Music Performance - Master of Music

For information, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Music, 109 Presser Hall, 513-529-3014,

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Graduate School requirements, the department requires the following to be uploaded in the Graduate School online application:

  1. A transcript showing a bachelor's degree in music or undergraduate courses equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in music.
  2. A statement of 250-500 words describing the personal and professional objectives to be served by a master’s degree from Miami University.
  3. Letters from three people recommending admission to graduate study in music.
  4. Live audition of performance in the principal performing medium is strongly recommended; a video recording may be submitted to the Department of Music if travel proves too difficult for the applicant. Audition repertoire for voice students must be memorized and include five selections of both songs and arias. Presentation of works in English, German, French, and Italian are required.

Continuing Status 

For music performance majors, a diagnostic test is given early in the graduate program to confirm prerequisite competence in music theory and aural skills. Means for addressing deficiencies are recommended by the Music Theory area coordinator. 

Recital Requirement 

To fulfill degree requirements for MUS 690:

  1. Register for MUS 690 with the major applied music instructor.
  2. Perform the complete recital for a three-member jury at least two weeks prior to the scheduled public performance date. This process is known as the pre-recital hearing. The jury decides by simple majority vote if the student is adequately prepared for the public performance.
  3. If a student does not pass the pre-recital hearing, the recital will be delayed until the student can demonstrate competency. A student must pass a recital hearing prior to presenting a public performance.
  4. Present the public performance in a Miami University performance venue. The major applied music instructor assigns a letter grade for the recital.

Exit Procedure

In addition to course requirements, the Threshold Performance and submission of the Signature Blueprint portfolio are required. Guidelines for both are available on the Graduate Music Program Canvas course. These requirements are rendered through MUS 631, Scholarly Thresholds for Emerging Performers (STEP).

The Signature Blueprint portfolio is established during the first semester of study, through MUS 621,  in consultation with the Graduate Committee and the Director of Graduate Studies. The portfolio, a cumulative project, is reviewed by faculty throughout the degree. Formal feedback and advising will be provided. The Signature Blueprint is formally submitted in MUS631. The Threshold Performance should be conceptually linked to the Signature Blueprint portfolio. This performance is given in the final semester of study. The Threshold Performance requires recital hearing procedures identical to MUS 690.  

Program Requirements

Special requirements: All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency.

Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion 

(37 semester hours)

MUS 621Inquiries in Music Research3
MUS 631Scholarly Thresholds for Emerging Performers3
MUS 661Graduate Analysis3
MUS 644Applied Music3,3,3,3
MUS 682Repertory2
MUS 690Graduate Recital (Including pre-performance hearing)2
Graduate-level course in musicology3
Free elective3
Ensemble Requirement4
All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency. Select from:
Symphony Orchestra
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Chamber Music Requirement2
All students must participate in at least two chamber experiences. Select from:
Chamber Music Brass
Chamber Music Strings
Chamber Music Piano
Miami University Percussion Ensemble
Chamber Winds
Total Credit Hours37


(39 semester hours)

MUS 621Inquiries in Music Research3
MUS 631Scholarly Thresholds for Emerging Performers3
MUS 661Graduate Analysis3
MUS 644Applied Music3,3,3,3
MUS 682Repertory2,2
MUS 690Graduate Recital (Including pre-performance hearing)2
Graduate-level course in musicology3
Free elective3
Ensemble Requirement4
All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency. Select from:
Symphony Orchestra
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Chamber Music Requirement2
All students must participate in at least two chamber experiences. Select from:
Chamber Music Brass
Chamber Music Strings
Chamber Music Piano
Chamber Winds
Total Credit Hours39


(39 semester hours)

MUS 621Inquiries in Music Research3
MUS 631Scholarly Thresholds for Emerging Performers3
MUS 661Graduate Analysis3
MUS 644Applied Music3,3,3,3
MUS 557Piano Literature3
MUS 558Piano Literature3
MUS 690Graduate Recital (Including pre-performance hearing)2
Graduate-level course in musicology3
Free elective3
Ensemble Requirement
All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency. Pianists fulfill this requirement with one (1) registration of chamber music, one (1) registration of graduate accompanying, AND two (2) additional registrations from the following list: chamber music, accompanying, or playing piano in a large ensemble.
Chamber music - select one from:1
Chamber Music Brass
Chamber Music Strings
Chamber Music Piano
Chamber Winds
Graduate accompanying: 1
Graduate Accompanying
Chamber, accompanying, or ensemble - select two from:2
Graduate Accompanying
Men's Glee Club
Symphony Orchestra
Symphonic Band
Wind Ensemble
Chamber Music Brass
Chamber Music Strings
Chamber Music Piano
Chamber Singers
Chamber Winds
Total Credit Hours39


(41 semester hours)

Special requirements: All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency. 

MUS 621Inquiries in Music Research3
MUS 631Scholarly Thresholds for Emerging Performers3
MUS 661Graduate Analysis3
MUS 644Applied Music3,3,3,3
MUS 682Repertory2,2
MUS 520Vocal Coaching1,1
MUS 690Graduate Recital (Including pre-performance hearing)2
Graduate-level course in musicology3
Free elective3
Choral Ensemble Requirement4
All full-time students must participate in a major ensemble in their primary performance medium each semester of residency. Select from:
Men's Glee Club
Chamber Singers
Opera Production Requirement
Two (2) registrations of MUS 526 OR one (1) registration of MUS 525 and one (1) registration of MUS 526 are required.
MUS 526Opera Production1
Select one of the following:1
Great American Songbook Project
Opera Production
Total Credit Hours41