice to create solutions to complex problems of educational practice. The program includes a 12-credit core focusing on leadership, culture, curriculum, diversity and democracy; an 8-credit major focusing on administration, social justice, and new media literacies for leadership; 15 credits of research/inquiry courses; and a cognate area (9 hours) which allows students to pursue superintendent licensure or to pursue courses in a concentration area designed to enhance their capacity for educational leadership at a building or district level.

Program Requirements

(60 semester hours)

Required Core Courses
EDL 762Culture and Leadership in Education3
EDL 771Educational Policy Analysis3
EDL 764Education and Democratic Society3
EDL 765Curriculum, Pedagogy and Diversity3
Major Courses
EDL 706Educational Leadership and Organizational Development3
EDL 730New Literacies for Educational Leadership2
EDL 782Social Justice and Transformation3
Cognate Courses
Select one of the following options:9
Option A: Superintendent Licensure Courses:
Internship in Educational Leadership
School Business Affairs and Physical Resources
Board-Superintendent-Staff Relationships
Option B: Leadership Concentration:
9 related hours in a focus area (e.g. technology, special education, law, business - may include approved courses transferred from another accredited institution)
Research Courses
EHS 667Behavior Statistics 13
or EHS 668 Behavior Statistics II
EDL 772Quantitative Research Design in Education3
EDL 683Qualitative Research in Education3
EDP 690Seminar in Educational Psychology1-3
EDL 774Scholarship of Practice2
Select 16 hours of dissertation credit16

Or equivalent.